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Chapter 7: customer Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for

target Customers.
Submitted by
Nayab Waseem (L1F18BBAM0606)
As Market Segmentation is the process that companies use to divide large markets
into small market so it can reach to customer's need easily. So Essence Sanitizer
being our marketing product will be used in both large and small markets and can
fulfil customer's need efficiently.
According to Geographic Segmentation Sanitizer will be divided in different
states, cities region and countries.
* Depending on Demographic segmentation Sanitizer will be made with different
sizes like for individual sizes and family size. As it is the important segmentation
of market because in it customer's needs are focused.
* As there are not same class of people live around so every class needs different
desires like lower class demands cheap products, Middle class demands normal
product, Upper Class demands high level of products so Psychographic
segmentation classifies the product according to the class, lifestyle and personality.
* Not every buyer demands equal level of product. As sanitizer is an essential
product nowadays but on daily basis not everyone use it in daily life.
* According to Occasion segmentation sanitizer would be purchased into groups
according to occasions.
* Sanitizer would be sell in market on basis of user status, usage rate and loyalty
Requirements of Market Segmentation:
Market segmentation requires to be Measurable, Accessible, Substantial,
Differentiable and Actionable. Our product much be of measurable amount with
accessible effect for every customer.

Product Positioning:
Our product must have an elite position in market with a grabber title, good
impression, efficiently implement and a good feeling with good smell.
* We much have a different and positioning strategy for our sanitizer so it could
compete different sanitizers in market.
* A good image in people's mind, publicity on channels, different service of out
product and something different in our product as compared to other sanitizers.
Competitive Advantage:
* As our sanitizer will be a new product in market so by keeping its price low and
by leading to customer's desire we can compete with our competitors to lead in the
market easily.
* Our sanitizer must have Superior, Important, Affordable effect as compared to
other sanitizers in the market.
* The positioning statement of our sanitizer better show the difference from other
competitors in the market and its grabbing label should be different and attractive
from others.

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