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Tragedy is the loftiest form of poetry.

catharsis - goal
cleansing - pity and fear
hubris -Hubris-pride/arrogance
plot -most important element of tragedy
-soul of tragedy
Character -Without action there cannot be a tragedy
-second place
Arete -excellence
Ideal protagonist -king/noble
- renowned and prosperous
Vice - opposite of virtue

hamartia - error of judgement

peripeteia -reversal of what the protagonist planned or hoped

tragedy -nimesis
-is an imitation, not of men, but of action and life, of happiness and
And life consists of action, and its end is a mode of activity, not a

Dramatic of irony

Thebes -Famine & Drought

-Founder -cadmus
- citizens of Thebes were often called children of Cadmus or Cadmeians.

Priest -most powerful in all men's eyes


Creon -brother of jocasta

-wreath packed with berries means good news

phoebus/apollo -sent the plague

king lauis -former king of thebes

-Biological father of Oedipus

Teiresias the prophet

Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus

gods of thebes -Athena, Artemis and apollo

Ares -god of gods


1. he will be blind, although he now can see

8:04 AM
2. he will be poor, although he now is rich.

8:05 AM
3. he will be set off for a foreign country.


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