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Jennette To



I recently watched this woman on Ted Talk, her name is Caitlyn Roux. She
speaks a lot about the importance and the concept of self-love. She also talks about
how how you see and take self love can have a huge impact on your life. She also
mentioned her struggles growing up, and how her insecurities and how perspective of
other people mattered to her. She listened to what other people’s opinions and in the
end she lost herself.

The video was titles “Self-Love, be Intentional.” The objective of her speech is that we
should value self-love,to get inside our own minds and understand ourselves. 
She also said, “Personal growth has to be intentional. We have to take ownership of our
growth process, because we do not simply improve by accident.” it is important to take
time to know and to take time to improve on yourself. I believe that the type of speech
that she used really helped her achieve her goals, she made sure that the audiences
can relate to what she was talking about.

The speaker’s strengths are her speech was organized and written well. The topic that
she chose is very useful for our generation. The pacing of her talking is just right, the
audience still has the time to process everything that she says. While talking, she also
shows emotions through her face and her tone. She also pauses every now and then.
The speaker needs to improve on making eye contacts on her audience and improve on
not blinking her eyes too much. One more thing that she needs to improve on is the
confidence while she’s speaking.
Based on the speech that I watched, I realized that you always to be prepared
when doing a speech You have to really think about what you’re going say and make
sure that it’s organized. I also have to think about that people who are listening, make
sure that they won’t get bored and that they can relate to what I am saying. I also have
to be confident and make sure to have eye contact on the audience. There are so much
things to learn more about public speaking for it to be effective so I am very thankful to
get this course, SPEECOM, to prepare myself in the future when I am about to talk
publicly for it to be effective.

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