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Approach to Hypokalemia
Salim Lim

ABSTRACT ATPase pump located on the plasma membrane of most

Hypokalemia is frequently encountered in clinical cells. Although only 2% of total body K+ is located
practice. It can be due to either potassium deficiency extracellular, a small change in extracellular K+ has a
(inadequate potassium intake or excessive potassium loss) major effect on the ratio of Ki/Ke and through that on
or to net potassium shifts from the extracellular to the the resting membrane potential. As a result, serum K+
intracellular compartment. Inadequate dietary intake of concentration is normally regulated around the narrow
potassium alone rarely causes hypokalemia since kidney is range of 3.5–5.0 mmol/l.
able to lower potassium excretion below 15 mmol per day.
Hypokalemia due to excessive potassium loss can be due
to renal or extrarenal losses. It is not necessary to wait CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF HYPOKALEMIA
for a timed urine collection for potassium to determine the Hypokalemia is often asymptomatic, particularly
etiology of hypokalemia. Measurement of spot urine for when the disorder is mild. Hypokalemia appears to
potassium and creatinine as well as evaluation of acid-base increase the risks of cardiac arrhythmias in patients
status can be used as an initial step in the diagnosis of with ischemic heart disease or patients taking digoxin.
hypokalemia. Subsequent evaluations such as measurement Patients with more severe hypokalemia (serum K +
of spot urinary chloride, blood pressure, serum aldosterone, less than 3 mmol/l) usually present with generalized
renin and cortisol levels may be needed in certain circum- weakness, fatigue and constipation. In some cases,
stances. life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and weakness of
the respiratory muscles can develop. In addition, severe
Key words: hypokalemia, potassium shift, potassium loss, hypokalemia can precipitate rhabdomyolysis and impair
metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis. urinary concentrating mechanism. Moderate and severe
hypokalemia can induce electrocardiographic changes,
INTRODUCTION including a prominent U wave, a attened T wave, and
To a large extent, distribution of potassium in the a widened QRS complex. The presence of a U wave
body follows the distribution of water. Water comprises is not specic for hypokalemia since it can also be a
approximately 60% of body weight in men and 55% in normal nding.
women. Total body water is distributed in two major
compartments: two-thirds is intracellular and one-third APPROACH TO HYPOKALEMIA
is extracellular. Potassium is the major intracellular The kidney can avidly conserve K +, such that
cation. The normal serum K+ concentration is 3.5 to 5.0 hypokalemia due to inadequate K+ intake is a rare event
mmol/l; whereas that inside cell is about 150 mmol/l. requiring prolonged starvation over several months (tea
Total body K+ is about 3500 mmol. Approximately and toast diet). Therefore, hypokalemia is usually the
98% of the total K+ is located intracellular, primarily in result of K+ depletion induced by abnormal losses of K+
skeletal muscle and to a lesser extent in liver (60 x 0.58 from the gut or the urine. Less frequently, hypokalemia
x 2/3 x 150 = 3480 mmol). The remaining 1 to 2% is occurs because of an abrupt transcellular shift of K+
located extracellular (60 x 0.58 x 1/3 x 4.5 = 52 mmol). from the extracellular to intracellular compartment. The
The ratio of intracellular to extracellular potassium most common causes of hypokalemia in clinical practice
(Ki/Ke) is the major determinant of resting membrane are due to drugs including diuretics and gastrointestinal
potential. It is regulated primarily by the Na +/K +- loss secondary to diarrhea and/or vomiting. These
etiologies should, therefore, be considered rst before
exhaustive work-up is initiated.
Department of Internal Medicine, Mobile Field Lingga Hospital,
Province of Riau Archipelagos Several drugs and conditions can induce
hypokalemia due to transcellular shift of K+ (Table

