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Compile and create a professional industry-based submission which highlights

an initiative or innovative marketing campaign that you developed for your
specific marketplace, client/s or business. Within this submission we ask you to
consider the who, what, why, when and how strategies you adopted. You can do
this by putting all the detail and ideas behind the campaign while outlining the
importance of all those in the marketing chain as well as detailing the role they

1.2. Show us how and why the campaign or initiative was successful. This could
relate to the timing of the campaign, your agility, outside the square thinking,
how crucial it became in initiating it, or the level of finesse shown. Outline the
points of difference, your ability to be agile, the creative ideas which set it apart
from conventional and generic marketing. Give us practical examples
demonstrating how you have satisfied the criteria.

1.3. Support your submission with a portfolio of evidence such as imagery, online
promotion brochures, print media, social media campaigns, taped performance
of the campaign, client testimonials.

1.4. Keep your information on point. This is a quality-based award which

acknowledges specifics.

1.5. If you wish, attach details of applicable referees who may be contacted in regard
to your application. This is optional but please inform the referees that they may
be contacted.

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2.1. Innovative Marketing or Initiative: By virtue of their submission the candidate
will have illustrated demonstrated their innovative marketing abilities within
their chosen industry field by providing an example of when they have used
original ideas and innovative marketing to implement a strategy that achieves
the best outcome for their client.

2.2. Industry Awareness: The candidate will be able to prosecute the significance of
the campaign to the industry by understanding market awareness, industry
trends and basic industry knowledge with regard to supply and demand. The
candidate will show how this knowledge influenced and underpinned their

2.3. Business Relations and Ethical Behavior: The campaign or strategy will be
recognized for its ethics and any engagement within industry will show strict
adherence to industry standards and protocols.

2.4. Presentation and Delivery: The candidate will be judged on their ability to
present and deliver their submission in a clear and professional way. In
recognition of the prestige and importance of this award, ALPA reserves the
right to reject submissions which are not of a quality to commensurate with the
professional expectations of the award.

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