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chapter, One Word Substitutions e Word Substitutions (Substitute: On pareness - ubstitutes) may be defined as single words that are used in place of @ group " rds to denote a person, an object, a tate of mind a profession etc. In common pat! — they are termed as single word to make an expression brief and pertinent. Polonius in ‘Hamlet, a play by re, aptly remarks “Therefore since brevity in the soul of wit. The tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes I will be brief :” as such the use of one word substitutions tend to obviate the repetition of unnecessary words avoiding verbosity and ambiguity. Rambling style speaks of a rambling state of mind whereas brevity conveys telling effect. Moreover, one word substitutions are indispensable while writing a precis of a given passage. A student is required not to exceed the limit of words. They come in handy in such situations. Hence their significance cannot be gainsaid and students are advised to learn them very seriously. A few of one word substitutes are given below for the benefit of the students. (A) One Words Denoting Persons 1. Agnostic — one who is not sure about God's existence 2. Altruist — a lover of mankind (Syn.-Philanthropist) 3. Amateur = one who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession 4, Ambidexterous - one who can use either hand with ease 5. Anarchist — one who is out to destroy all governments, peace and order 6. Apostate — a person who has changed his faith 7. Arbitrator — a person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute 8. Ascetic ~ one who leads an austere life 9. Atheist — a person who does not believe in God (Ant—Theist) 10. Bankrupt — one who is unable to pay his debts arta ; 11. Bigot ~ one who is filled with excessive enthusiasm in religious matters (Syn.-Fanatic) : an uncoventional style of living one who is bad in spellings flesh 12, Bohemian - 13. Cacographist. - 14, Cannibal — one who feeds on human 18. Camivorous _-_ one who feeds on flesh 16. Chauvinist a person who is blindly devoted to an idea Riey vw 1s, 19. 20, a. 22. 23. a4 as. 26, a7. as. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38, 39. 40. 41, 42, 43. 4s. Connoisseur Contemporaries Convalescent Coquette Cosmopolitan Cynosure Qynie Debonair Demagogue Dilettante Effeminate Egoist Egotist Emigrant Epicure Rastidious Ratalist Feminist Fugitive Gourmand Gourmet Henpecked Hedor Heretic Herbivorous Honorary Highbrow }. Hypochondriac Iconoclast ». Illiterate 47. Immigrant . Impregnable 49. 50. sl. 52. Impostor Indefatigable Introvert Insolvent Oblectve General Engg a critical judge of any art and erat persons living atthe same time one who is recovering health after illness 4 sitl woman who flirts with men a person who teganls the whole world as his country one who is a centre of attraction one who sneets at the beliefs of others suave (polished and light hearted person) a leader who sways his followers by his oratory a dabbler (not serious) in art, science and literature a man who is womanish in his habits a lover of oneself, of one’s advancement ‘one who often talks of his hievements country to settle in another country 4 person who leaves his (Ant-Immigrand one who is for pleasure of eating and drinking one hard to please (very selective in his habits) ‘one who believes in fate ‘one who works for the welfare of women (Syn.-Philogynist) fone who runs away from justice (Syn.-Absconding person) a lover of good food 8 connoisseur of food a husband nuled by his wife one who believes that sensual pleasure is the chief good one who acts against religion one that lives on herbs one who holds a post without any salary & person considering himself to be superior in culture and intellect (Syn.-Snob) one who is over anxious about his health one who is breaker of images and traditions fone who does not know reading or writing (Ant-Literate) apenon wo comes oa country from his own country fr seit that cannot be entered by force (Ant.-Pregnable) one who pretends to be somebody else one who does not tire easily one who does not express himself freely (Ant.—Extrovert) @ Person who is unable to pay his debts (Syn.-Bankrup) Gen stive ones 56. sf. 39. 60. 