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This is the information of the Peruvian company Altomayo,

It is a Peruvian company leader in the coffee sector that was born in

1992, it is also part of the Huancaruna Group, it is the main exporter
of green coffee beans in Peru and the first exporter of organic coffee
to the world.The head office is in Lambayeque, sales in Peru are
very high since it markets coffee throughout the territory.It is
dedicated to the area of coffee sales and production, the main
language that developing in the company is Spanish and
English.Likewise, our biggest competitor is the sale of coffee in Peru
is Nescafe and Kirma.
This company also has three coffee shop in the city of Cusco within
the airport, whose main objective is to promote and know the quality
of Peruvian coffee and especially Altomayo, these coffee shop have
25 employees, our advertising is through TV and the public. Inside
the airport our biggest competitor in coffee shops is Tempo coffee
and Hana.

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