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“s by B.G.F, Acting Secretary of General Staff Communi;ue II in support of and in soli- darity with the confederation of the S.L.a., and under the seven principles of unity. Regional II, prison sector at San Quentin. Open letter to the People. We have chosen to break the silence of our underground in these times of wide scale confusion being présented around the political éxand military actions taken in the Marcus Foster and Patricia Hearst incidents. We see the significance of these events being threatened without having the full historical importance recorded in our tine. and in this period where the U.S. govenment has clearly shown its incapacity to rule or serve the int erest of the majority of th e people. Govermental crimes of fraud and corruption is clear for all to see; all working non rich citizens are for the first time presented with the discrepencies of what this country hes becone, as opposed to what their denocratic and hunan conzessions would have it be. Few Persons question that the roots of present economic crisis, wasting of public funds and the ‘overall so ci al disoréetation is caused by the direct and proven inefficiency of governnent out of the people's control. Unconstitutional wars, ani giant corpor- ations are now seen as the eneny of the people and social preduction. and the cry for inmediate wide range social restructuring is.uict but deeply rooted throughout all class stratun, So wh at is it that does not allow many to understaza the con- cepts which gives rise to actins taken by the-revolutionazy S.L.A.."ie embodi- nents of these same so¢ial observations. The enpire of the U.S, Corruption has been challenged with the peoples most desperate resource--"the us of ailitary measns to reach political objectives ani social protest." ‘The tragedy and the hope is brought into clear focus. And-by the final promise of Anericas best products. The young and ‘the brave. Yet many will uestion , is violence the way? Is it within the tratdition of the Anercan way? And Gf course the uestion ixriaimmre of, is there another way or ~ the statement of there just be another way are among the-soul secking uestions every american who wants freedon ard justice will be forced’ to ask themselves. These are the uestions of people seeking anore human society and the end to tyramny. These are also-the Uwestions the revolutionary ask and research a thousand tines fold before herm or his love for the peorlle would allow them to chose revolutionary violence to reach humanitarian objectives. It is a choice that never lose sight of its egalitarian motives. Its a choice we can see in the S.L.A. if the isolation of singular acténs were not being reduced to on the spot perspectives. What we see in thier developnentis in fact a historical creation. uite American, and within the dnerican tradtion, plug the only course open to trial after all other methods have fallen very short of meeting the American promise. Which by way of Point has never ceased to be a nighnare’ for ail its non-white “under” citizens. ‘The S.L.A, B-L.A., B-G.P. and other revolut ionary groups who have chosen the means 6f ams as social protest and agent for change are within American tradtion. They state no less passionately the proclamation of “Give me liberty or give ne death"... This spirit of desperate protest has shom its face es long as the distresses of poverjy exist ba- side the rich. Amercan lies, The oppressed peovle have more than once risen in arms against the injustices of corrupt governnent, racism and capitalisn. As early as the 11876 depression and before, violence has been used to correct distress and poverty when all other medthods failed. The Molly Naguires a secret association of workers used violence against employees and government troops to secure economic and political end otherwise unobtainable. They too were labeled terrorist when in fact the group's origin was an association of workers who cane togethether around orgnized strikes, but was later forced into counter-violence by the state police and federel troopers which brought in their wake riots, martial law ani fatalities. The fight for justice and a euaal share in Ameri cas production has historically been net by the government and state with police violence. No mass movement representatives of the people have escaped tae violent destruc tive reaction of the goverontn protecting capitalist interests. Then — fore these movemants without an organized neans of self-defence or revoltuionary program cogs p.2 + have depended on the Legaliti cs and benovel: of this double standard Councry. ‘the deeam en jailed, sh o t down or.diverted th ugh-aid off leaiers and sh fe are never syared 2c a people the reminier of Thés Great comibry's ie are also seldon reminded these groat product of the pole end not the goverment. ate colective products of the working people. priated by giant cornorati ons and finance captial. Texcs services have teco me governtental extortions Ponmehed by ih svending, covert poli! yoris and out enterbrises. Take close notice of these {rersiage between government capital a: and ageinst 2 lorg hard struggle of the Anarican puiic. traced to its