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Population Explosion

Population explosion is the fast and quick increase in the population that
has occurred over the last few years. It causes a situation where the wealth
of government is not enough to fulfill the increasing demands of its people.
When the government doesn’t take necessary measures, the issues for the
country and the people rises. The main cause of it is the increase in birth
rate. The gap between birth and death has gone wide. The rate of deaths
compared to birth is high. The number of deaths of infants below the age of
6 months has decreased i.e the mortality rate has gone down. The life
expectancy of people has increased as earlier it was 60 years maximum
and now people live upto 75 years. It is because the quality of food and
nutrition has improved. Also the improved medical facilities have ensured
better living conditions and thus life expectancy doesn’t get reduced. Also
illiteracy is one of the leading reasons for population explosion as many
women are married at an early age and thus they lack education and
awareness about the birth control methods. They don’t understand the
importance of birth control. As the population rises, the demand for jobs
also rises and due to the lack of resources, the government is unable to
fulfill the demands. Thus people remain jobless leading to unemployment.
Overpopulation causes poverty i.e the people who lack financial resources
and have a negligible standard of living. It is of great importance to control
the population as it retards the economic development of a country. Not
only it leads environmental degradation but also causes pollution and
damages the biosphere. The government can consider many ways to
inform people about the methods they can adopt in order to control the
population. The marriages should be delayed and education should be
given utter importance. Strict actions should be taken against those who
force child marriage and child labor. Women should be empowered in order
to eradicate child discrimination because people who are in awe of boys
keep giving birth and wait until they have a boy. Women should be
educated to fight against discrimination thus leading to a healthy and
balanced society. The use of contraceptives and condoms should be
advertised and promoted. Not only should they be promoted but also made

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