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250 10 " 12 13 4 8 16 7 18 19 UNIT 7: Reported Speech 2 tell 4 told 6 said 3 said 5 tel 7 told 1 told 3. said 5 say 2 said 4 told 6 tell 1 told 3 tel 5 told 2 say 4 say 6 said Tina told her (that) the library is/was huge. Paul told her (that) he was learning lots of interesting things Simon told her (that) the teachers were very friendly. Elaine told her (that) she would always remember her time there, Roger told her (that) he was taking his final exams the following month, Sho said (hat) she was stating a new job the following weekithe week after He told them (that) he had got his exam results the week beforefhe previous week Sally sad (that) she couldnt atford to buy the cress, He toldisaid to her (that) he would buy a car ithe had enough money. Frank said (that) it was the house where he had been borniwas born dill said (hat ithad beeniwas a wonderful pary. ‘The teacher said (that) oranges grow/ grew in hot countries. He said (hal) a lot of people vististed museums. The tour guide told us (that) it iiwas a very famous statue. Bob said that) he cid ike the jacket. The boy said (that) he is lost. She said (that) she might be a litle late that evening Mum told/said to Claire (that) she had better clean up the mess ‘She said (that) she has already done the shopping Sue said (that) she found/had found the ote under the sofa He tas o us (hat) he wouldn't be late again Sho said (that) i she finished work early, she would call me. He told the reporters (that) he had been training hard recenty 20 Zoé offered to make some tea. 21 The man told/said to his children (thal) they must/had to go home then. 22. Satah said (that) they were the boys who chased! had chased her. 23. Lynne told her friends (that) she is going to a party tonight. 24 Laura said (thal) she used to have long hair. 25. Grandad said (that) there is/was too much Violence on TV. 26 Andrew told her (that) she ought to make ‘a decision soon, (Suggested answers) 2 But you told me he was moving house on Monday. 3 But you told me you liked ttalian food. 4 But you told me he couldn't speak any foreign languages. 5 But you told me you went out together yesterday, 6 But you told me he was working in a bank, 7 But you told me you didn't have to work. 8 But you told me she didn't know about it. 2 Jil said (that) she had finished the letters you had asked her to wie. 3. The teacher said (that) pandas lve/ived in China. The tenses can either remain unchanged or change because the statement is a general truth 4 Dad says (thal) its time for bed. The tenses do not change because the introductory verb is in the present simple. 5 Toby said (thal) he had to tidy his bedroom then, 6 The article says (that) there has been an increase in the number of university students. The tenses do not change because the introductory verb is in the present simple 7 Mr Brown says (that) his son is going to work abroad. The tenses do not change because the introductory verb is in the present simple 8 He said that he should have bought her a present 9 My sister always says (that) she is never going to have a pel. The tenses do not change because the introductory verb is in the present simple. 10 Alison says (that) the taxi is here. The tenses do not change because the introductory verb is in the present simple. 11. Mr Collins says (that) you needn't work late this evening. The tenses do not change because the introductory verb is in the present simple. 12 She told me (that) she would pick me up at eight o'clock. 13. He said (that) coal is/was found under- ground. The tenses can either remain unchanged or change because the statement is a general truth, 14 She said tottold her son (that) he ought to go to the doctor's. “Ought to” never ‘changes. 15. She said (that) it was raining hard that day. 16 They said (that) they had never travelled by plane before. 17 They said (that) they might go to the cinema that night. 18 Mum always says (that) youll should wear warmer clothes. "Should" never changes. | gave an amazing performance in the film, When I starred in ‘Over the Moon’ in 1958, ‘Film Stars’ said that | brought any character to life. ‘Movie News’ said that | was always a pleasure to watch, When | starred in ‘The Secret House’ in 1961, ‘Film Weekly’ said that | was the best actress ever seen on screen. ‘Movie Times’ said that | had a gift which was very rare. When I starred in “Only for You' in 1963, ‘Film Word’ said that | had made the film a success. ‘Screen Play’ said that | truly was a star of the screen, 2 | asked the shop assistant how much the blouse cost. 3. | asked the doctor how many tablets 1 should take each day. 4 | asked the librarian if | could borrow the 'book for another week. 5. | asked the electrician if it would cost very ‘much to repair the television. 6 | asked the waiter if | might look at the menu. 7. | asked the teacher what | had to do for homework, 8 Lasked the secretary when the report would be types. 