source. The history of mass movements and its of organized violence as a neens fo reching is unrealistic...eni ebscluicly ridiculous. potential of An and t as fave been the work wealth, science, and edu their labor are ex were once designed for pudli ne billions into military and social sted clideted over $ violence must be xelentlesg denunciation socio-political ard economic restructuring espelaly Tor non white national ninoritics cho are forsatever bi the cutting bor strvggle, racist discriminat: and police violnece. serious political and revolutionary organization must cone 4 terns with the Anevitabléty of violence and the extent to iis use--i? for no ovher reasons due selx-defence. Failure to understand this very tasic bub invortant décision has been the feflure in producing a reel peoples govermme ni. It algo has been the failure allows the present stete of economic disparis y. Each and every major mass novenont of popular interest brought forth in this country fas met violent governnental oppositon, And each of these Movenenis out of respect and love for huran 1if ¢ wou 1d not consider or endorse an aggressive peoples areined force. Ynile theysuffered inprisoment, beating,s deportetion, daily asseults against life, ) hone end fenily-2 counter end controling violence did not develop. ven when 1t Kas Gear the veovles movenen zetional guard and Police. Of course thers conasts sions and poss: pilities involved in the conditions of present day eco mnic inflation, now recession and fest foreboding depres: If the disaster of depression should 7211 tonorzoy the people or progressive Yariles would de no nore prepared than they were thei. Ror would they understand the cause any better then those of the 20's...wage controls...inflatiorary prices...nassive unenployment... governat cacossic: to the thosted caiitelists (such as the vresent day concessions nade ‘to oli-mlti-billion dollar corporations under the guise of the energy crisis.) Before the market crash of 29 much of the very same symptots vrevialed. Indeed the world wer of 19L? actualy saved the US ard postponed the inevitable econ omic and socizl crise which cate sone years later. |The masses must Learn thet eapitalion is corrupt, anti-aooial and an agressive wer machine. Who wes called out to oreak the strike 0: do speed uD Uroducgion by capitalist tosses in an attenvt to make nigh cost of inflated vrices ani reduced labor forces/ ‘The police, national troops vere called. Understand the Mmezican workers dizay fron the prosperity of post wor economic spiral were relative passive Patient and oys jals of thier country. Sold ovt under the leadership of ho chose class collaboration with capitalism in decline 7 cutting, massive lay offs and means to protect theselves and thier families. By 1933 the un’ employed arny of workezs had rached the tote of 17,000,000 as compared to the novial 3,000,000 of so-called gocd times. Tacse whowere working ard under no-strike agrecntns wagt Were being ott up to 20-50 percent. e govermnt with promises of renoied prosterity held in check by unions such as the A.F. of L., the workers suffered most mass mobilization cou 1d have delivered the means of Production inte theix ovn central. } en What xecisterce then did accrue cut sharply into the deflated fighting spirits of the great body of unorganized workers. ‘The communist party, trade union leage, independent Workers and unenployed unuestiotatly took the forefront in organized exd spontaneous ze~ sistance. Their tasi weapon bets nass-éczonstration and strike organizing. There were cenpaigns age i st Governmat policies, such es Hoover's caapeign ageine unenploynen: Ansurance or the federal governme nt resporsibility to feed millions of nungry Americans successful. in developing very laxge mass movenent as eurly as 1932, the leaders and cp vorkers were also introduced to the fact demonstrati ns that threaten the structural, arrangement of capital governnent wuld not ve-allowed. . The concept of peoples right to dissent is legally tolerable though practice-of this right (rogardless of mass appeal) is not and will not be allowed. Under the banner of mass denonsrartians end with as nary a8 1,250,000 workers in the Sreets protesting the issue of unentloyment insurance brougnt out 18,000 police fully armed fro m club to tear gas and fron! zevolver to machine gunz. ‘the intended march to City Hall was attacked and subverted. That was in the State of UY. March 6, 1930...and this fact was relived throughout the country until the most mile of niliar resistance was totally destor ted.. Mass murder, inprisonnent, deportatin, out- lawing of politéal parties and all the characteristics of a developang fascist state was used. This threat to U.S. capit alism whon militancy anony workers of Anerica reached its most temptuous level it failed...and we must learn from this failure while developneng PRET oF thgeney left...and keoples struggle to overcome government an} We want to enphatically state our belif in the necessity of busling a mass movenent ard that our final confidence isin the majority of the worlds people. There is merit and a history of revolutionry soundness in the cliche, “Withe masses uvery thing, without the masses