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Goodnight. My favorite food is sushi.

Sushi is a traditional Japanese food that is made from rice. It is a dish served in small portions
that are usually eaten with wooden chopsticks. The usual thing is that sushi, in addition to rice,
in addition to a piece of seafood or fish. Sea fish are usually used uncooked in this preparation.
It is also possible to use some egg, vegetables and other ingredients.

Participación 2

I usually eat it when I go to the mini-square, I don't usually go much but I often ask my cousin
to accompany me because it is my favorite dish, and no member of my family can prepare it,
and almost nobody likes that kind of food.

Traveling by plane was an unforgettable experience, it happened on October 3, 2018,
at first I thought I was going to be afraid of my phobia of heights; first when I was
sitting in my connected seat, I was shaking waiting to be notified when the plane was
going to fix, then when I started to get up I started feeling less nervous when we are
already at the heights, I realized that there was nothing to Worrying is no different
than riding in a car.

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