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Fransico Gavidia
Ingles 01

Candelaria Edelmira Rosa de Chávez

Project- A Classroom

Amanda Michelle Bolaños Valiente

At school

Second Homework


January 29, 2017


This classroom has a big area so student can be comfortable; we have 7 tables
with around 4 to 5 chair each. We have a white board
over the left hand side of the classroom is not that big
but is enough. All tablets and chairs are made with
premium wood. The layout off the classroom will allow
student to cooperating and communicating with their
classmates. This classroom can handle around 20 students. As for some
assignments we work with liquids and paint we have a sink insides and as well
if there is any fall outs we can clean it faster that going all the way to the rest
room. We have a big yellow cabinet were the sink is place, inside of the cabinet
we have paint, paper, cardboards and some more. There is a bookcase which is
filled with the teacher’s books and documentaries. In the same cabinet we have
like a classroom library with some book that will be use
during class. We have 10 boxes over the top of the
cabinet filled with material to work during classes, they
are marked with numbers and colors to identify what is inside of each of the
boxes. Over the left wall is the to wall-chart were the teacher put the map, the
notice, the summary of text, the emotional vocabularies on the wall-chart.

All the classroom is paint in white so that way the

decoration will be the one to adequate the classroom
as well whenever we have TO-DO assignment in the
classroom we like to past the over the black sections
of the class room.

We have 5 lamps in the Ceiling so the classroom is

very well illuminated and I addition we have a big
window. We have some pink and purple flowers close
to the window to give the classroom a refreshing

If the cabinet we have on the left we have some smaller black cabinet on the
right hand side. And some shelves so student can drop their backpacks there
instead of having them in the tablets.

We have white marble floors because their easy to clean and we have black
and white carpet over the whiteboard section.

That will conclude the description of this classroom.

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