6. a. 8. SRaE rinerant nvineible invulnerable " yibertine Marty? Mercenary Misanthrope Misogamist Misologist Namesake Narcissist Novice Numismatist Omnivorous Optimist Orphan . Philanthropist ), Philogynist . Polyglot Pacifist . Pessimist }. Philanderer Philistine Posthumous Philatelist Pedestrian Recluse Sadist . Samaritan Somnambulist Somniloquist Stoic Swashbuckler Teetotaller , Termagant t * Toper/sot . Urorious | eral English 375 — one who journeys from place to place (Nomadic) one too strong to be defeated (Ant.-Vincible) one that cannot be harmed/wounded (Ant.—Vulnerable) ~ a person who leads an immoral life (Syn.—Lecher) ‘one who dies for a noble cause one who does something for the sake of money (bad sense) one who hates mankind (Ant.-Philanthropist) — one who hates the institution of marriage ‘one who hates knowledge (Ant.-Bibliologist) a person having the same name as another — Lover of self one who is inexperienced in anything (Syn —Tyro) one who collects coins one who eats everything a person who looks at the bright side of things (AntPessimist) = one who has lost one’s parents — one who loves mankind (Ant.-Misanthrope) — one who works for the welfare of women (Ant.-Misogynist) ' — one who speaks many languages (Syn-Linguist) — one who hates war, loves peace = one who looks at the dark side of life (Ant.-Optimist) — one who amuses oneself by love making = one who does not care for art and literature — achild born after the death of father Or a book published after the death of the author Or an award received after the death of the recepient — one who collects stamps — one who goes on foot = one who lives in seclusion — a person who feels pleasure by hurting others — one who helps the needy and the helpless — a person who walks in sleep — a person who talks in sleep - a person who is indifferent to pain and pleasures of life - a boastful fellow — one who does not take any intoxicating drugs — a noisy quarrelsome woman, a shrew — one who remains absent from duty without permission = one who is a habitual drunkard = one extremely fond of one’s wife oe ©2. 02. 04 95. (B) One Wi 1 ew roe oe 10. wu 13. 14. 1s. 16, 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 2s. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. ~ SDghgy — one who has a long experience of any occupation a ive who adapts oneself readily to various situations versatile - v ont awho is brilliant performer on stage (specially musi) Virtuoso - : m Volunteer ‘one who offers one’s services Verbose — a style face of difficult words. (maestro) erbos as ords Denoting General Objects Voluntary giving up of throne in favour of someone Abdication Almanac — an annual calendar with position of stars Amphibian — animal that live both on land and sea Allegory a story that expresses ideas through symbols Anomaly departure from common rule Aquatic animals that live in water Autobiography — the life history of a person written by himself Axiom a statement accepted as true without proof . Anonymous = bearing no name Belligerent — one that is in a war-like mood (Syn.—Bellicose) Biography — the life history of a person (written by some other person) . Biopsy ~ examination of living tissue Blasphemy —_an act of speaking against religion (Heresy) Chronology — events presented in order of occurrence Conscription - compulsory enlistment for military service Crusade ~ a religious war Drawn, = a game that results neither in victory nor in defeat Eatable ~ anything to be eaten Edible ~ fit to be eaten Encyclopaedia - a book that contains information on various subjects phemeral ~ lasting for a very short time/a day Epilogue ~ a concluding speech/comment at the end of the play (Ant.Prologue) Extempore — a speech made without preparation (Syn.-Impromptu) Fable ~ a story relating to birds/animals with a moral in the end Facsimile — an exact copy of handwriting, printing (Syn.—Xerox) Fatal ~ that causes death Fauna ~ the animals of a particular region Flora — the flowers of a particular region Fragile — that can be easily broken Gregarious ~ animals which live in a flock, used for human beings als? (Syn.-Sociable) —as ~ incapable of being read (Ant.-Legible) ~ 4 person/place that cannot be easily approached (Ant-Accessible) 1g, Interregnuum, 4. Intlligible 45, Lunar 4, Maiden 47, Mammal 48 Manuseript 9, Nostalgia 30. Omnipresent 51, Omnipotent 532, Omniscient 53. Parable | 4. Parole 58, Panacea 56, Pantheism 7, Pedantic 58. Plagiarism 5. Platonie ©. Portable 5. Potable ® Plebiscite * Peeudonym, * Quarantine incapable of being practised (AntPracticable) a sound that cannot be heard (Ant.~Audible) incapable of being corrected (Ant.