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Im gonna explain how does it works and what are its parts, in first place, the basic parts of a

reality virtual sistem are: the simulation´s model, the environment virtual´s represtentation,
the input and output and in last place the user.

the simulation´s model is the math representation of the system that is presenting. This virtual
model needs to respond in active form in response of the user´s input.

on the other hand, the input is used to interact whit the virtual´s environment. Usually, the
input is given by the user using a joystick, gloves, keyboard,pedals or a mouse.

Now, the output refers to the technology by which the user receives sensory stimuli, these
technologies are conformed with sound system, visual display´s equipment and more.

Finally, the user is why a virtual reality system exists, the user is who receives the stimuli for
the system and is in charge to define to the system what to do

In second place, im gonna explain how does it works. To can enjoy the virtual reality`s
experience we need two important devices, the glasses who gonna wrap the eyes and the
informatic device who makes the virtual environment. The glasses are conformed by a screen
an a lenses. With this system we just see a small screen whit square edges, but in there
moment is when the lenses show his importance, the lenses expand the vision angle, making
feel that the screen is into all the visual spectrum. The informatic device make two different
images, one for each eye, making a 3D effect similar to the 3D movies.

The glasses have motion sensors that allow to the virtual environment reaction in real time.
Almost all the virtual reality system have 3D sound and more effects to get better the user´s

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