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The Eight Week of Integrated Manufacturing Class: Material Handling

Material handling is a translation of the term material handling is a very important

activity in production activities and has a close relationship with the planning of the layout of
production facilities. Material Handling is one type of transportation (transportation) carried out
in industrial companies, which means moving raw materials, semi-finished goods or finished
goods from their original place of destination. Material handling in this case is the best way to
move material from one place of production to another. Basically, material handling activities
are unproductive activities, because in this activity materials do not get a change in shape or
change in value, so that in fact will reduce ineffective activities and look for the smallest material
handling costs. Eliminating transportation is not possible, so the way is to do a hand-off, which is
to reduce the amount of costs used for transportation costs. Reducing the amount of
transportation costs can be done by removing transportation steps, mechanization or minimizing
distance. There are eight principles in material handling which are planning, automation, system,
standardization, accounting and life cycle-cost, gravity, environmental design, safety and

Material handling equipment that is usually used in a factory company can be

distinguished as fixed path equipment and varied path equipment. Fixed path equipment, namely
material handling equipment that has been fixed (fixed) used in a production process and can be
used for other purposes. The properties of fixed path equipment are usually dependent or
determined by the production process. Its nature is fixed (fixed) is not flexible, because it is only
used to transport goods or materials continuously and cannot be used for other purposes. These
machines or equipment usually use electric power. Examples of fixed path equipment are
conveyors, some are placed on a room and on the floor, cranes, elevators, trains. Varied Path
Equipment, which is material handling equipment that is flexible, can be used for various
purposes and is not specific to transport or move certain materials / goods. The properties of
varied are usually do not depend on the production process. A variety of operations can be used.
Such machines or equipment are usually used with the power of human power or mechanical
power (motor). Examples of varied path equipment are various trucks, fork trucks or forklifts,
DSS asks a number of Questions and progressively work on selection of certain types of
equipment. Characteristics of material handling tasks are movable type; movable type moves
between certain points above a The Fixed Path and Floor space available. The decision /
inference chain in DSS is a direct path from the reason for using attribute information to reduce
progressively search room for alternative equipment. Forward chaining starts from the facts and
gradually a conclusion. In the process of developing a chain of inference, an important set of
attributes for each type of equipment is identified. A set of value corresponding to the type of
equipment is identified. Punishment lines to determine the order in which attribute should be
added to reduce that number equipment options.

Manual material handling (MMH) is a transportation activity carried out by one or more
workers which involves the use of muscle energy (or effort) by carrying out lifting, lowering,
pushing, pulling, transporting, and moving goods. Working without tools (manual handling) is
any activity that uses muscle power to lift, move, push, or hold an object. These injuries affect
the muscles and soft tissues but can also affect the discs of the joints and spinal arrangement if
they are too forced. In some cases, backbone injuries are caused by repetitive activities that exert
energy to lift or move objects. Weight is one factor in determining the risk of injury due to
manual handling. One of the important things in manual material handling is always to check the
load to ensure it’s not too heavy to be carried alone and to determine whether there is need of
assistance of other people or not. There are eight principle in manual material handling which are
think and bring the body to the object to be lifted, keep the feet slightly forward in line with the
object, stretch the legs and bend the knees forwards to 90 °, keep the backbone straight a
maximum of 200 angles to the vertical, lift weights with strength on both knees / thighs, before
lifting the workers should straighten the front view (horizon), insert the chin so that the upper
end of the spine is locked, close your arms to your body, keep the weight parallel to the waist,
Hold the weight with your palm and do not turn the waist.

Material Handling is the art and science of handling, moving, packaging, storing, and
controlling material in all its forms. So that the production process can run well, the planning of
activities related to the transfer of materials must be done as well as possible. Basically, the
purpose of holding material handling is to eliminate waste or inefficiency. So it can also be
concluded that the purpose of material handling is to lift, move and place materials when needed,
and to expedite the production process so that goods can be finished on time, and to reduce costs
incurred during the production process. Various factors need to be considered in choosing the
types of material handling equipment to be used and how much each type will be needed. The
factors considered are as follows: Transport path, Nature of object transported, Characteristics of
buildings, State of available space, Capacity of handling equipment required, and Cost of each
alternative method. Benefits obtained from material handling include saving production costs,
reducing inventory costs, using space more efficiently, and increasing company productivity.
Layout and transfer of materials have the greatest effect on productivity and profits of a company
when compared to other factors. In practice, layout and material handling have relationships that
cannot be separated from one another.

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