-Corrigible) incapable of being repaired (Ant.-Reparable) a mark that cannot be erased (Ant.—Delible) ‘one who is free from all mistakes and failures (Ant—Fallible) not fit to eat (Ant.-Edible) liable to catch fire easily (Ant.-Non-inflammable) that cannot be avoided (Ant.-Evitable) that cannot be dispensed with, removed (Ant.—Dispensable) a period of interval between two regimes and governments that can be understood (Ant.-Unintelligible) of the moon. a speech or an attempt made by a person for the first time an animal that gives milk a matter written by hand home sickness, memories of the past one who is present everywhere fone who is all powerful one who knows all a short story with a moral pledge given by a prisoner for temporary release not to escape a remedy for all ills the belief that God pervades nature a style meant to display one’s knowledge literary theft or passing off an author's original work as one's own something spiritual (love) that can be carried in hand fit to drink a decision made by public voting an imaginary name assumed by an author an act of separation from a person to avoid infection an animal with four feet general vote of the public to decide a question (SynPlebiscite) official formality resulting in delay dress with medals, ribbons worn at official ceremonies violating the sanctity of religious places/objects (Syn.-Desecration) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 26. - Convent . Creche Crematorium Decanter Dormitory Elysium Gymnasium Granary Hangar Hive Hutch of a writer an artist (Ant Opaque) be forgiven hor a writing word for word perfect social order path of planets Is are slaughtered for the market S are kept ce for wrestling 2 place for ammunition and weapons ce for lunatics, and political refugees a place where birds are kept 2 place where government records are kept the dwelling place of an animal underground a place where ammunition is hidden a place for birds a place with gambling tables etc, a graveyard where the dead are burried a place for luggage at a railway station a residence for nuns ; 4 nursery where children of working parents are cared for while their parents are at work & Gremation ground where the last funeral rites are performed Ye an ornamental glass bottle for holding wine or other alcoh! drinks the sleeping rooms in a College or public institution a squirrel’s home a paradise with perfect bliss a place where atheletic e a place for storing grain 4 place for housing aeroplanes a place for bees @ wooden box with a front of Wire for rabbits xercises are performed fish etive General Eng! vies" a. 2. 45, 46. 47. Infirmary Kennel Lair/Den ), Mint |. Menagerie . Monastery |. Morgue . Mortuary . Orchard orphanage , Pantry . Portfolio . Reservoir |. Resort . Stable sty . Scullery Sheath, Scabbard Sanatorium Tannery Wardrobe a home for old persons a house of shelter for a dog the resting place of a wild animal a place where money is coined a place for wild animals and birds (Sanctuary) a residence for monks or priests a place where dead bodies are kept for identification a place where dead bodies are kept for post-mortem a place where fruit trees are grown a place where orphans are housed a place for provisions ete. in the house a portable case for holding papers, drawing etc. a place where water is collected and stored a place frequented for reasons of pleasure or health a house of shelter for a horse a place where pigs are kept a place where plates, dishes, pots and other cooking utensils are washed up a case in which the blade of a sword is kept a place for the sick to recover health a place where leather is tanned a place for clothes (0) One Words Denoting Professions 1, 2. Anthropologist 3, 4. Calligraphist 5. Cartographer 6. Choreographer a 8 % Io, qn aie 13 pn o8tapher Rao ockey 14, ag, Photogist 1, Anchor Astronaut Chauffeur Compere Curator Florist Invigilator * Sculptor * Usurer. a person who presents a radio/television programme one who studies the evolution of mankind a person, who travels in spacecraft a person who writes beautiful writing cone who draws maps one who teaches art of dancing one who drives a motor car one who introduces performing artistes on the stage programmes one who is incharge of a museum/a cricket pitch one who deals in flowers one who supervises in the examination hall one who compiles a dictionary one who presents a radio programme one who studies the pattern of voting in elections — one who gives shape to stone ‘one who lends money at very high rates 380 TS SENETal Englich, (E) One Words Denoting Kinds of Governments Anarchy . Aristocracy . Autocracy |. Autonomy . Bureaucracy Democracy . Gerontocracy . Kekistocracy . Neocracy Ochlocracy . Oligarchy . Panarchy . Plutocracy . Secular . Monarchy . Thearchy . Theocracy — absence of Government ~ Government by the nobles/lords — Government by one person (Syn.