Vol 39 • Number 1 • January - March 2007 Approach to Hypokalemia

megaloblastic anemia is associated with K+ uptake by

newly formed cells, which is occasionally of sufcient
magnitude to cause hypokalemia.9 Hypokalemia can also
occur after the transfusion of previously frozen washed
red blood cells, presumably because of the uptake of
K+ by these cells.10 Metabolic alkalosis can promote
potassium entry into cells in exchange for hydrogen ions
that leave the cells to minimize the change in extracellular
pH. Extreme leukocytosis (white blood cells > 100,000
/ul) can take up K+ when blood sample is stored for
prolonged periods at room temperature. The most
common underlying etiology is acute myelogenous
leukemia. Patients with pseudohypokalemia do not
have clinical manifestations of hypokalemia, as their
in vivo serum K+ values are normal. Differentiating
between pseudohypokalemia and true hypokalemia
1). Beta 2-adrenergic agonists (such as salbutamol, requires rapid separation of the plasma from the cells
dobutamine, terbutaline) used to treat asthma, heart or storing the blood sample on ice.
failure or to prevent premature labor can acutely lower Before evaluating the etiology of hypokalemia, it
serum K+ concentration by more than 0.5 to 1 mmol/l.1,2 is important rst to address the potential emergency
The release of epinephrine during a stress response such of moderate to severe hypokalemia (serum K+ less
as coronary ischemia, delirium tremens, and sepsis can than 3.0 mmol/l). Patients with moderate to severe
also acutely lower the serum K+ concentration. In these hypokalemia are at increased risk of life-threatening
settings of catecholamine surge, hypokalemia may be cardiac arrhythmias and respiratory muscles weakness,
exacerbated by a rise in insulin levels. Acute insulin especially if there is a need for increased ventilation
administration as encountered in the treatment of (e.g., metabolic acidosis). This possible threat is best
diabetes ketoacidosis, stimulates cellular K+ uptake and evaluated by examining the electrocardiogram (ECG)
can lead to hypokalemia. By increasing Na+/K+-ATPase and arterial PCO2. If the ECG doesn’t reveal life-threat-
activity through inhibition of cellular phosphodiesterase ening arrhythmias and arterial PCO2 is not elevated, then
and the degradation of cyclic AMP, theophylline and further diagnostic evaluation can be performed without
caffeine stimulates K+ uptake, resulting in hypokalemia. jeopardizing the safety of the patients.
Severe hypokalemia is an almost invariable feature Most commonly information obtained from history
of acute theophylline toxicity. 3 Ingestion of large (vomiting or diarrhea) and review of patient’s medica-
amounts of chloroquine can also cause hypokalemia, by tions (especially diuretic use) is sufcient in making the
inhibiting K+ from exiting cells.4 Verapamil intoxication diagnosis of hypokalemia. In some cases, however, the
has also been described to cause severe hypokalemia.5 etiology of hypokalemia is not apparent and additional
Barium poisoning from the ingestion of soluble laboratory tests may be needed. The first step to
barium salts results in severe hypokalemia by blocking evaluate the etiology of hypokalemia is to exclude
channels for exit of K+ from cells.6 Patients undergo- pseudohypokalemia and conditions or drugs causing
ing radiographic procedures are not at risk for this transcellular K+ shift.(Figure 1) The next step is to
complication since the barium sulfate used in these assess renal K + excretion, which will allow us to
studies does not enter the systemic circulation. Severe determine whether hypokalemia is due to renal or
hypokalemia has also been described with the extrarenal causes. Random measurement of the urinary
use of cesium salts prescribed as part of an K+ concentration can be used, but may be less accurate
alternative therapy regimen for malignancy. 7 Its since its value depends on the urine concentration.
mechanism of action appears to be blockade of K+ Despite this shortfall, in the absence of severe polyuria,
channels. Patients usually present with prolonged QT a random urinary K+ concentration of less than 20
interval, hypokalemia and Torsade de Pointes. Toxic mmol/l indicates renal K+ conservation. A 24-hr urine
ingestion of risperidone or quetiapine have also been collection for K+ can be used to assess renal K+ handling.
reported to cause hypokalemia, presumably as a result A value of less than 20 mmol/24-hr urine specimen
of cell shift.8 Accidental hypothermia can drive K+ suggests appropriate renal conservation of K+, while
into the cells and cause hypokalemia. Therapy of values above that indicate some degree of renal wasting.
Salim Lim Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med

