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 Whatis happening in Kashmir?

Everything you need to know
 Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority
 The former Himalayan kingdom of Kashmir is
divided between the two nations, and they
almost immediately go to war for total control
of the
 A UN-backed ceasefire line agreed by the two
nations in July 1949 becomes a de facto
frontier which remains today.
 1953
 Jammu and Kashmir prime minister Sheikh
Abdullah is dismissed and imprisoned by New
Delhi for almost 11 years over his support of
the region's independence.
Indo-Pak conflict and kashmir issue
 1965-66
 1971-72 war
 1999 kargir war
 1989-90 Muslim Mujahideen uprising
 2016 The killing of a popular rebel leader Burhan
 2019 least 40 paramilitaries killing.
 Article 370 acknowledges the special status of the
state of Jammu and Kashmir in terms of autonomy
and its ability to formulate laws for the state's
permanent residents. In the 1954 Presidential
order, among other things, the Fundamental Rights
in the Indian Constitution were made applicable to
Kashmir with exceptions
 Mr Modi's Hindu nationalist-led
government has proposed toremove Article
370 of India’s constitution on 5 August by
a presidential order. Another clause, Article
35A, which reserved property and
employment rights with residents of J and
K, has now been abrogated by the
presidential order.
 The government hopes to change Indian-controlled
Kashmir’s Muslim-majority demographics by allowing
in a flood of new Hindu residents.
 Local politicians critical of India's move have been put
under house arrest and internet and phone service
have been cut.
 Amit Shah, India’s Home Minister, told members of
the upper house that the government had also
decided to split the state into two union territories –
Jammu and Kashmir, which will have a legislature,
and Ladakh, which will be ruled directly by the central
government without a legislature of its own.

 People from the rest of India will have the
right to acquire property in the region and
settle there permanently.
 Pakistan’s foreign ministry said India’s action
violates UN resolutions, which allowed for
Kashmiri self-determination. Pakistani
officials say India was trying to void that
 US President Donald Trump has offered to
mediate between India and Pakistan on the
issue of Kashmir.

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