—Dictatorship) - the right of self-government — Govt. run by officials - Govt. by the people - Government by old men - Government by the worst citizen - Government by the inexperienced persons — Government by mob (Syn.-Mobocracy) — Government by a few persons — Government run universally — Government by the rich — Government not by the laws of religion — Government by a King/Queen — Government by the Gods - Government by the laws of religion (F) One Words Denoting Killings/Deaths of Persons 1 2. 3. ~ Ld 2x 10. a 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, Cemetery ~ a graveyard where the dead are burried Cortege ~ a funeral procession comprising a number of mourners Cremation ~ a place where the last funeral rites are performed ground/Crematorium Obituary ~ an account in the newspaper about the funeral of the deceased Elegy ~ apoem of lamentation on the death of someone loved and admired Epitaph ~ words inscribed on the grave/tomb in the memory of the one burried Filicide ~ murder of one’s children . Foeticide — murder of a foetus Fratricide ~ murder of one’s brother ‘ Genocide ~ murder of race Homicide ~ murder of a man/woman Infanticide = — murder of an infant Matricide ~ murder of one’s mother Parricide - murder of one’s parents Patricide - murder of one’s father ' Regicide ~ murder of king or queen Suicide ~ murder of oneself 7 Uxoricide ~ murder of one’s wife - ‘ones 19, sororicide 30, Mortuary 31. Morgue gp, Postmortem ive General English 381 murder of one’s sister a place where dead bodies are kept for postmortem a place where bodies are kept for identification Medical Examination of a dead body (Syn.-Autopsy) @) One Words Denoting Marriages 1. Adultery 2, Alimony 3. Bigamy 4, Celibacy 5, Concubinage 6, Misogamist 7. Matrimony 8. Monogamy 9. Polygamy 10, Polyandry 11. Spinister the practice of having extra-marital relations an allowance paid to wife on divorce the practice of having two wives or husbands at a time a state of abstention from marriage live-in relationship-a man and a woman living without being married one who hates marriage a state of being married the practice of marrying one at a time the practice of marrying more than one wife at a time the practice of marrying more than one husband at a time an older woman who is not married (H) One Words Denoting Time Periods 1. Annual 2. Biennial 3. Triennial 4. Quadrennial 5. Quinquennial 6. Decennial 7. Semicentennial 8. Centennial (Centenary) 9. Sesquicentennial 10. Bicentennial (bicentenary) U1. Trientennial (Tercentenary) a Tetra centennial Pentacentennial 4: Sexagenarian fa Septuagenarian y, a Centenarian Century 9, 20. Menai > happening once in a year happening in two years happening in three years happening in four years happening in five years happening in ten years 50th anniversary 100th anniversary 150th anniversary 200th anniversary 300th anniversary 400th anniversary 00th anniversary ‘one who is in sixties ‘one who is in seventies one who is in eighties one who is in nineties one who is hundred years old a period of hundred years a period of 1000 years 382 Obie We General Engign (0 Ove Words Denoting Gooups (Meople, Aninials, Hinds & Things) 1 2 a 4 Agenda Alliance Anthology Attendance Retinue Audience 6, Band 10. ql, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2a. 22. 