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Sentence Transformation

1) The hospital is about to shut down permanently. (BRINK)

The hospital is on the brink of shutting down permanently/on the brink of a permanent

2) Who did this research? (OUT)

Who was this research carried out by?

3) The police were holding her because they thought she’d committed arson. (SUSPICION)

She was being held on suspicion of committing/having committed arson.

4) The couple didn’t separate because of their children. (SAKE)

The couple stayed together for the sake of the/their children.

5) My parents taught me about good manners by constant repetition. (DRUMMED)

Good manners were drummed into me by my parents.

Word Formation

1) It’s a shame that some lovely old buildings in the centre were needlessly/unnecessarily
demolished. (NEED)

2) Sixty days’ imprisonment seemed like a very harsh sentence for such a minor crime.

3) Several of the teachers at Harrow have a reputation for being distant and unapproachable.

4)I spent a miserable day on an overcrowded beach on the Costa Brava in August.(CROWD)

5)Seemingly, some fashions from the 80s are “in” again this season. (SEEM)
Cloze exercise. Fill in the blank with ONE appropriate word.

Electronic tagging is a system that is currently being used by some authorities to

allow/permit the early release of prison offenders and act as a viable alternative to a
custodial sentence. It is thought that if this system could be implemented in all areas
of the UK, it could radically reduce the prison population and help solve the problem of
overcrowding in our prisons.

1)The family cabin is warm and _____ , but can only fit three people comfortably.
a. antique b. cosy c. cramped d. tight

2) Jack was _____ of assault when the police discovered he had a cast-iron alibi.

a) cleared b) liberated c) released d) pardoned

3) This chair is extremely ______. The next person who sits on it is bound to break it.

a) fidgety b) weakly c) poorly d) rickety

4) Fortunately for the politician, all the _____ of bribery were dropped.

a) sentences b) charges c) counts d) convictions

5)Now, now children! You have to form a/an _____ queue before you go into the assembly

a) orderly b) ordered c) neat d) tidy

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