nothing"...At thi s point and with that thought as guideline the position of the para- nilitary propaganda units, confederated under the banner of unity and liberation Army, will be defenied in none cotradicitonal relations wi th this concept plus we will es- tallish its existence as a direct result of present day politcal conditions and historical determinant of a more serious left challenge. After setback failure and erdless mis- steps we have now come to-terms with the particulars of an Amerikan brand of fascism--- its rise to power--and the stagnated potential of the masses to locate ani dislodge this monster who threatens total end to democracy and any remaining concept of freedom in eval- ity. We have witnessed the super-human sacrifices of the Civil Rights movement which left no one in the world unaware of Amerikkas racism, class seperation and willingness to use its armed military might to prevent Hlack people the right of life, or choice of eating place. We've seen the communities of our roots under military control ard blook of our brothers and sisters in thes trects. ‘le've learnt that the-spontaneous-revolut against property and police brutality only left tack ard brom people shot dead in the streets. Every major city has seon the snoke of molotov cocktails curling just above those sectors whre the standards of living has always been proportionately depressed. The white eyes saw also, And the Amerikan Rifle Associ ation increased by the-thousands. The police who suffered early embarrassment when the first young militans appeared armed with guns in place of rocks. The most racist and cowardly among them ran for cover and screamed for reinforcements. Millions of dollars ‘ere spent on special innercity military eu ipment, plus methods of assault and containment. lack and Chicano commun- ities became permaently occupied zones. yhen came the beginning of organized.resistance. Contrary to the labor/workers movement oftie 30's, this new threatening upsurge outstripped organized at the point of production, and went directly into the political context of power over communities, Clearly nationalist in its orign, and coming right down front, ina face to face contradcition with the complete exposure of U.S. racism and poverty balancing of one class aginst anothe r which sustained capitalism and left third world minority groups perpetually and irreversible at the bottom of a.sueeze uite genociideal in its history. There was an is no other course short of 1bberation thragh a restructuring o f the entire ‘asis and superstructrue in this country. The national struggles of liveration thooughout the world-fourd its way to the hone of the worlds greatest -inperidlist power. And the third world minorities were ready. To much hope drowned-endless betrayal dead-end streets ana each generation witnessing a worsening of thir plight, which finally produced the words which ahs changed the course of history . The Panther said “no More”. And ina fashion that through mightly amerikka a decline it will not likely recover,short of rev- dlution ‘The sms ard daughters of white america's double stendanis were-inflamed with this mew ard strange idea of freedom for all and revoltuion. Some came to the call weakly and ut of the search for meaning to life...but like the Pahthers, they to soon learned rev- clution was not a game of fun, the maturation wes rapid end agina drenched with the -blook of the young and the brave. Though thi s time the other-side tasted the sting of lead as well Young whites for the first ti me learnt what police repression was and only because they supported--even death visited the privileged. A new era had come. Militancy in ali-sec- tars throughout all the U.S. re-kindleing voer night. And most often lead or inspired by ‘pd by the black national minority coming of ecscious and challening the state from incit~ wtions of edueation and culture to the basis of babor and worker moveronis. 4gain this mass and socially promisixg moventa on the incline and breaking alll toundaric: of class seperation was attacked directly ani for all to see ty the police and federal ara of the u.S. governent. The court was used--laws were passed--leaders were inprisoned or outright murdered in their hones or in the strects. Sone imackfought back, not yet of the age of armed revolutionary struggle ard as 2 conseuence suffered saddening and Sloody Ver ‘Te Black Panther Party was paralyzed and forced out of necessity to serivice they learnt fron mistake and regrouped into another strategy, given much ideological justi- ‘eation--yet however correct the Positions proves the fact ronains, two major factors in- fluence this was the B.P.P. was out-striped by th e masses of potentionl it had stimulated, and therefore was aliented; ani the second, plus mast obstinate factor was th amount of police and federal assault that was bro ught ageinst its monebers which k ied, jailed, or trapped its growth potention. Agin sepzating the revoltionary emphasis fron the peopbe. Aslo victins to this ill-fated startw was Weather fraction. To be uite sire the revoltu ionary novenent did not dic, not in ideal. Workers unions continued its growth, started progressive life parties added some spice