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CONNECTING TO GOD'S FREQUENCY As children of God, each one of us has the privilege of hearing God’s voice. It’s God’s desire that we hear and follow His voice every day. “To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.” John 10:3-4 THE DIFFERENT WAYS GOD SPEAKS TO YOU THE BIBLE The most common way that we hear God's voice is through His Word. The Bible says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). We can see here that the very Word of God is alive and powerful! It's important that we read the Word of God and get it deep down inside of us. Then when we face a situation, a verse that we have read or studied will come to our hearts. That is the Lord speaking to you. Or when you are simply in your quiet time and you turn to a familiar verse, and simply read the verse back to God and meditate on it, many times you will feel the very life and power of God going through you. When we do this, the Word of God—His voice —will heal us, set us free, deepen our walk with God, bring us joy, etc. So, if you want to learn to hear God’s voice, learn to hear Him through the Scriptures. rg : INNER WITNESS Another very common way that we hear God's voice is what is called the inner witness. It's a very soft, gentle and quiet voice. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that | am God..." In our 21st century culture it is sometimes very dificult to quiet ourselves down and listen for His voice. One of the greatest keys to hearing God’s voice is to learn to quiet down all the other voices that you are hearing, such as thoughts in your mind (In other words, don't let your mind race), television, people, etc. When we learn to tune other voices out, we will hear the voice of God easier and clearer. This inner witness is a “knowing” and not always a voice. That is God speaking to you and we are most commonly led this way by God. That's why so many people struggle with hearing God’s voice because it takes getting quiet and learning to listen to that still small voice. Spending time with God (John 15) will help you to know and discern His voice. INNER VOICE Another way that we hear God's voice is through what's called the inner voice. This is a more clear, bold way that we hear God's voice. It’s not audible, but nearly just as loud. You will go about your day and then suddenly you will hear a voice that says, “Don't go there” or “Move into the other lane”. Or you may be at the store and hear God say, “Tell that person | love them”, This is a strong voice that you hear from God. Isaiah 30:21 says, “Your ears shall hear aword behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” When you hear His voice, always remember to obey that voice so you do not grieve the Holy Spirit. NATURE Another way that we can hear God’s voice is through the things that we see around us every day, It could be something in nature that always tells you something about God’s love for you. Or it may be a certain number that you see or song that you hear, These are sometimes subtle ways that God will speak to us to remind us of His love or that He is near to us each day. Be on the lookout for these divine moments of God reaching out to you in the “ordinariness” of life. We see all throughout the Psalms how God would speak to David's heart through the things around him. “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet” (Psalm 8:3-6). Keep your eyes and heart open to the supernatural signposts of God’s voice in the every day rg : DREAMS AND VISIONS Another way that God’s speak to us is in dreams and visions, Everyone dreams. You may not remember your dreams and if that’s you, simply ask the Lord to help you remember and He will do it. If you are having bad dreams, ask the Lord what the root of those upsetting dreams may be and ask God to visit your subconscious when you sleep. We see many times throughout Scripture of individuals receiving divine instruction through dreams, Such as when He spoke to Joseph, the husband of Mary, “Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until | tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him." (Matthew 2:13). We want to encourage you to write down your dreams, especially those that you feel have significance, and then bring it before the Lord and pray it through. God desires to speak to us in dreams and visions because He wants to help you understand what you are going through or even those things that are yet to come. This is a powerful way that we hear God's voice. It's always good to make sure that before you go to bed to ensure your heart is right before God and quiet yourself and worship Him as you fall asleep. THROUGH OTHERS The last one we will mention here (again there are several ways that we hear God's voice) in hearing God’s voice is that we can hear what God is saying to us through other people. It doesn’t always have to be a prophet or a minister. Any Christian can be used of God to bring a precious word to someone that is desperate to hear God’s voice. Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” In other words, God can use you and others to bring a word of encouragement, hope, joy and love to others that will minister deeply to a hurting heart, These words are life-giving and as Christians we need to practice this on a regular basis. You may need a word from God yourself but remember to walk in the Spirit daily, and God may give you a precious Word for someone else! Remember to take care of any hindrances in your life to hearing God’s voice. Such as hidden sin, offense, unforgiveness, etc. Of course, make sure you are turning down the voices around you so you can hear God clearer and spend much time in the Lord's presence—worshipping Him, reading His Word and praying in your Heavenly language! SID’S METHOD FOR HEARING GOD’S VOICE When you have the time, at least 10 to 15 minutes, find a quiet spot. Preferably this would be a non-stressful, quiet environment where you will not have to worry about any disruptions. Don't take your cell phone or anything else that may be a distraction. Then get comfortable and close your eyes. The next step is to quiet your mind in order to allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you and God's voice to speak to you. Remember this. Jesus said that out of your innermost belly vill flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). This is where your spirit is, not where your physical heart is. So, with your eyes closed, imagine an old fashioned well, with a bucket attached to a rope. Now imagine that you are lowering the bucket down into the well. Picture that bucket going all the way down into your spirit, into your belly. Imagine that bucket filing up with water. Continue to imagine this until you start to feel your spirit stirred and you start to feel the presence of God. When you start to feel the presence of God, you are in touch with your spirit. Then listen for God’s voice, as He will speak to you. We recommend you start doing this daily, maybe after you have spent some time reading your Bible and praying, As you hear God speak to you, even if you think He is speaking to you, write it down and share it. Share what God has told you with someone else. Maybe that is your pastor, a family member, or a friend. Or if you do not have someone to share it with, feel free share it with us by sending us an email! Finally, we want to leave you with some encouragement. We recently sent out a survey to some of our students in our online school, asking them to tell us about a time they heard God speak to them. We were overwhelmed with the response we received. Over 200 people replied to this survey, sharing amazing stories of God speaking to them. We want to share some of these stories with you, to encourage you and build your faith. In the survey we asked this question: Was there ever a time in your life when you heard God's voice? Would you mind sharing what happened? Here are just a few of many replies. AMAZING SUPERNATURAL STORIES! THE SNOWPLOW | once pulled out to pass from behind a snowplow on a snowy day. | couldn't see beyond the plow because it was raising so much of a plume of snow. | was in a hurry, so | made up my mind to pass the snowplow and bust through the cloud of snow. Suddenly, a stern voice commanded me: "DON'T PASS". So, | didn't, and just then a big four by four truck came hurtling through the cloud of snow. The voice saved me from a head on collision! MEETING GOD AT SWIM CAMP Iwas about 8 years old at the time. My parents signed my brother and | up for swimming lessons at a local reservoir. On the last day we were to swim out to a buoy in deep water. As | got closer to the buoy, one of the other kids in the class started to panic. She grabbed a hold of me and started pushing me underwater to keep herself afloat. There was only one instructor present and 15-20 kids. The next thing | remember is floating in the sky and looking down on the scene with Jesus right next to me. Jesus comforted me and told me it would be all right. | could see my motionless body underneath the water. | could also see my brother watching from far away as the swimming instructor raced towards me. | watched as she pulled my body out of the water. The next thing | remember was being back in my body with the instructor reviving me. My brother thought | was dead. FROM THE VALLEY OF BUDDHISM TO THE PEAK OF GOD'S GLORY Yes, when | seek Him for direction in life. | was born in a buddhist family and life was miserable all the way to adulthood. | held a well-paying but meaningless job for years. But when | came to know Jesus, | was eager to seek Him and for Him to show me my purpose. | always journaled down those yearnings and His answers. Quiet time and spending time in His word was key. A decade later, | looked back and was amazed at all He has done for me. | am now in a brand-new ministry that | find meaning in and is a joy to do. All praise, thanks and glory to my loving Abba Father. GOD ORCHESTRATED MY MARRIAGE The first time | heard God's voice was in a church. | was a new member and the people in the church were greeting me and shaking my hands welcoming me. Then as one specific guy came up to me and smiled, | heard a voice tell me “He will be your husband”. | found this hard to believe and even told myself to behave because | was 8 months pregnant at the time and not married. | forgot everything about that encounter, But when my baby was 1 year old, we were married. | believe it was from the Holy Spirit at work in our lives! GOD AND THE ELEVATOR One time | heard the voice of God, | was visiting my cousin. She lived on the 21st floor of a building. Once as we were getting ready to step onto the lift to go down, | hear God say, "get out, the lift is going to get stuck". | quickly jumped out and told my cousin to get out because the lift was going to get stuck. But she had already pressed the button to go down and then pulled me in. The door closed. We didn’t even make it down to the next floor before the lift got stuck. My cousin could not believe what had just happened. We hope you found these stories encouraging and uplifting. These are just a few of the stories we received, But now it is time for YOU to have your own story. Practice the exercise we mentioned above, repeatedly if needed. It will come. You will hear His voice. PR Meo COULTER) eC} mee Lire rae aa Ree A d

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