Figure 1. Diagnostic approach to hypokalemia

However, 24-hr urine collection is inconvenient and days or weeks, hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HPP)
time consuming. It can also subject to error if urine should be suspected. The diagnosis is further supported
is collected incompletely. In addition, if 24-hr urine if the attacks of paralysis are precipitated by rest
collection is performed while the patient is receiving after strenuous exercise, stress (β-adrenergic agonists
large amount of K+, some of the administered K+ will activate Na+/K+-ATPase), or high carbohydrate meals
be excreted by the kidney causing urinary K+ excretion (high insulin levels).14 During an acute attacks, serum
to be deceptively high. Study has shown that the K+ can fall to as low as 1.5 to 2.5 mmol/l. The familial
kidney can excrete approximately half of the admin- disorder is an autosomal dominant disease that is due to
istered K+ in the rst 6 hours.11 Therefore, it is not either mutations in the skeletal muscle dihydropyridine-
necessary or desirable to wait for a timed urine sensitive calcium channel α1 subunit gene (CACNA1S)
collection for this purpose; the same information can or mutations in the skeletal muscle sodium channel
be obtained by comparing the urinary K+ concentration SCN4A.15 The acquired form of periodic paralysis is
(UK) to the concentration of urinary creatinine (UCr), typically seen in Asians, some of whom have hyperthy-
which is excreted at a constant rate.12 A random UK/UCr roidism.16 Thyroid hormone increases Na+/K+-ATPase
ratio (mmol/g) > 15 suggests a renal cause, whereas activity, which leads to inux of K+ into cells. The
a ratio < 15 suggests an extrarenal cause of hypokale- activity of this pump is increased further by catechol-
mia.13 amines, which are typically increased in this setting.
Hypokalemia with low rate of K+ excretion (UK/UCr Although the hypokalemia is caused by a shift of K+
ratio < 15 mmol/g) can be due to transcellular K+ shift into cells, the administration of K+ can be lifesaving and
into cells, extrarenal K+ loss, low K+ intake or former should be given to treat acute attacks. However, excess K+
renal K+ loss. If hypokalemia is accompanied with acute administration may lead to posttreatment rebound
paralysis, which occurs in a matter of hours, rather than hyperkalemia as K+ moves back out of the cells. In

