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Universidad Central Del Ecuador

Nombre: Andrea Bustamante

Curso: ING-ONLINE-3-002


Interview 1

1. Where were you born?

I was born in Quito. All my family moved to Cayambe when I was 1 year old. My father
got a job, so, we still live in Cayambe.
2. Did you parents meet in Quito?
Yes, they did. They met while working in Quito. My father was born in Carchi.
3. What did you like to do when you were child?
I liked to play with the animals, because we lived in a Farm.
I enjoyed cooking with my mother every weekend.
4. Did you get along with your sister?
Yes, I did. I loved to go to the pool. I remember that my sister and I played “Al Banco”,
It is a traditional game in Ecuador.
We usually slept together. I mean We when together to the High School.
5. Where did you go last vacation?
Well. I when to Baños. We were there for three days. No, wait, we were there for five
days. We visited beautiful places, for example El Pailón del Diablo waterfall, the river
and something like that.

Interview 2

1. Where did you study?

I studied in Matovelle High School. I mean, In Junnin School. Teachers were very good
and friendly. I also met my best friend Carla, she was very intelligent.
2. How did you get the school?
I had to take a bus. No, wait, I had to walk to my school. I often walked with my
neighbors. It was really nice, because we played all the way back to home.
3. What was favorite subject?
My favorite subject was physic, because we had to do many experiments. I got the
best grades.
Most students didn’t like physic.
4. Did you hate any subject?
Let me think. I didn’t hate any subject, but I was not good at chemistry. My friends and
I usually tried to do homework together, It was fun and interesting, usually we learned
by ourselves.
5. How were your classmates?
They were very funny, A few of my classmates didn’t like go out to play, but Most of
them liked to play soccer during free time.
Everybody were very good at physic. Also we were friends each other.

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