to th er lines and re hatched worn out polenics. A nd the left gradually found itself in Limbo. .confused and not knowing how to take one major step forward. Waiting on the great historical de- Fression or social degeneration which woulddeliver a mess receptive to thier social ist ‘teachings and mobilization. They did not even 2ead the great movement of protest against the war in Vietnna. Of the millions of Anoricans totally unsatisfied with the state or the natins econony-~and with no faith or confidence in the Governaent, Hoi many have understood the answor in econonic stability and th standard of liv ing they are accustomed to is answerable in a socialist economy? How may have been brought to un- dertsand the govenen nt of the people is answerable only in a society, directly represented and elected fra popular vote ani functioning always out of a collective decision making body? With the masses every ting--without the masses nothing. uite true conrades-- Dut the masses do no lead themselves, nor eductate themselves. And the govraen nt has shen it will not and has not alloved serious organizing on any mass tasis--connunity or workers sights. Watergate shows it is one is fascist. dmeirea has becone fascist under the diverted eyes of its people who still believe in denoc- acy, +4 happens when capitalism is threatened. Which can occur as a result of defeat in ne or nore &f its imperial wars, when after its is blustered up war industry inflates with wild capitalist produstioon whi ch must decline with the end of the war and in turn be followed ty a deep recession which could fall into full depression. Xot incliuding the era of the Great Depression, the US. has gone thrugh the recession following the Yorean war--and was only able to recover with the then developming of a military-industiral, complex th a nt now actualy eployes 10% of the entire workng force of the county. It also camtrols and hold Yundreds of thousanis of Anerican troops thro ughout the world--es welll as over a hundred military out-posts; all on foreign territory, protecting (not the peoples rights orguarding agin st conmunism) but the protecting of U.S. corporations profits taken from third world peopleland especially in South America... This awesome force has bec= one a business partner to U.S. monopoly--and through thier combined power controls the county's govermnent wher e Wall Street and Pentagon axis make life and death decisions. Such as the Watergate, uncostitutional Vietnan war, wage ard price controls, false oil shortages and all the other out front corruption. Maintaining this group is what causes ‘the present economic crisis, It is also what ends in a more powerful fescism, if the poepl fail to take the control of production and governnent. We've seen this poser will not allow a moass movenent to develop it can not control. But Like any governentn-it cou Id not last long without the peoples support passive or support- ingly. They, the forces now in power keep the people unaware, confused or passive. lie the revolutionaries or progressive minded groups must strife to enlighten, organize and dixect the rower and popular interest ofthe masses...And not 25 years from now-~peoplo are hu hungry and Depression is in the ghettos and terrios now. And all in this country are threatened. We must go to the masses. 4 . a MUSE LHe Whe, SuBPChsa PS Busse ER aE Bae wees Robins Se %a "Sea Ledy FS BOPELIEER OP Op 5 within itself, The para-miliary ppopagande units are instruements forged out of the emditons of concrete need. It is the end result of a very clear political analysis desperate it is true, but theory can be-short of its test in practice. It is of the most. extreme selflessness a person choses this most definite step tovard a hunanity they/ are not likely to see. It 4s an act of love to all huzan- Kind-~though the ironical paradox is in this means to save and give life--some humans will die--and worst of all the truly innocent will Ball by death--but never by the intent of the-guerrilla...Perhaps now we can address ouselves to the criticism of the left. With one added statement to the People of Amerika who have shown their respect for human life, and their care. ie knew and believed in your inner humannness-- expected your distress over such actions and even your denounciation--it is your our final belife lie. You must be sensitive to all humm s uffereing $0 that people will not be pittlec against another. You showed beautifully. A special word for Dr. Howard D. Miles of Salinas. You pro mised to give yp your medical practice of 30 or 40 thousand dollers yearly, if Patricia Hearst is released. That you wou ld spend tho remainder of his life servicing the medical needs of the ppoor. We will not hold you to that promise per se, Thougn it is expected that you could no begin to give your serviees to the poor in or around your conmunity while maintain ing your privilege private practice. Seaside is in need. We now want to make it clear it is not our intent or political responsibility as a mili- tary underground extra legal detachnent to organize peoples trograms. We complenent then and protect then, I f polic's murdering of children and citizens go un punished~or sone organized