Vol 39 • Number 1 • January - March 2007 Approach to Hypokalemia

addition, patients with periodic paralysis exhibit an cause hypokalemia is uncommon since the volume of
exaggerated insulin response to carbohydrate loads and sweat is low and the K+ concentration is only 5 mmol/l.
therefore, K+ should not be given in dextrose-containing However, hypokalemia may occur in the setting of
solutions.17 Administration of a large dose of a non- intense exercise in a hot, humid environment. Habitual
specic β-adrenergic receptor blocker (propanolol 3 ingestion of clay (geophagia) can result in K+ deple-
mg/kg) has also been shown to quickly reverse both the tion by binding K+ in the gut. Clay ingestion during
paralysis and the hypokalaemia.18 Distal renal tubular pregnancy is occasionally found in the rural southeastern
acidosis (dRTA) needs to be considered when United States.21
evaluating a patient with hypokalemia and paralysis.
Muscle paralysis in this disorder can begin insidiously HYPOKALEMIA DUE TO RENAL LOSS
with weakness evolving gradually over a 24- to 48-hr
time period to complete accid quadriplegia. It is quite Once high rate of K+ excretion has been conrmed
common that clinical features alone are insufcient (UK/UCr ratio > 15), the next step of investigation
to differentiate among thyrotoxic HPP, familial HPP is evaluation of acid base status.(Figure 2) Patients
and dRTA. with hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis are divided
in two groups based on the rate of ammonium (NH4+)
excretion. Those with a low rate of NH4+ excretion have
a renal acidication defect, whereas those with a high
If hypokalemia with low rate of K + excretion rate of NH4+ excretion has a normal renal acidication.
(UK/UCr ratio < 15 mmol/g) is not accompanied by There are two ways to assess NH4+ excretion rate: urine
acute paralysis, the hypokalemia is most likely due to anion gap (UAG) and urine osmolal gap (UOG). The
extrarenal K+ loss, low K+ intake or former renal K+ loss. UAG is calculated as the sum of urine Na+ plus K+
Evaluation of acid-base status can help to differentiate minus urine Cl -. The UAG represents an indirect
among these disorders. Hypokalemia due to villous estimate of urinary NH4+ excretion.22 In the face of
adenoma or laxative abuse may be associated with metabolic acidosis, the kidney increases the amount of
metabolic acidosis, alkalosis, or no acid-base distur- NH3 synthesized to buffer the excess H+, and NH4Cl
bance. Stool has a relatively high K+ (80-90 mmol/l) and excretion increases. The increased unmeasured NH4+
HCO3- concentration. As a result, loss of these secretions thus increases the measured anion Cl- in the urine, and
(as in diarrhea) typically leads to metabolic acidosis and the net effect is a negative UAG, representing a normal
hypokalemia. However, some patients with a villous response to systemic acidication. Thus, the nding of
adenoma or factitious diarrhea due to laxative abuse
a positive UAG in the face of hyperchloremic metabolic
develop metabolic alkalosis.19 Hypokalemia has also
acidosis points toward a renal acidication defect (e.g,
been described with the use of oral sodium phosphate
dRTA). The reliability of the UAG is reduced when other
solution as a bowel cleansing agent.20 This most likely
unmeasured anions (e.g, ketones, hippurate) are present
occurs among the elderly and those with bowel obstruc-
in the urine in increased amounts. The UAG will be
tion, poor gut motility and unrecognized renal disease.
positive or zero despite the fact that renal acidication
Since intestinal secretions contain a relative high HCO3-
and NH4+ are increased. The UOG is another method
concentration, an enteric stula typically leads to HCO3-
of indirect estimation of NH4+ excretion.23 The UOG
loss and metabolic acidosis.
is the difference between the calculated and measured
Patients with diuretic abuse can present with
urine osmolality. The calculated urine osmolality equals
metabolic alkalosis and low rate of K+ excretion if
2 (Na+ + K+) + urea + glucose, with all constituents of
urinary collection is obtained after the diuretic effect has
urine expressed in mmol/l. Urine NH4+ concentration
worn off. In this circumstance, urinary K+ concentrations
is equal to half of the UOG. If the UOG exceeds 100
may be deceptively low despite renal K+ losses. The
mmol/l, urine NH4+ excretion is increased. The use of the
diagnosis of diuretic induced-hypokalemia can be
UOG to estimate urine NH4+ concentration is less subject
challenging if the drug is used surreptitiously. The
to error because it remains valid when the urine contains
diagnosis can be conrmed with urine diuretic screens.
high concentrations of anions other than chloride (e.g,
Hypokalemia due to low K+ intake, cutaneous K+
ketones, hippurate). Profound potassium wasting is a
loss and geophagia is usually associated with low renal
major side effect of treatment with amphotericin B.24
K+ excretion with normal acid-base status. Inadequate
Amphotericin B also causes magnesium depletion,
K+ intake is a rare cause of hypokalemia. It requires
which further contribute to renal K+ wasting. Treatment
prolonged starvation over several months (tea and
with Amphotericin B has also been described to cause
toast diet). Signicant loss of K+ in sweat sufcient to
Salim Lim Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med

