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Atty. Monica Yap

Chapter 1: Preliminary Chapter

1. Alfonso V. Land Bank of the Philippines GR. Nos 181912 and 183347 - ​ALMIJHEM

2. Natalia Realty Inc V Department of Agrarian Reform GR 103302 - ​ALVARO

3. Heirs of Luna V. Afable GR 188299 - ​BARBA

4. Heirs of Salas, Jr. V. Cabungcal GR 191545 - ​BARCENA

5. Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. V. Secretary of Agrarian Reform GR

78742, 79310, 79744, 79777 - ​BUGAYONG

6. Hacienda Luisita, Inc V. Presidential Agrarian Reform Council GR 171101 - ​CASTILLO

7. Estrella V Fransisco GR 209384 - ​CHUNG

8. Department of Agrarian Reform V. CA GR 1700018 - ​DE LOS SANTOS

9 Republic V Salvador N. Lopez Agri-Business Corp. GR 178895, 179071 - ​ENDONA

10.Luz Farms V. Secretary of Agrarian Reform GR 86889 - ​FRANCISCO

Chapter 2: Coverage

11.Department of Agrarian Reform V. Carriedo GR 176549 - ​GALVEZ

12.Perez V. LPG Refillers Association of the Philippines GR 159149 - ​GILO

13.Danan V CA, GR 132759,132866 - ​GUINGAB

14.Daez V CA, GR 133507 - ​JUANO

15.Heirs of Cadelina V Cadiz GR 194417 -​ LIM

16.Rodriguez V. Salvador GR 171972 - ​LONTOC

17.Alita V. CA, GR 78517 - ​MALAB

18.Almero V. Heirs of Pacquing GR 199008 - ​MALECDAN

19.Republic V. CA Gr 139592 - ​MANAHAN

20..Ong V. Imperial GR 197127 - ​MENDOZA

21.Buklod ng Magbubukid sa Lupaing Ramos Inc. VEM Ramos and Sons, Inc GR 131481, 131624 -
22.Central Mindanao University V. Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board
GR 100091 - ​PALANOG

23. Department of Agrarian Reform V Department of Education Culture and Sports GR 158228 -

24.Milestone Farms Inc. V Office of the President Gr. 182332 - ​PEREZ

Chapter 5: Land Acquisition

25.Sta. Rosa Realty Development Corp V CA GR 112526 - ​PRATS

26.Department of Agrarian Reform V Robles GR 190482 - ​SALES

27.Cabral V Heirs of Adolfo Gr 191615 -​ SANTILLAN

28.Heirs of Deleste V Land Bank of the Phils. GR 169913 - ​SEBOLLENA

29.Heirs of Jugalbot V CA GR 1703346 - ​SENGA

30.Land Bank of the Phils V Dumlao GR 167809 -​ SICAT

31.Land Bank of the Phils. V Spouses Avancena GR 190520 - ​TAMPUS

32.Heirs of Tantoco, Sr. V CA GR 149621 - ​TANGONAN

Chapter 6: Just Compensation

33.Land Bank of the Philippines V Heirs of Marcos, Sr. GR 175726 - ​TINOCO

34.Land Bank of the Phils V. Honeycomb Farms Corp., GR 169903 - ​TRINIDAD

35.Land Bank of the Phils V. Obias GR 184406 - ​USITA

36.Land Bank of the Phils. V Soriano GR 180772 and 180776 - ​VALDEZ

37.Land Bank of the Phils V Santos GR 213863 and 214021 - ​YANG

38.Land Bank of the Phils V Spouses Orilla GR 157206 - ​ALMIJHEM

39.Alfonso V. Land Bank of the Philippines GR 181912 and 183347 - ​ALVARO

40. Land Bank of the Phils V. Livioco GR 170685 - ​BARBA

41. DAR v. Galle GR 171836 and 195213 - ​BARCENA

42. Land Bank of the Phils V Heirs of Alsua GR 211351 - ​BUGAYONG

43. Heirs of Feliciano, Jr. V LBP, GR 215290 - ​CASTILLO

44. Lubrica V. Land Bank of the Phils GR 170220 -​ CHUNG

45.Land Bank of the Philippines V. Spouses Chiu GR 192345 - ​DE LOS SANTOS

46.Land Bank of the Phils. V. CA GR 128557 -​ ENDONA

54.Santos V. Land Bank of the Phils. GR 137431 - ​FRANCISCO

Chapter 7: Land Redistribution

55.Land Bank of the Phils V. VDA De Abello GR 168631 - ​GALVEZ

56.Lebrudo V. Loyola GR 181370 - ​GILO

57.Land Bank of the Philippines V. Phil-Agro Industrial Corp. GR 193987- ​GUINGAB