9 asked the florist f he/she would be able to deliver the flowers that day. 10 " 12 10 10 | asked the hairdresser if| could make an appointment to have my hair cut Uncle Bill asked us where our parents were. Dad asked ifiwhether | would help him carry the box. ‘Mum asked me what time | would be home. He asked her whether she could play the guitar. David asked Janet who had beeniwas at the door, ‘They asked us where the post office was. Meg asked me when | would do my homework, The boss asked me itfwhether | had finished the reports. John asked Sam itjwhether he liked computer games. He asked her ifiwhether she would give him alt to work. ‘She asked him where his jacket was. ‘Simon asked him what the best part of his job was Simon asked him what he found difficult about acting, ‘Simon asked him how many films he had starred in ‘Simon asked him what his favourite film was ‘Simon asked him itiwhether he had met ‘many other famous people. ‘Simon asked him where he would most like to make a fm ‘Simon asked him ifiwhether he had visited ‘many interesting places. Simon asked him what his plans for the future were. ‘Simon asked him iffwhether he was happy with his ite. He suggested going out for dinner. Colin asked Dave to hold the book for him. He asked her to close the door. Father suggested going to the beach. ‘She suggested watching the game on TV. He begged them not to hurt him. ‘The policeman ordered the thieves to put their hands up, ‘The man asked the waiter to bring him some water Jason begged his father to let him go to the party. 2A 2b 4b Ba Sa 252 " 12 The librarian told the boys not to make so much noise. The chet told me to put the cake in the oven, He told the students not to talk during the He told the students to raise their hand if they needed anything, He told the students to write all their angwers in pen. He told the students to answer all the auestions, He told the students not to forget to write their name at the top of the page. He told the students to check their answers again before they handed the paper in, He asked the students to leave quietly when they (had) finished, told her dad (that) she wouldn't be home that night. ‘asked Mum ifwhether | could have a biscuit ‘asked Jim to help her with the bags. told him to hurry up. told them to be quiet. suggested going to the theatre. told me we would discuss it later. ‘Anna said (that) she is going shopping, His friend told him to go away. She asked me ifwhether | was ready to leave He told/said to her (that) he would pick her up at five o'clock Ruth says (that) it's time for lunch, Marilyn asked when \iwe arrived/nad arrived. She said (that) the meeting started ten minutes ago. My father told me not to be late. Pam told us (that) Tom had already let. Joe asked who was there. ‘She asked me what colour skit | bought! hhad bought. They told/said to him (that) they are leaving early in the morning, Dad told the boys not to go near the fre Liz suggested having a barbecue that weekend e © 10 " " 12 13 14 5 16 7 18 19 me to lock the door before | let for forgetting to call me. that Stuart never listened to her. {going bowling that evening, Us to play near the road. the man of stealing his wallet. about/of being the best basketball player in the school (to) taking/having takenjthat she had taken the letter. that Sarah (should) stay/on Sarah staying for lunch, ‘me to let him borrow my bicycle. ‘me not to touch the oven because it was hot. denied 8 threatened advised 9 reminded promised 10 accused agreed 11 warmed complained 12 insisted suggested Dennis accused Ann of lying/having lied tohim. Tara promised Diana that she wouldn't tellinot to tell anyone her secret Mum reminded me to post the letters. Sarah apologised to Frances for Tuining/having ruined her shir. George denied using/having usedithat he had used Tim's computer. Mike warned the children not to get too close to the fire. ‘Simon suggested having a party Mum threatened to punish the twins if they behaved badly. She admitted to breaking/having brokenithat she had broken the vase. David asked me if he could use my phone. Sandra agreed to help me with the washing up. Mr Jones ordered the class to stop talking, He begged us not to tell anyone about it. ‘She advised her brother to go to the dentist's The school bus driver ordered the children to sit down The policeman ordered the robbers to throw down their weapons. Dad forbade Louise to stay out late that right. She insisted on the childrenitheir washing their hands before eating dinner. She insisted that the children (should) wash their hands before eating dinner. > 20 Amanda exclaimed (that) it was the most ‘beautiful necklace she had ever seen. 2 They gave an exclamation of surprise/delight as the fireworks exploded in the sky. 3. He asked us to try to visit John. 4 She gave an exclamation of delight as she tasted the dessert. ‘She exclaimedisaid that it was a delicious dessertithat the dessert was delicious. 