Figure 2. Diagnostic approach to hypokalemia due to renal loss

The probable causes of hypokalemic metabolic in 10% to 35% of patients, owing to the sigmoid colon’s
acidosis with a high NH 4+ excretion rate include capacity for net K+ secretion. Diabetic ketoacidosis
proximal RTA, toluene/glue snifng, carbonic anhydrase commonly increases urinary K+ excretion due to osmotic
inhibitor, ureterosigmoidostomy and diabetic ketoacidosis. diuresis with high urinary ow rate and high distal
Proximal RTA is caused by an impairment of proximal delivery of Na+. Despite renal K+ wasting, patients may
bicarbonate reabsorptive capacity and is characterized initially present with a normal serum K+ value, owing
by a decreased renal HCO3- threshold to approximately to altered transcellular K+ distribution.
15 mmol/l. Once the serum HCO3- falls below this level, Hypokalemia is occasionally observed after relief of
the fractional excretion of HCO3- falls off to normal acute obstructive uropathy or during the polyuric recovery
levels and urinary pH usually drops below 5.5, as distal phase of acute tubular necrosis (ATN), presumably
acidication is still intact. However, when serum HCO3- secondary to increased delivery of sodium and water
concentration is normalized by administration of alkali, to the distal nephrons. Magnesium depletion can cause
the kidney can’t absorb the increased load of ltered severe hypokalemia by increasing renal K+ loss. The
HCO3- above its proximal reabsorptive capacity. The exact mechanism is, however, remains unclear. The abil-
ensuing marked delivery of sodium and water to distal ity to correct K+ deciency is impaired when magnesium
tubules leads to K+ wasting.25 Toluene ingestion or glue deciency is present. Magnesium repletion improves
snifng can be confused with dRTA. Toluene ingestion the coexistent potassium decit.27 Penicillin in large
also causes normal anion gap hypokalemic metabolic doses acts as a poorly reabsorbable anion, promotes
acidosis with positive UAG. 26 Ingested toluene is renal K+ wasting by increasing distal sodium delivery.28
metabolized to hippuric acid, which then dissociates Aminoglycosides, cisplatin and foscarnet cause renal
into H+ and hippurate anion. H+ is titrated by HCO3-. K+ wasting by inducing magnesium depletion.29 Patients
The hippurate anion is excreted in the urine, with acute monocytic and myelomonocytic leukemias
initially with NH 4+ and then with Na+ and K+ occasionally excrete large amounts of lysozyme in their
when the capacity to excrete NH 4 + is exceeded. urine. Lysozyme appears to have a direct kaliuretic
The excretion of hippurate anions with Na + and effect on the kidneys (by an undened mechanism).30
K + (and not NH 4+) is a major factor in the
development of hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis. HYPOKALEMIA DUE TO RENAL LOSS WITH
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor such as acetazolamide METABOLIC ALKALOSIS
results in an acquired form of proximal RTA by imped- Determination of urinary chloride will be helpful in
ing hydrogen-linked Na+ reabsorption in the proximal differentiating the causes of hypokalemia due to renal
tubulus and thus causes a metabolic acidosis and hypo- loss with metabolic alkalosis. (Figure 3) Patients with
kalemia. Ureterosigmoidostomy results in hypokalemia hypokalemia due to renal loss with metabolic alkalosis
Vol 39 • Number 1 • January - March 2007 Approach to Hypokalemia

Figure 3. Diagnostic approach to hypokalemia due to renal loss with metabolic alkalosis

