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Name : ________________________________________________________

Hi _________________,

I heard you are keen to join this event. It will be held on ____________________ from

__________ to _________.

Entrance is free. The fair will be held at ______________________________. This event

is open to all ___________________________. There will be talks by

____________________________________________ , an exhibition

_________________________ and a Question and Answer session with



Date : _________________

Child Safety and Protection Carnival

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Damai is organizing ___________________________________

Date : _________________________________________

Time : _________________________

Venue : ________________________

Many interesting activities will be held. There will be:





Let’s make our school and community safe.

Miss Sharmila

Carnival Coordinator
Name : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Future continuous tense

1. What will you/May Lee/ Irfan be doing at 6.00 a.m.?

I will be brushing my teeth.
May Lee will be waking up.
Irfan will be taking shower.
2. What will you/May Lee/ Irfan be doing at 7.00 a.m.?

3. What will you/May Lee/ Irfan be doing at 8.00 a.m.?

4. What will you/May Lee/ Irfan be doing at 12.00 noon?

5. What will you/May Lee/ Irfan be doing at 2.00 p.m.?

6. What will you/May Lee/ Irfan be doing at 5.00 p.m.?

Name : ____________________________________________________

masa Satu pagi,

Dimana? Vijay berada di perpustakaan.
Buat apa? Dia sedang membaca.
perasaan Dia gembira.

One morning, Vijay was in the _____________________

He was ___________________________
He was _______________________________
Reading a book library happy

Ketika dia Ketika dia sedang membaca,

Tiba-tiba Tiba – tiba datang seorang budak.
sifat Budak itu berbadan besar dan muka garang.
perasaan Vijay terkejut.

While he was _____________________

Suddenly a boy ____________________
The boy was ___________ and has a fierce face.
Vijay was _______________
big Shocked Came Reading

Buat apa Budak itu meminta duit dari Vijay.

Buat apa Vijay enggan memberi duit..
perasaan Budak itu marah.
perasaan Vijay takut.

The boy demanded some ________ from Vijay.

Vijay refused to give ________ to the boy.
The boy was ___________
Vijay was _______________
Angry Money scared
Buat apa Budak itu menumbuk muka Vijay
Buat apa Nasib baik,Vijay Berjaya mengelak.
perasaan Vijay terkejut.

The boy ________ Vijay’s face.

Luckily Vijay able to __________ the punch.
Vijay was ___________

avoid punched shocked

Buat apa Seorang pengawas lalu depan perpustakaan.

Buat apa Dia melihat apa yang berlaku
Buat apa Dia segera ke arah Vijay dan pembuli.
perasaan Dia terkejut.

A prefect _____________ the library.

He ___________ what happened.
He ____________ toward Vijay and the bully.
He was ____________
Passed by saw shocked rushed

Buat apa Pengawas itu meleraikan pergaduhan

Buat apa Dia membawa Vijay dan pembuli ke bilik Guru
Buat apa Dia melaporkan kepada Guru Besar
perasaan Vijay gembira.
The perfect ______________ the fight.
He ___________ Vijay and the bully to the Headmaster’s Office.
He ____________ the incident to the Headmaster.
Vijay was ____________
reported took stopped happy
Salin karangan anda.

Name : ______________________________________________________________

1. I will be traveling (travel) to London next week.

2. Teachers ___________________________ (mark) the exam papers over the


3. We will not be going to school (not go to school) next week because it is the holidays.

4. The mechanic _________________________ (repair) my father’s car this time next


5. Sigat ________________________________ (watch) his favourite television

programme in the evening.

6. My cousin ______________________________(not go) to university next year

because of his poor result.

7. We _____________________________ (sell) a variety of food and drinks at the

school carnival next Saturday.

8. Jasleen’s mother ____________________________ (drive) her to her

grandparent’s house next Friday afternoon.

Berdasarkan gambar, tulis 8 ayat menceritakan apa yang kamu atau rakan kamu akan buat

atau tidak akan buat semasa cuti sekolah akan datang.

Will be doing
Kamsol will be camping in the jungle.
(akan buat)

Will not be I will not be cycling in the park.

doing (tidak

akan buat)
Will be

doing (swim)

Will not be

doing (watch


Will be doing

(mop the


Will not be

doing (read a


Will be doing

(play a


Not will be


(use at


Name : _____________________________________________________________
Pilih direction ini dan tulis pada soalan yang sesuai.

From ___, go straight From the _____, go From the ___, turn
and turn right. Go straight until __ left. Walk on and turn
straight on and turn reaches a roundabout. right at the junction.
right at the junction. Take the second exit. Walk on until he
Go straight on until he Walk on and turn left reaches a roundabout.
reaches a roundabout. at the junction. ___ Take the first exit.
Take the third exit. will reach the Walk on and turn right
Go straight on. Turn playground. at the junction. ____
left at the junction. is at the end of the
Walk on and turn left road.
at the second
junction. The ___ is at
the end of the road.
1. Mary is at the market. She wants to go to the playground. Write a direction to her.






2. Dave is at his home. He wants to go to the library. Write a direction to him.






3. Jason is at the horse stable. He wants to go to Eric’s house. Write a direction to him.






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