5. He gave an exclamation of surprise when he saw the present. 6 She gave an exclamation of amazement when she saw the magician’s act. 7 She wished him good luck. 8 She asked him if he could do the puzzle and he said he couldn't. (Suggested answers) 2 He suggested going to the cinema, ‘explaining that they hadn't seen a film for months. 3 Tim said that Dave was ill and added that hhe couldn't go to the party. Mike asked what was wrong with him. Tim said that he had got flu and explained that he had to stay in bed, 4 He said tojtold her that she was early and went on to explain that he wasn't ready yet. 5. She told him to hury up, explaining that they were going to miss the bus. 6 She asked him ifwhether he had his key, ‘adding that she had forgotten hers. 7 Colin said that he was going out and went (on to say that he might be back late. 8 Sally told John that she had bought a car ‘and went on to explain that it was being delivered the next day. John asked her what kind of car it was. Sally told him that it was a sports car and added that it had beeniwas very expensive. 9 He apologised for being late and explained that he had overslept 10 Martin asked James i he could help him land went on to explain that he needed ‘some advice. James asked him what the problem was. Martin said that he didn’t know what to buy his mother for her birthday and added that he wanted to get something special 2. ‘Shall we go out tonight?" Bill asked. 3. David said, ‘Shut the door, please.” 4 10 " 12 13 14 18 ‘Why are you crying” Steve asked Jenny./'Why are you crying, Steve? asked Jenny. ''m sorry I'm late,” he said, "I was stuck in traffic.” Rachel said, ‘I'm afraid | can't help you. “I don't want eggs,’ she said to her mother. I'd rather have a steak ‘We have to leave in five minutes,’ Sally said. ‘Can you call us a taxi? ‘Did you go to the library today?" Sean asked me, Daniel said, ‘Stop talking. | can't concentrate, ‘Would you like to come to the cinema with me?" she asked Il help you clean the house if you like,” he said ‘We're late, we said. We missed the bus./ "We're late because we missed the bus, we said "You should see a professional,” she said. “Yes, | (have) read your diary.” she said ‘Yes, Ill help you interview the candidates,’ she said. "You broke my glasses,” he said to me. ‘We're sorry we missed your dinner party we said to them. The children are always disturbing me, Edward said. ‘Why don't we/Shall we go fishing this afternoon?'/‘Let's go fishing this afternoon, ‘said Malcolm "I didn't damage the car.’ said Simon. Kate asked Harry to open the door for her. ‘Ihave met Kevin Costner,’ said Julia ‘She complained (that) he never listened when she was talking to him. The instructor explained (that) this was how we opened the parachute. She promised her friend (that) she wouldn't lose her necklace. ‘Please, please, let me go to the disco, Stuart said to his parents. His father forbade him to go to the concert. ‘Mum agreed to let me stay out late on Saturday, "Iwant to speak to my lawyer, the man said. He told us that there were no tickets lef. The guide warned the climbers that the path was very slippery. ‘Will you write to me while you're away, please?’ he said to her 253 y ee 10 " 12 254 Dave told them/said (that) they had been interviewing people for two weeks. Lucy suggested contacting the Job Centre. ‘Ann said that she thought (that) Julie ‘Smith was looking for a job. Tom agreed and added that they had forgotten that she had been looking for a job. Dave said (that) Julie might be perfect for the job and went on to ask Ann if she had hher phone number. ‘Ann said (that) she did and offered to give her a call Sam asked Ann not to forget to ask her if she could work flexible hours. Anna says that lunch is ready. They told me that it was a photograph of their family. Brian told me that he had a new car. Linda said she had seen the film the month before/the previous month. Tim asked me where | had been on holiday. ‘Alan told me that John must be in the office, to 4 to. 7 that 10 on being 5 to 8 do so. 6 if 9 that promised to send 13 accused Jane of threatened to drinking/having ‘send him drunk invited us 14 suggested (that) exclaimed that it we should was 15. agreed to give me apologised to her 16 ordered the man for interrupting to drop insisted on my 17. why | was finishing making refused togive 18 offered to giveme Steve 19 advised her son suggested going to. save. for a picnic 20 boasted aboutjof denied leaving! having having leftthat 21 whether | could she had left lend reminded us to 22. claimed to have pack seenithat she admitted (to) had seen taking/having «23 wondered where takenithat she her purse had taken 24 why she was a, aa, eP @ Prepositions 2 with 7 to 12 Bo Bin 13 410 9 trom 14 5 at 10 on 15 6 to iin 16 