7 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Batch . Battery Bale Bench Bevy Block Bouquet Brood Brace Board Cache Caravan Catalogue Caucus Clique Circle Claque Cloud Cluster Code Colony/column Constellation Chest Congress Convoy Cortege Course Conference Congregation Crew Drove Flight a Vit at Dorion mations ab A Meet, 4 State of ywhationahyy fated heaven states, powers ete a antlection at pweiny a MMos ob ser aniy, pemons present with a penon in anon a number of people gathers ty listen a gt OF MUR aNA, followers a gnu of paps a Sry of hoary gunn a lange quanniy oF ovtan teat in a bundle the offiee of jtntgey or magistrates a large group of gitls ladies 4 group of houses oF buildings bounded by four sides a bunch of flowers a family of youngones a pair of pigeons doeision making body at directors fof atm, store house tor bading 4 group of people Wavelling With their vehicles or animals alist of books of inner circle of members of government a small group of persons belonging to a body a group of friends a group of applauders ie, paid (© clap of locusts a group of islands systematic collection of laws a group of people of one race moving in the same direction a series of st of drawers a meeting of delegates a group of trucks lorries travelling together under protection a funeral procession a series of lectures or lessons. a meeting of preachers, delegates a group of worshippers of sailors manning ships a flock of cattle (being driven) the action of flying of birds 39. wo a 42. 43. oad 4. rs v7 48. 9. 50. sl. BaALSS (a) Flotilla (b) Fleet Galaxy Gallery , Grove . Hamlet Haul Heap . Herd . Hive . Host Horde Jumble Litter . Lock |. Order . Panel . Poultry . Posse Rosary School ve General Engish fomec™ 903 a small fleet of boats of ships a system of millions of stars, t a wom th rf at Contain NS PIECES ane statute nee 1 statues displayed for aale A STOUP of houses it a village a 0 mmumber of fish (iia net) caught atone t a number of niin, stones a large group of animals that live together (swanm) of bees . a large number of people, reawons, ennsiderations of people, robbers an untidy collection of things of young pigs, dogs at birth a section of hait society of knights, monks livin nall group of Inspectors, examiners for inv under the same rile vestigation of fowls, ducks a group of policemen ring of beads of thinkers, or learned me as a group, of croubles, ditficulties, ¢ event on sharing similar ideas mated Jectures a number of similar umber of fish swimming togetlier a large nu of corn, wheat a sequence of sit ‘a continuous flow of people’ a set of followers, rooms, farmihe a set of clothes mace of same fabric the topics of studies of flies or locusts, a frame-work of rafters merchants rs, horses, oxe" ilar items le/visitors: 5, ats: posts and bars z Objective General Engih, (J) One Words Denoting Science and Arts NOveene 2 10. 1 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. 23. 25. 26. 27, 28. 29. Acoustics Aeronautics Aesthetics Agronomy Alchemy ). Bibliography . Anatomy . Anthropology . Arboriculture Astrology . Bacteriology Botany Calligraphy 1 Ceramics, Pottery- Chronobiology Chronology Chromatics Cosmogony ‘Cosmography Cosmology Cryogenics Cypher Cytology |. Dactylography Dactylology Demography Ecology Entomology Epigraphy 1 the study of sound the science or art of flight the philosophy of fine arts the science of soil management and the production of field crops Chemistry in ancient times the study of history of a list of books on a subject the science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body the science that deals with the origin, physical and cultural development of mankind cultivation of trees and vegetables the ancient art of predicting the course of human destinies with the help of indications deduced from the position and movement of the heavenly bodies the study of bacteria the study of plants the art of beautiful handwriting the art and technology of making objects from clay ete. the study of duration of life the science of arranging time in periods and ascertaining the dates and historical order of the past events the art of making fireworks the science of the nature of heavenly bodies the science that describes and maps the main features of the universe the science of the nature, origin and history of the universe the science of dealing with the production control and the application of very low temperatures the art of secret writings the study of cells, especially their formation, structure and functions the study of finger prints for the purpose of identification the technique of communication is generally used by the deaf the study of human population With the help of the records of the number of births and deaths the study of the relation of animals animate and inanimate the study of insects the study of inscriptions by signs made with the fingers. It and plants to their surroundings ve General English 08 go. Ethnology ~ the study of human races 41, Btholony ~ the sturdy of animal beha 2. Egmolosy = the study of o four igi and history of words (Morphology) "4g. Eugenics ~ the study of production of better offspring by the caret selection \ of parents © 454, Ergonomy ~ the study of effect of environment on workers 35. Ganealogy ~ the study of family ancestr 1 histories 36. Genetics ~ the branch of biology dealing with the phenomenon of heredity } and the laws governing it q 37. Geology ~ the science that deals with the physical history of the earth, 38. Gymnastics — the art of performing actobaties 39. Heliotherapy —— the sun cure 4 40. Histology = the study of tissues } 41. Horticulture the cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants 42. Hydropathy —— — the treatment of diseases by the internal and external use of water 43, Hagiology — Study of the lives of saints, 44, Ieonography — — teaching with the aid of pictures andl models 45. Iconology = the study of symbolic representations 46. Jurisprudence — the science of law 47. Lexicography — — the writing or compiling of dictionaries ; 48 Numismatics — the study of coins and metals | 49. Odontology — the scientific study of the teeth 50. Ornithology — the study of birds 51. Orthogpy = the study of correct pronunciation | 52. Pedagogy =. the art or method of teaching 53. Petrology — the study of rocks/crust 1 54. Philately = the collection and study of postage/revenue stamps ete, ; 35. Philology = the study of written records, their authenticity ete. | 56. Phoneties = the study of speech sounds, and the production, transmission, | reception 57. Physiognomy — — the study of human face j 59. Paleography — the study of ancient writings { % Rhetoric — the art of elegant speech or writing 60. Seticulture = the raising of silk worms for the production of raw silk 81. Seismology _— the study of earthquakes and the phenomenon associated with it %. Spetetogy = the study of caves ' Telepathy — communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception “4. Zoology = the study of animal life 386 Objective General English (K) One Words Denoting Phobias/Mental Disorders ePayp 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. ‘The word phobia comes from ‘Phobus' a minor Roman God (Son of Mars and Aphrodite) who accompanied his war God Father into the battle to spread fear among the enemy. Warriors carried shields bearing Phobus to reinforce the power of this fear God. . Acrophobia Aerophobia Aglophobia Altiphobia Anorexia Agorophobia Androphobia Autophobia Bathophobia |. Biblophobia . Cacophobia 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. Catrophobia Cellophobia Chronophobia Cynophobia Claustrophobia Dipsophobia Dipsomania Demonomania Entomophobia Ergophobia Gamophobia Genophobia Geraphobia Gnosiophobia Graphophobia Gynaephobia Haemetophobia Hedonophobia Hodophobia Hydrophobia Kleptophobia high places fear of air of pain of altitude fear of getting fat makes young girls stop eating resulting in harmful effect of public/place open of males of solitude of depths of books of ugliness of doctors extreme fear about beauty of time of dogs of being confined to small place of thirst morbid compulsion to drink delusion of being under evil spirits of insects of work of marriage of birth of old age of knowledge of writing of women of blood of pleasure of travel of water of stealing/thieves General English nec” saeptomania a ipophobia A pogophobia ania 7, Maieusiophobia Metrophobia A Menemophobia jo, Monophobia “a Mysophobia 1p. Magalomania 4g, Nyctophobia 44, Ophthalmophobia 45, Ochlophobia 46. Paedophobia 47. Pathophobia 48. Peniophobia 49. Pharmacophobia 50. Phasmophobia 51. Xenophobia 52. Pyrophobia 53, Thanatophobia 34, Scelerophobia 55. Theophobia 56. Toxicophobia 57, Triskaidekaphobia 387 a compulsive desire to steal of getting fat of study mania for talking of childbirth of motherhood of old memories of loneliness, of being alone of filth, contamination delusion about one’s greatness of darkness of eyes of crowds/mobs of children of disease/sickness of poverty/money problem of medicine of ghosts of foreigners of fire of death of burglars of God of poison of number thirteen a delusion that one is God 58. Theomania (U One Words Denoting Young-ones ida ‘Young-one iva Foal 2. Bird Nestling 3. Butterfly, moth Caterpillar 4. cat Kitten 5. Cock Cockerel 6. Cow Calf 2. cow Heifer : Deer Fawn 2 Dog Puppy . Duck. Duckling 388 11, Eagle 12, Blephant 13, Fowl 14. Prog (tad) 15. Goat 16, Goose 17. Hare 18. Hen 19. Horse 20. Lion, Bear, Fox 21. Mare 22. Owl 23. Pig 24, Sheep 25. Stallion (horse) 26. Swan Baglet alt Chicken Tadpole kid Gosling Leveret Pullet Raal, colt cub Filly Owlet Piglet Lamb Colt or Foal Cygnet (M) One Words Denoting Distinctive Sounds Animal Sound 1. Apes Gibber 2. Arms Clang 3. Asses Bray 4. A person in agony Moan 5. Babies Lisp 6. Bees Hum 7. Beetles Drone 8 Bells Jingle/chime 9. Birds Chirp, warble 10. Brakes Screech 11. Cattle Low 12. Camels Grunt 13. Cats Mew 14. Chains Clank 15. Coins Jingle/tinkle 16. Corks Pop 17. Cocks Crow 18. Crows Crow, caw 19. Deer Bell 20. Dogs Bark 21. Doors Creak/bang Tnectve GES eee avie" 2 2. 