can be separated into two groups based on their urinary of hypokalemia. Thiazide and loop diuretics increase
chloride excretion. The probable causes of low urinary delivery of Na + to the CD, where it is reabsorbed
chloride excretion (< 10 mmol/l) are vomiting, nasogastric via the amiloride-sensitive sodium channel (ENaC),
suction, posthypercapnia and congenital chloride diarrhea. therefore creating a favorable gradient for K+ secretion. In
Loss of gastric contents, whether from vomiting or addition, volume depletion that results from these
nasogastric suctioning can lead to hypokalemia and diuretics increases aldosterone, further increasing K+
metabolic alkalosis. However, the hypokalemia is not secretion. Diuretic-induced hypokalemia is usually but
due to gastrointestinal loss since the concentration of not always associated with a mild-to-moderate metabolic
K+ in gastric secretions is only 5 to 10 mmol/l. Rather, alkalosis. Bartter’s syndrome is an autosomal recessive
vomiting or nasogastric suction leads to the generation disorder characterized by salt wasting, hypokalemia,
of new bicarbonate, thereby increasing delivery of metabolic alkalosis, hypercalciuria, normal blood
NaHCO3 and water to the distal and collecting tubules. pressure, high plasma renin and aldosterone levels.
The increase in distal Na + delivery coupled with Mutations in at least 3 different renal tubular transporters
hypovolemia-induced increase in aldosterone release, have been discovered. They are the bumetanide-
results in increased K+ secretion. Chronic respiratory sensitive Na+-K+-2Cl- transporter, the apical potassium
acidosis provokes a compensatory metabolic alkalosis. channel (ROMK channel), and the basolateral chloride
Posthypercapnic states are often associated with channel (ClC-Kb and ClC-Ka) in the thick ascending
chloride depletion (from diuretics) and sodium avidity. limb of Henle’s loop.33 These patients act as if they are
If hypercapnia is corrected without replacing chloride, chronically ingesting loop diuretics. Most patients with
patients will develop chloride-depletion alkalosis and Bartter’s syndrome are usually detected in infancy
hypokalemia.31 Congenital chloride diarrhea is a rare with failure to thrive. In contrast, Gitelman’s syndrome
autosomal recessive disorder due to loss of the normal often presents in adults and is less severe than Bartter’s
ileal Cl-/HCO3- anion exchanger so that Cl- cannot be syndrome. It is associated with hypomagnesemia and
absorbed.32 A hypokalemic, hypochloremic, metabolic hypocalciuria and is due to a defect in the gene encoding
alkalosis develops with concomitant volume depletion for the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl- cotransporter.33 These
and secondary hyperaldosteronism. Treatment generally patients act as if they are chronically ingesting thiazide
consists of lifelong repletion of electrolyte and fluid diuretics.
Patients with high urinary chloride excretion (> 20 HYPOKALEMIA DUE TO RENAL LOSS WITH
mmol/l) can be divided into two groups based on their METABOLIC ALKALOSIS AND HYPERTENSION
blood pressure. Those with normal blood pressure are The underlying mechanism for hypokalemia
caused by diuretics, Bartter’s syndrome and Gitelman’s associated with metabolic alkalosis and hypertension
syndrome. Diuretic therapy is the most common cause increased reabsorption of Na+ via ENaC in the CD. The
Salim Lim Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med

Figure 4. Diagnostic approach to hypokalemia due to renal loss with metabolic alkalosis and hypertension