58.Padua V CA, GR 153456 - ​JUANO

59.Spouses Pasco V. Pison-Arceo Agricultural Development Corp GR 16550 - ​LIM

60.Estate of Vda. de Panlilo V Dizon GR 148777 and 157598 - ​LONTOC

Chapter 8: Corporate Farms

61.Luz Farms V Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform GR 86889 - ​MALAB

Chapter 12: Administrative Adjudication

62.Soriano V. Bravo GR No 152086 - ​MALECDAN

63. Cabral V. CA GR 101974 - ​MANAHAN

64. Isidro V. CA GR 105586 - ​MENDOZA

65. Heirs of Herman Rey Santos V CA GR 109992 - ​PAJADAN

66. Laguna Estates Development Corp V CA GR 119357, 119375 - ​PALANOG

67. Magno V Fransisco GR 168959 - ​PASCUAL

68. Sta. Ana V Spouses Carpo GR 164340 -​ PEREZ

69. Alangilan Realty & Development Corporation V Office of the President GR 180471 - ​PRATS

70. Concha V Rubio GR 162446 - ​SALES

Chapter 13: Judicial Review

71. Land Bank of the Phils V. Villegas GR 180384 and 180891 - ​SANTILLAN

72. Land Bank V. De Leon GR 143275 - ​SEBOLLENA

Chapter 15: General Provisions

73.Chamber of Real Estate and Builders Associations, Inc V. Secretary of Agrarian Reform GR
183409 - ​SENGA

Tenant Emancipation Law PD. 27

74.Heirs of Montoya V. National Housing Authority GR 181055 - ​SICAT

75.Bumagot V. Arribay GR 194818 - ​TAMPUS

76.Maylem V. Ellano GR 162721 - ​TANGONAN

The Code of Agrarian Reforms of the Philippines RA. 3844

77.Geuvarra V Santos GR 19716 - ​TINOCO

Domestic Workers Act/Batas Kasambahay RA 10361

78. Apex Mining Coo., Inc. V. National Labor Relations Commission GR 94951 - ​TRINIDAD

79. Barcensa V. National Labor Relations Commission GR 87210 - ​USITA

80. Cuajao V Chua Lo Tan GR L-16298 - ​VALDEZ

The Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Act of 1995 RA 8042

81. Feagle Construction Corp. V. Gayda GR 82310 - ​YANG

82. Ilas V. National Labor Relations Commission GR 90394-97 - ​ALMIJHEM

Magna Carta For Persons With Disability RA 7277

83. Bernardo V. National Labor Relations Commission GR 12291 - ​ALVARO

Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination

Act RA 7610

84. Amanquiton V People GR 186080 - ​BARBA

Anti- Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 RA 7877

85. Floralde V CA GR 123048 - ​BARCENA

86. Phil Aeolus Auto-Motive United Corp V. NLRC GR 123617 - ​BUGAYONG

87. Domingo V Rayala GR 155831, 155840 and 158700 (Feb 18, 2008) - ​CASTILLO

Social Security Act of 1997 RA 1161

88. .In re Catholic Archbishop of Manila V Social Security Commission GR L-15045 -


89. Franklin Baker Company of the Philippines V Social Security System GR L-17361 -

90.Tecson V Social Security System Gr L-15798 - ​ENDONA

91. Social Security System V. Davac GR L-21642- ​FRANCISCO

92. CMS Estate, Inc. V. Social Security System GR L-26298 - ​GALVEZ

93. Poblete Construction Co. V. Social Security Commission GR L-17605 - ​GILO

94. Philippine American Life Insurance Co. V. Social Security Commission GR L-20383 -

95. United Christian Missionary Society V. Social Security Commission GR L-26712-16 - ​JUANO






DUE DATE: APRIL 30, 2020


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