24. 28. 26 27. 2. 2”. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. 4. 2. 8. aaE Doves Duck Elephants Fire Flies Frogs Glasses Goats Guns Hens Hoofs Horses silk Hyenas Jackals Larks Leaves Lions Mice Monkeys Nightingales Owls Oxen/cow Paper Parrots . Pigeons 389 Coo Quack Trumpet Crackle Buzz Croak Tinkle Bleat Roar Cackle Clatter Neigh Rustle Laugh Howl Sing, warble Rustle Roar Squeak Gibber sing, warble Hoot Low Crinkle Talk Coo Squeal croak Patter Murmur Hiss Rustle Chatter Roar sigh Ripple Crack Whistle Flap Objective General Engg” (N) One Words Denoting Diminutives ‘Diminutives’ are the words that indicate smallness. Such words are o} i i iminuti formed by the use of , of affection or contempt. Diminutives are normally suchas Lee ete. For example the diminutive of the book may be formed by the use of ften used ag ‘een Booklet. Word Diminutive 1. Ankle Anklet 2. Babe Baby S)Ball Ballet, Bullet pp earonl Baronet, 5. Book Booklet epetace! Bracelet 7. Brook Brooklet epee Chariot ie Casket 10. City Citadel 11. Cigar Cigarette 12. Com neal 13. Crown a 14. Dear Darling 15. Grain Granule pegeal Hillock 17. Home Harker 18. Ice Icicle 19. Isle het 20. Lady Purse Reticule 21. Latch Latchet 22. Leaf Leaflee 23. Lock ae 24. Nest Nestling 25. Nose a — mre Particle 37. Poet Poetaster 3a. Peay Pocket 29. Ring Ringlet 30. River Rivulet 3}. Sack Satchel 32. Star Starlet, Asterisk 33. Statue Statuette 3% Stream Streamlet %. Bla Tablet 36. Top ue 37. Tower 7 38. Umbrella Parasol 39. Weak Weakling bl 1 ier as gal, hemlock. , . iascheerful as a ‘ark, jascanning, sty, wily as a fox, s,asfair a5 a rose. 4, asfast a8 @ are, light, storm, eagle, 7. Asfirm as a rock, ¢, Asflat as a board, or a pancake, g, Asfree as air. 10. Asfresh as a daisy or a rose, 11 Asgrave as a judge, 12. Asgreedy as a dog, or a wolf. 13, Asgentle as a lamb, 14, Ashard as a flint, or a stone, 15, As harmless as a dove, 16, AShungry as a horse, or a hunter, 17, Aslight as a feather. 18. As merry as a cricket, 19, As obstinate as a mule, 20. As pale as death, or ghost, 2. As proud as a peacock. 3. As slippery as an eel, 2%. As soft as butter, B. Assilent as the dead, or stars. %, As tricky as a monkey, 1. bs tue as steel. » As wise as a serpent or Solomon. 9. As yieldling as wax. "AS agile a a cat, monkey, . ‘Sfar apart as the poles, : 4 black as ebony/coal, fi Blithe as May. a, 25, « Roiterous as stormy sea winds. unteous as nature. "ef as time-as a dream. brittle as glass, Sandid as mirrors, ‘aste as Minerva, AS by », 21. AS playful as a butterfly, or a kitten or a squirrel, 41 42. 43. 45. 47. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 5S. 56. 57. 58. 59. . As restless as ambition, as the sea. 61 62. 63. 65, 67. 69. 70. 71. 72. . As dear as life. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. ‘As constant as the sun. As cool as cucumber. As cosy as the nest of a bird. ‘As dangerous as machine-guns. [As deceptive as the mirage of the desert. As docile as a lamb. As fit as a fiddle. As fresh as dew, as a sea breeze, rose . As grim as death. As haggard as spectres, ghosts. As harsh as truth. As heavy as lead. As inconsistent as the moon, as the waves. As industrious as an ant As inevitable as death/ fate. As mad as a hatter, as a March hare. As mean as a miser. As meek as a dove, mouse AS nervous as a mouse. AS resistless as wind. As secure as the grave. As slow as a snail As solitary as a tomb. . As talkative as a magpie. As transparent as glass. As treacherous as memory. As vain as a peacock. As vigilant as stars As zig-zag as lightning. As uncertain as the weather. As white as snow. ‘As hungry as church mouse. As straight as an arrow. As impatient as a lover. As swift as an arrow. As old as hills, As cold as marble. As sharp as razor. AS busy as a bee. SEERA Engin,

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