Phrasal Verbs 2 in 10 back 3 offfaway 11 back from 12. up with 4 out 13. back 5 up 14 on 6 uplout 15 down 7 off 16 out 8 on 17 back 9 up 18 out A 2 instructions = B 3. attention 4 careful 5. wonderful © 1 admiration =D 2. commitment 3. concentration 4 decisions 5. injuries 28 6B 10 3c 70 1 aA BA 12 5C 9B 13 2A 48 68 3C¢ 5A 7C 2 didn'tnesdto 10 give " 3. should be 4 youlikemetocut 12 5 about going for a drive 13 6 needn'thave 14 bought 7 are not allowed 15 to interrupt 8 mayimighticould 16 have left 9 mustn't play football from about of of with 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 to 18 to off out down up with up out of successful Popularity fashionable enjoyable development distraction performance enjoyment unbearable 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 1. disappointment 2 3 4 5 4A 6B 6c 78 A 108 c didn't need to is likely that she needn't have cleaned may sell must have proposed had better reconsider exclaimed that the view Oral Activity (Suggested answers) The reporter asked Mr Houston where he had found all the interesting objects and pictures. Mr Houston answered (that) he had been collecting them for years. ‘The reporter asked Mr Houston ifwhether he had always been interested in history. Mr Houston said (that) he had, and added that itwasihad been his favourite subject at school ‘The reporter asked Mr Houston ifiwhether he had any other hobbies apart from history Mr Houston answered (that) he also enjoyed listening to classical music. ‘The reporter asked Mr Houston what his hopes for the museum were. Mr Houston answered (that) he hoped that it ‘would be popular with visitors and residents and (that) people would learn from it. Writing Activity (Suggested answer) that he thought everyone should have access to the town’s history. | asked him where he had found all the interesting objects and pictures and he said (that) he had been collecting them for years, asked Mr Houston if he had always been Interested in history. He said (that) he had, and added that it had been/was his favourite ‘subject at school. | then asked him if he had any other hobbies apart from history, and he said (that) he also enjoyed listening to classical music. Finally, | asked Mr Houston what his hopes for the museum were. He replied that he hoped (that) it would be popular with visitors and residents and (that) people would learn from it UNIT 8: Emphasis - Inversion 2 What you need to do is to act quickly. What you have todo isto call an ambulance 4 What you must concentrate on is helping the vicims.What you must do is to Concentrate on helping the victims. 5 What you need to check is that the injury |s not serious. What you need to do is to check that the injury is not serious. 6 What you should not allow anyone to do Js to move the injured people,What you ‘should not do is to allow anyone to move the injured people. 7 What you should remember is to keep the victims warm.What you should do is to remember to keep the victims warm. 8 What you have to do is to keep the injured people calm. 2 I's not Sam whoithat is a policeman, i's Daniel I's not carrots | like, it's potatoes. It's not sweets he's eating, it's fruit wasn'ta flm we watched, it was a play. Its not French | speak, i's German. Its not a house they want, i's a flat Itwasn't a window | broke, it was a mirror. 2 It was Paul wholthat sold his old car last week It was his old car that Paul sold last week Iwas last week that Paul sold his old car. 3 It was Sarah whoithat lost her keys this morning, It was her keys that Sarah lost this morning twas this morning that Sarah lost her keys. 4 Itwas David whorthat made dinner lastnight. It was dinner that David made last night It was last night that David made dinner. 5 Itwas Simon whoithat published his latest ‘novel ast month. It was his latest novel that Simon published last month, twas last month that Simon published his latest novel. 6 Itwas I whojthat meta film star last week. twas a film star whoithat | met last week It was last week that I met a film star. 7 It was Alan whoithat repaired the fence this afternoon. It was the fence that Alan repaired this afternoon. twas this afternoon that Alan repaired the fence. @ It was Catherine whoithat found a kitten (on Monday. 259 256 it was a kitten that Catherine found on Monday. It was on Monday that Catherine found a kitten. 2 It was Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh ‘whoithat played the lead parts. 3 It was Margaret Mitchell whoithat wrote the original novel, 4 Itwas in 1939 that the film was released. 5 Itwasin Atlanta that the fim was fst shown. 6 It was soon after its release that the film became a huge success. 7 twas nine Oscars thatthe film won in 1940, 2. Itwas Alison whoithat made the bridesmaids’ dresses. 3 Where was it that you met Jason?/Where ‘everiWherever did you meet Jason? 4 Who was it that gave you this expensive necklace?