righteous workers denanés meet violence, its the poovle's army detachments who will redress the establis hnents violent potentials with a countor-violence. If political officials are elected or appointed ard fail to serve the peoples expressed needs itsthe nilitary detachnent who will b ng the peoples discirline. Theywill condut themsleves under the international codes of guerrilla conduct. Strike when victory is cortain, choose your area to be sure not to engage in prenatrure decisive encounters. Irregular means will be used when need be, such as kidnap of ruling class representatives, the ultra~rich or reactionary. Executions of unscrupulous public officials, after trial will be carried out- and ty vote of the conmunity whe possible. We are now taling about defensive protective violence, our contunities of nass grogsings has not had in the pst. Hisotyr has denanded we must consider ani expect police or governnental violence. ‘The state just sinply will not respect legal non-violent people's novenents. For you who speak of mass movenents. At whet point can we expect to see you organizing the poople around denanidng eval proverty rights, or rent in proportion to the staniard of their housing and income? who is doing it now on 2 zone or connunity xide base? who demands that the mother on welfare-or organized a state wide protest against California's outrageous new policies which are degrading and often leave families without means of focd for weeks ani oven a month. Why isn't h there organized blocks to given these dependence who purchase. food by stamps a discount buying power at the corporate food store chains who profit most ty being in these depressed communities? So one~-in the answer. And Af you wo wld attempt to make these denands by picket lin3estrike or boycotts. ‘The sole presence of the People would now enforce such demands. ‘The law would wait you out, or push you out with the latter beng more likely. But with a people's guerrilla everywhere and no where at the same tine-waiting and watching with the unspoken pronise of enforcing those denands or protesting th r denial with a counter people's law of rights-a balance of action can begin to develop. ‘Then perhats mass novenents will inspire actions by the poeple Make it mentally clear in your mind and in fact-this military detachnent does not expect your endoresenent, or seek alliances with the above ground legal parties or organizations. & claims no oe secotr nor forn of progressive struggle as its protectorate. Any front that capitalist expléitation and governnat misue of power exists-the people arn detachment will materialio. We stay avay from the masses, as not to endanger then with further police re~ pression seeking the elusive faceless, colorless, sexless undetected armed people. So much criticism from you who spend so much time analyzing. It is possitle the S.L.A surpiised you so frofoundly? You knew of the B.L.A. out there alone, assaulting directly E it strength in ams and manpoyer. You said little. And perhaps yo a FohS ve Doon forgiven: “Wedo EScause We Understand the importance that you be avour ™ as she holde oir Love as aliving hi ovenent. Workers, women, students, and all races must be draxn Sato the politi which revives pragmatic stuff in which they can xclate. So be about your job of the above ground legitimate reviutionary narty and or group organization be wii fhe peorle. But remeber whan you do go out thre this countrys rulers ave counter~ roy dlutionary peoples vover. When third world. connunities denand their right to control the community in which theylive it-will not be excepted, land-lords, petty-bourgeoise taxes and othe capitalistic profits ere all at stake...the law is against the Teonle. Ani violence wy the law uphold that position. What th en do you do? ‘The age of postional defence is yast, in tezns of armed defence unite. (At this pol t and from the stand point of Libsrates zones). However, the rightful demand of political, economica dn socio-culiural control is not bo be postponed to sue indeyinite future objective, Agin it is the mobile ara detachnent of the jra-nilitary un ts which will counter strize and make any aggression of ‘the governnent feldt in his rearguard. If he orders the community wx invaded then the peoples detschnenis can ard hes. the power to place Governors in peoples jails. Police chict and arty gene r als cn n be brought to account for onders issued egainstthe peo le. against the peotle is the lew we will uphold ani charge for. The program of the axed phe of struglle is to give people poe and isplay they have a moans to stragzle and win. Te is cducation thxouch exasrle--plus the victory Hy scared ecursdes we do ¥ withul, cosvronise of sunporting actions centroty te your p ; 1s SE S Is it BBKaxcounter reveliuion axy to recosniz e the trend of feacism, or the fact? cotta revyoltutSonary to recognize the forces which preduwes the S.L.A.-3.L.4 and B.G.