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Assignment #1

Subject: Statistical Inference & Research Methodology

Submitted by: Atif Mukhtar

Submitted To: Dr.Munir Ahmad

Roll# 001

Reg # CIIT/SP20-RMS.001/VHR

Topic: Write down the important features of research report.

COMSATS University Islamabad Vehari Campus

What is research report-A research is conducted with the aim of solving some problem
or introduce innovation that ease human life. A research always presents in written or
oral form. Decisions based on those researches depend upon the good research
reports. Research report is written form of presenting research work. A poorly
presented or reported research can destroy the whole research study. Research report
is communication medium between the researcher and the people who take interest in
this research. We can define research report in this word.

Research report is written presentation of the research work in articulated and

systematic way.

Some important characteristics of research report are discussed below.

1. Comprehensive
2. Accuracy
3. Objectivity
4. Cost Consideration
5. Simple
6. Selectiveness
7. Preciseness
8. Reliability
9. Clarity
10. Proper Language
11. Proper Format
12. Attractive
13. Relevancy
14. Conciseness

Comprehensive-Research report should be comprehensive. It should cover all areas of

interest and problem. It should contain enough knowledge that requires to solve the

Accuracy- All research work depends upon the accurate reports presenting before
readers. Research report should free from all types of mistakes i.e. spell & grammatic

Objectivity-Research reports should follow the research studies. All the results and
finding should be written in the same way as it is collected. Research report should be
free from personal liking and disliking.

Cost Consideration-Research work requires a big part of the budget. Big companies
have their own research department. Research report should be remaining with in the
Simple-research report should be simple because readers may not understand
technical wording used in the report.

Selectiveness-Research report should be selective. It should free from unnecessarily

material and finding to save time and cost. But selection of material and find require

Preciseness-preciseness mean the quality of being exact and accurate. But in research
report preciseness means to deal thinks and events honesty. Research report should be
simple and accurate. Unnecessarily things must be got rid of.

Reliability-In research things must be fact based. Same principle is followed in

research report writing. Research report should be reliable because future decision
depends on this fact.

Clarity-The main feature of the research report is clarity. Each and everything should
be mentioned clearly in research report. Confusing in research report can distort the
main impact of the research work in readers mind. End conclusion or find should be
written in clear way.

Proper Language-Language is the way of communicating feeling and thoughts.

Researcher can communicate with reader though research report. So, the language use
in report should be up to manner. Words use in the report can cause the positive import
on reader mind and last to impress him.

Proper Format-everything in this world follows the rule and regulation. Same the case
in the research report. A good research report follows the standard format. Reader may
or may not have enough time to understand the format first then main research finding.
So, research report should be prepared in commonly used format.

Attractive-Research report should contain everything of readers interest. Research

report should be followed by proper font size, justify, heading and sub-heading.
Graphically representation also present in research report.

Relevancy-All facts must also be accurate and relevant. Irrelevancy of facts leads to
misguide reader. Irrelevancy also results to make false decision.

Conciseness-Research report should be concise. Research report should not be so

long to bore the reader and should not be so short to cut necessary information and
facts. In other word research report deliver maximum information in few words.

These are the important characteristics of research report. How do these characteristics
effect the main or important aspects of the research report?
Main aspects of the research report are the following

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. The review of the related literature & the research model
4. The methodology
5. Result & Discussion
6. Summary & Conclusion
7. The references
8. Appendixes

Abstract-This is the important part of the research report. It gives the overview of
whole research work. It includes statement of the problem, methods of investigation,
way of sampling, sample size, data collection methods etc. this part of the study

1. Comprehensive
2. Accuracy
3. Objectivity
4. Selectiveness
5. Relevancy
6. Conciseness

Other characteristics of the research report may affect this part.

Introduction-this part discuss the importance of the topic and problem statement.
Statement of the problem gives a clear image of the problem. This part highlights the
variable which are involve in solving this problem. This part also deals with definition of
the word which are used in this report but not commonly used in daily life. This part of
the report requires

1. Comprehensive
2. Objectivity
3. Simple
4. Selectiveness
5. Clarity
6. Proper Language
7. Attractive

The review of the related literature & the research model-This part of the report
related the literature with the study. This part gives the summery of the literature and its
implantation in research study by developing hypotheses with logical reasoning. All
research study depends on this part. If literature review and hypotheses go wrong, then
all effort destroy. This part requires

1. Accuracy
2. Objectivity
3. Simple
4. Clarity
5. Proper Format
6. Relevancy
7. Conciseness

The methodology-This part of the report deals with research sampling, data collection
tools, measurement and data analysis procedures. This part requires

1. Accuracy
2. Cost Consideration
3. Reliability
4. Clarity
5. Proper Format
6. Relevancy

Result & Discussion- In this part collected data mentions and finding summarized and
discussed. Each hypothesis should be tested statistically. Results are prepared with the
help of graph, tables and figures. This part requires

1. Accuracy
2. Objectivity
3. Selectiveness
4. Reliability
5. Clarity
6. Proper Language
7. Conciseness

Summary & Conclusion-This part of the research report summarized the finding and
results. This part also deals with recommendation for future research in that area. This
part requires
1. Comprehensive
2. Objectivity
3. Proper Language
4. Proper Format
5. Attractive
6. Relevancy

The references- this part gives the detail of all sources which help the researcher like
articles, books with authors name etc. All list in the reference section should follow APA
style format. This part requires

1. Selectiveness
2. Preciseness
3. Clarity
4. Proper Language
5. Proper Format
6. Relevancy
7. Conciseness

Appendixes- This part of the research report deals with information and data pertinent
to the study that either are not important enough to be included in the main body of the
report or are too lengthy.

1. Comprehensive
2. Accuracy
3. Objectivity
4. Relevancy
5. Conciseness

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