/Who ever/Whoever gave you this expensive necklace? 5 Isitthat cake that you are going to buy for the party? 6 Itwas Steve who/that decorated the living room, 7 What was it that made you react like this?/What ever/Whatever made you react lke this? 8 Why was it that you phoned the police?/ ‘Why ever did you phone the police? © Why is it that you don't remember my birthday?/ Why ever don't you remember my birthday? 40 It was this moming that we received the letter. 2... come in! 3... did they close the shop? 4. she needs is a pay rise, 5... promise to call him. 6. itthat you got married? 7 «have you done? 8 tell you to be quiet. 9... Annie who/that opened the windows. (Suggested answers) 2... a big house with a garden. a three-week holiday. listening to music. doing the ironing, why she is not speaking to me. ‘what time they will arrive, relaxing on the beach. P © © ee 13, 4 15, 2 3 didt 5 did! 8 arewe didwe 6 willl 9 cant havel 7 did! 10 ami Away flew the birds. {At the end of the road is my house. ‘Onto the stage came the actors. Up into the sky rose the aeroplane. ‘At the foot of the mountain stands the Grand Hotel Down the street walked the policeman. Up the ladder climbed the window cleaner. had she fallen asleep than the telephone rang, did we get lost, but (also) our car broke down. have | heard such a terrible story. did we realise that the jewels had been stolen. ‘has business been so good. has the boss given him a bonus. should you enter this room. meeting Peter several times did | get to know him, did the police know that the man was a criminal last summer have | been to the beach. known about the party, I would have gone. ‘else have we had such a wonderful time. you, | would look for a new job. had he entered the office when the manager called him, must you give 4 will you be able to will the show be will you get (Suggested answers) 2 3 4 5 had I got home 6 thealarm went off ‘working late 7 have |had should you @ should anyone did Hose else Only later did he realise what a difference it would make to our lives. Never before had there been a drug like this, Only by taking penicilin could patients with infections be successfully cured. Not only did penicillin advance medical technology, but it also saved thousands of ives, Rarely do people die from infections these days. Vincent Van Gogh did was paint beautiful pictures./Vincent Van Gogh painted was beautiful pictures. that Mozart cared about was his music. was the Wright Brothers who made the first aeroplane flight (was the first aeroplane flight that the Wright Brothers made, ‘gave Charles Dickens great pleasure was writing that Emily Pankhurst wanted was equal fights for women, ‘was in America that tobacco was first discovered jwas tobacco that was first discovered in America was Margaret Thatcher who/that became the first female Prime Minister of Britain sooner had I got 11. should you open toolate did we 12. realised how notice late it did | realise 18. else have | eaten (that) 14 0 you, | would circumstances did | notice must you open did they know 15_before had | (that) seen cani meet him 16 did I remember couldwe get 17. did we have only is she a sweets when brilliant love chocolate biscuits.’ ‘So do I ‘What have you been doing?’ she asked. Hardly had Melissa gone to bed when the telephone rang. Not only is he lazy but also stubborn, He is a mechanic, as is his father. ‘Seldom does she go to the theatre Only after he had closed the windows did he leave the house. you 5 she 9 ever it 6 It 10. when. you 7 it enjoy 8 did sight 9 cautious survival 10. beneficial fortunately 11 numerous musician 12. natural living 13. choice height 14 Honesty complaints 15. amazement cy e © Ce @ 2 peacetul 6 luxurious 3 attractive 7 famous 4 beautiful 8 privacy 5 spacious 9 security Phrasal Verbs 2 out 12 onlupon 21 over! 3 up 13 over through 4 after 14 for 22 off as 5 outfor 15 uptor 23 offiaway 6 up 16 out 24 up 7 out 17 forward 25 upto 8 downon to 26 on 9 through 18 up 27 into 10 away 19 for 28 upto 11 up 20 on 29 up Prepositions 2of 6 at Wolf 14 of 3 for 7 of 11 about 15 in 4 with 8 from 12 about 16 for 5 to 9 wih 13 on 17 into 2A 4A 6A BC 0B 3B 5A 76 9C 2a 7a 12 the 16 the San 8 the 13 an 17 — athe 9- w-i Ba 5 0a the 6 the 1 15 2 The young girl was rescued by a firefighter. 3 The flowers are being watered by a gardener, 4 The dogs are walked by Caroline every morning, 5 The flood had been caused by heavy rain, 6 The evidence was being examined by police officers. 7. The reporters were given an interview by a spokesperson./An interview was given to the reporters by a spokesperson. ‘8 Youwillbe taken to your seat by an official. 9 The results are going to be announced on Friday. 10 Some changes have been made by the new manager. 11 The arrangements for the party are being made by the students. 12 The windows are cleaned every week. 257

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