¥. ani other groups who strwezle for a totter world and country for all peosle--ard by ne 6 hanily uestionalbel aftcr the history we have ceen. After set beck and defeat. Could you rev- @utlonaryies wo eritizized have tanen advangage to inform the poe? 1 of Anerica whoat produced such ccticns? Die any of you comrade notice that for ihe first tine sincé Jobn Brown's guerriliz, dlacks ought in vlein organised ascault agaizs racist ard inhwian in- justices in this Coustry. oly this ti m the ideal asa munvers are eval. #11 races, from all walks of Life out of the historicaly divided people has step fomiacd into an frreversible deterai nation, How many of you who have spoken out in blanket denunciation of the S.L.S'a action supported @ sang preise of the revolugoary legacy ard though of Conrade Geerye L. Jacksen? There is no contradiction in this practice es viewed by many of his commades who remain and cacry ‘on his teachincs and exwple. We ask why do you falter noir? Goyicusly onportunian ard Suabi2ity to Inter-relate politt eal practice out of the ar your inneidate theotetical schene as 2 factor. However, we will no énter into counter tritieisa throwsh this nethed as it is not our in t ent to couse further disunity to a very young left. .Only the necescazy is raised in uestion fora, Zarty line or party inte must never bo urotected abeve the interest of the revolution. Uriticism without observetion a@ collective naiysis is inmature sh o rt sightedness, access to a vutlonuy » Simyly by saying "gut we do knot kand have icon des~ edies} and then go on 20 edverte the oft novenont has he 6. country us tl ror ere we part of the actions taken by the S.L.A yeration, xercession Oriigs aboub many soci al t0 asses." You had that very rare opportunity. Not cne left svokesperscn cane fo rth with the denunciateion of the 50 major corzoretions that control the enic re us much of the worlds eco nomy whi ch in tarn is in the hands of very saa%l financial grouss and fem ilics, and that the Heazsts represents port or ynis executive class.] Its trve though Patrica Hearst is not viewed es the peoples enemy, them stature in detainaent is political and weaker for ce at ver with an unacasurably strong and wor e vitLent Gove: his wer is to win through presening ideas to the People theoght nilit Js has been sai¢ and shown her Life is inportent to ns Ko tealy Love insjized revolutionazy could doubé che wilt spirit. Can you the ye fELlnont 18 nok to seh SEs Inegine the entire 1 = of nd the result of a nent force. bs, lius her forecd sacrifice has taught many the re axe very needy people who.can be fed off [the excesses of firivate wealth. [#so ask yourself. why is it-when young blacks are murdered (no majoz outcry is herd. Why is it-when Some poor persons child is taken onay by theft | for sal> on baby narkets--no rassivé F.D.I. 4s called ous? Hox man of you care that a. |, vonnittce to bring muntoring police to justice for shooting a llr year old Black youngster in the hack. How auny of you even know? Thic is part of a education, An upper class V\ riisorasres daughter is viewed 2 thousand tines more important than a poor or blakk son or daughter, We View lige evally. hat wll you do to assure or supvort the release of tuo men charged with 2 murder they did not commit? They are being held because they are part of a weitx Group. lie will see when ls. Hearst is released~-the hunan actions o> ox- Pression of you the People, W311 the hungry continue to be fed as tromised? ] In contlusion-every action taken must be Meighed fron the stand point of Sts objective-~ What was acconplished-~the expected and unexpected events and then the measurement of success can be determined. And we all learn from our actions. -caputure of Ms Patrical Hears con- the manitary objective--carried out in plan processior d, uate ms Xo casualties, frist us tiveat to Lives and mssion...milliary success. compl not cause Ror © ea: d, for the obvious use of Gzen to the use of the 285 | | | } (poe col intnt--the corbrol of an entire mass media was capt speaking £0 the masses with ow custorary slant an @ censorsh: r S.L.A., ard other left grogs vho could have spoken to the people of relevant soical icst i ‘Thet was accomplished though not fly used. The people have learned there are poor who are needlessly hungry. The left movement has been stimilted into critical observation and again fecl theix presence. nthe nasi: Fossibii itdey furtive tot negative of para-military form. ‘They have segn hundreds of F.B.I agents in pursuit of a supposed fe xzon xevel forces-~as well as tho entire states volice. j Iessons of himan treatment to our captives is proof of the guerrille's birth and life is in and with the people. ; We have learned from our criticism..And will eork hander to have ow actions unierstood. 7 ‘he assault on the people's enemy is a difficult objective to make clear to ali at once, AND no military can exist without the people's need» ‘Thoy will not exist in a society there the-rooie are in poxer--Poyer to the People--Long Live the spirtt to fight Injustice ; Long Live the ives of Libteration. Special love to our comrades in arms and in canyer. sebigieke.Dpnine: "as an am of and in stlidarity wath the S.b.4. Confederatio CBee aD ngiva commund ve. ts serzovs as there is misery thooughtout the sey we feel it as you feel ton Fatricia | Hearet freedom, we want B.G.F.-Adting Secretary of General Staff of Region Tt "conmuntg ve It Kextgande

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