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Traitors Gate: Haunted by the Past.

New Wave of British Heavy Metal Blog

Not to be confused with the other Traitors Gate, here’s what was the Weston-Super-Mare
based band of the same name.

They had a short spell in the early 1980s NWOBHM days and yet one of the many who could
have, should have gained more recognition than they did.

The guitarist (Andy Sayers) I’m assuming is the same Andy Sayers who played in Zenith (also
from Weston-Super-Mare). Zenith recently had their stuff from the old days out via Obscure
NWOBHM Releases (review here) and now it’s the turn of Traitors Gate to have their stuff out

Eight studio cuts and four blazing live recordings show yet again the level of talent swimming
around the NWOBHM pool. Like Zenith, Traitors Gate gigged around the local region though
didn’t manage to break out.

Lady of the Night is an excellent opening song. A moody intro gives way to a bruising riff/chord
structure and lead over-play alternating between the two styles a time or two and plays out with
nice lead work. Have a listen:

Nightrider and Give the Girl more “traditional” NWOBHM in style. Wielding the Axe a touch
more melodic and has a memorable chorus and a sort of “chugging” riff. Nice. Warning Sign is
short, punchy and heavy as you like.

Assassin is for me the stand-out. An unusual style difficult to tie down. A sort of “jingle-jangle”
riff which stutters, stops and starts. Strangely hypnotic.

Haunted by the Past another short, sharp rocker not unlike Wielding the Axe.

Next up the four live cuts. A couple of really excellent instrumentals (Twist of Fate and Traitors
Death) both featuring excellent guitar work. Room 13 has a nice expansive feel to it before a
storming, frantic, even heavier version of Warning Sign brings the CD to a close.

Overall – it’s excellent stuff and thanks to Obscure MWOBHM Releases finding another lost
one from the old days for us to enjoy.

Always a pleasure to discover-re-discover bands like Traitors Gate from the original New Wave
of British Heavy Metal days who didn’t have their time in the sun.

However – it’s a limited run of just 600 copies so as usual with the label, act fast. As usual I
bagged my copy from Sonic Age Records (

As I type this (July 2020) Haunted by the Past is still listed on Sonic Age. So why not get on
over and snag one for yourself.

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