cause includes gain-of-function mutation in the ENAC, genes.34 As a result, aldosterone secretion is stimulated
higher aldosterone levels, increases in a non-aldosterone by ACTH and can be suppressed by an exogenous
mineralocorticoid levels or increased mineralocorticoid glucocorticoids. Dexamethasone (0.25 mg mornings
like effect. Measurement of serum aldosterone levels, and 0.75 mg evenings) is the agent of choice to suppress
renin activity and serum cortisol levels can help ACTH production.35 Patients with GRA have a very
subdivide these patients (Figure 4). The groups with high similar clinical presentation to those with primary
serum renin and aldosterone levels include secondary hyperaldosteronism except that they are younger and
aldosteronism, malignant hypertension, renovascular have a family history of hypertension. The presence of a
hypertension, renin secreting tumor and diuretic therapy non-aldosterone mineralocorticoid or mineralocorticoid
in patients with essential hypertension. The causes of like substance should be suspected in any patients with
hypokalemia associated with metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia, hypertension and metabolic alkalosis
hypertension with low renin and high aldosterone levels with low serum aldosterone and renin activity levels.
include primary hyperaldosteronism, adrenal carcinoma Measurement of serum cortisol levels can help to
and glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA). subdivide these patients. Those who have high serum
Primary hyperaldosteronism is caused by increased cortisol levels are due to Cushing’s syndrome, ACTH-
aldosterone excretion from the adrenal glands, which producing pituitary adenoma, ectopic ACTH syn-
results primarily from either a unilateral aldosterone- drome (e.g, caused by small cell lung carcinoma) and
producing adenoma (Conn’s syndrome) or bilateral exogenous steroids. Those who have normal serum
adrenal hyperplasia. Rarely primary hyperaldosteronism cortisol levels are due to Liddle’s syndrome, apparent
is due to adrenal carcinoma. GRA is a rare form of mineralocorticoid excess (AME) syndrome, or drugs
adrenal hyperplasia inherited as an autosomal dominant with mineralocorticoid or glucocorticoid effects such as
trait, in which there is fusion of the 11β-hydroxylase licorice, carbenoxolone and gossypol. Liddle’s syn-
(CYP11B1) and aldosterone synthetase (CYP11B2) drome, an autosomal dominant disorder, is characterized
Vol 39 • Number 1 • January - March 2007 Approach to Hypokalemia

by a structural defect in a subunit of the apical amiloride- corrected, serum K+ quickly normalized.27 Potassium can
sensitive sodium channel (ENaC) that leads to unregu- be given orally or intravenously. There are four types of
lated sodium reabsorption with increased potassium potassium preparations: potassium chloride, potassium
secretion. 36 The hypokalemia, hypertension, and phosphate, potassium bicarbonate and potassium citrate.
metabolic alkalosis improve dramatically with inhibitors Potassium phosphate is used to treat hypokalemia with
of ENaC channel such as amiloride or triamterene. hypophosphatemia. Potassium bicarbonate or citrate is
AME syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder preferred in patients with hypokalemia and metabolic
that is due to a deficiency of 11 β-hydroxysteroid acidosis. In all other settings, potassium chloride should
dehydrogenase enzyme type 2 (11β-HSD2).37 The miner- be used. In the absence of stimuli that alter transcellular
alocorticoid receptor (MR) is capable of binding cortisol K + shifts, a reduction of serum K + by 0.3 mmol/l
and aldosterone with equal afnity. However, cortisol suggests a total body decit of 100 mmol. A patient
circulates in the blood at a concentration that is with a serum K+ concentration of 2 mmol/l may have
>1000-fold higher than aldosterone. Under physiological a 500 mmol K+ decit. Unless life-threatening cardiac
conditions, the 11β-HSD2 enzyme inactivates cortisol arrhythmias or respiratory muscles weakness is present,
to cortisone in the CD, allowing aldosterone free access potassium repletion is rarely an urgent undertaking.
to its receptor. Deficiency of this enzyme leads to
occupation and activation of the MR by cortisol, which CONCLUSION
like aldosterone, then causes hypertension, hypokalemia, Therefore, one should always err on the low end
metabolic alkalosis with a suppression serum renin and of this estimate to avoid inducing hyperkalemia. When
aldosterone levels. Several compounds such as licorice; given intravenously, the rate of K + administration
found in chewing tobacco, confections and herbal should not exceed 20 mmol/hour. When potassium is
preparations, as well as carbenoxolone; a drug used administered intravenously through a peripheral vein, the
for the treatment of peptic ulcer, contain glycyrrhetinic concentrations should not exceed 50 mmol/l. Higher K+
acid or its derivative, which inhibit 11β-hydroxysteroid concentrations are often painful. Potassium should be
dehydrogenase, leading to hypokalemia, hypertension diluted in saline rather than dextrose solution since the
and metabolic alkalosis.38 Patients who present with administration of dextrose can further lower potassium
hypokalemia, hypertension, metabolic alkalosis with low concentrations and in susceptible individuals can lead
serum renin, aldosterone and cortisol levels are due to to life-threatening cardiac arrhtymias.
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