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The Role of Vitamins B3 and C

in the Treatment of Histadelia

Jonathan E. Prousky, B.P.H.E., B.Sc., N.D.;1 David W. Lescheid, B.Sc., N.D. (Cand)2

Suicidal depression, obsessive-compulsive phrenic patients have benefited from tak-

rumination, mental fogginess, disperceptions, ing megadoses of vitamins B3 and C.7 If 20%
and hyperactivity (overarousal) characterize of all schizophrenics are thought to have
the psychiatric manifestations of hista- histadelia,8 it is possible that favorable
delia, a type of schizophrenia.1 The non- therapeutic responses to vitamins B3 and
psychiatric clinical features of histadelia C have occurred among many histadelic pa-
include: increased salivation, elevated tients. The therapeutic potential of vita-
metabolic rate, allergic symptoms, frequent mins B3 and C in the treatment of histadelia
headaches, diminished pain threshold, is clear given the biochemical functions of
heightened sexual responsiveness (a greater these vitamins.
ability to achieve orgasm), and strong
cravings for sugar.2,3 Increased basophils Vitamin B3 and Histamine
(greater than 50 cells/mm3) and elevated Both forms of vitamin B3, nicotinic
blood histamine levels (greater than 70 ng/ acid (niacin) and nicotinamide (niacina-
ml) confirm the diagnosis of histadelia.4 mide), are necessary to counteract the clini-
The goal of orthomolecular treatment cal problems associated with high blood
for this disorder is to restore blood hista- histamine. When histamine levels are in ex-
mine levels to normal. This can be achieved cess, the enzyme nicotinamide-adenosine
through dietary modifications (low protein dinucleotidase (NADase) catalyzes the re-
and high fruit/vegetable diet), a combina- moval of a nicotinamide moiety from nico-
tion of various nutrients (calcium, methio- tinamide-adenosine dinucleotide (NAD)
nine, zinc, and manganese), and sometimes and irreversibly replaces it with a molecule
the drug phenytoin (Dilantin).5 A low pro- of histamine.9 The net effect of excess hista-
tein diet reduces the amount of ingested mine would be increased production of his-
L-histidine, which is a precursor to hista- tamine-adenosine dinucleotide (HAD), an
mine. Calcium helps mobilize bodily stores inert compound devoid of the energetic prop-
of histamine, and also might increase hista- erties of NAD. Other conditions with an as-
mine catabolism. Methionine lowers blood sociated NAD deficiency include alcoholism,
histamine by reacting with histamine to drug addiction, violent behaviors, and schizo-
form N-methylhistamine, an inert methyl- phrenia.10
ated ring structure. Zinc and manganese Using niacin to treat histadelia might
replenish possible deficiencies, and pheny- seem contradictory considering it will aug-
toin negates the compulsive behaviors and ment the release of histamine from
depression. basophils and tissue mast cells.11 However,
It has been proposed that the there is evidence that the niacin flush is
histadelic patient does not respond “to the mediated by the release of prostaglandin
classical meganutrient (B 3, vitamin C) D2 (PGD2) from dermal macrophages and
therapy.”6 This lack of response is confus- not from degranulation of basophil and tis-
ing considering that thousands of schizo- sue mast cells.12,13 Further, Hoffer suggested
1.Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, The Canadian that daily intake of niacin gradually lowers
College of Naturopathic Medicine, 1255 Sheppard Ave. E. total body histamine by chronically deplet-
Toronto, ON, M2K 1E2
2.Clinical Intern, The Canadian College of Naturopathic ing storage levels.11 Niacin has a compli-
Medicine. 1255 Sheppard Ave. E. Toronto, ON, M2K 1E2. cated mechanism of action that modulates

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 17, No. 1, 2002

histamine release, lowers total blood hista- clic adenosine-3’, 5’-monophosphate (cAMP)
mine, and increases the production of PGD2. and therefore, relax smooth muscles.20 Fur-
The amide form of vitamin B3 (nicotina- ther, in vivo (guinea pigs)9 and in vitro
mide or niacinamide) does not directly pro- (chopped guinea pig lung)21 studies demon-
mote the degranulation of histamine contain- strated that nicotinamide inhibits the enzyme
ing cells, deplete tissue stores, or increase NADase. Inhibition of NADase enzyme activ-
PGD2 release. Nicotinamide might function ity reduces HAD formation, an energetically
primarily by reducing the histaminergic re- inert molecule possibly implicated in the de-
sponse to antigenic stimulation. Various in- velopment of schizophrenia. The actions that
vestigators have shown that certain foods, vitamin B3 has upon histamine metabolism
especially wheat and milk, can trigger schizo- are summarized in Table 1 (below).
phrenic-like symptoms in susceptible peo- Histadelia is a clinical syndrome
ple.14-17 Specific protein fractions, derived from metabolically driven by elevated histamine
wheat and milk, might be responsible for the levels and perhaps provoked by chronic food
schizophrenic-like effects.18 Chronic release of sensitivities in susceptible people. The follow-
histamine, in response to certain foods, might ing hypotheses might be proposed: (1)
be a potential mechanism by which behavior chronic use of nicotinic acid depletes tissue
is severely affected.19 Nicotinamide has been stores of histamine and lowers total blood
shown in vivo (guinea pigs) to reduce ana- histamine, (2) nicotinamide attenuates his-
phylactic reactions mediated by antigen in- tamine release in response to antigen-anti-
halation. Antigen-antibody induced hista- body interactions, inhibits mast cell degranu-
mine release can therefore be suppressed by lation, relaxes smooth muscles and prevents
nicotinamide.9 Nicotinamide also has been the formation of excess of HAD and (3) both
demonstrated to prevent degranulation of forms of vitamin B3 might be essential in
mouse peritoneal mast cells after exposure correcting the central defect of this disorder
to compound 40/80, a specific antigen mix- - the NAD deficiency induced by the excess
ture composed of aluminum hydroxide and activity of NADase.
egg albumin.9 Bekier and Maslinski hypoth-
esized that nicotinamide might exert its Vitamin C and Histamine
antihistaminic actions in vivo (guinea pigs) The exact biochemical mechanism
by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase underlying low plasma ascorbate levels and
(PDE). Inhibition of PDE would increase cy- high blood histamine remains to be eluci-

Table 1. Biochemical interactions between vitamin B3 and histamine.

Substance Evidence Lowers Blood Histamine

Nicotinic Acid anectdotal (humans) depletes storage sites
with chronic use
Nicotinamide in vivo (guinea pigs) reduces antigen-mediated
anaphylactic reactions
and inhibits both PDE
and NADase
in vitro reduces histamine
degranulation in response to
antigen and inhibits NADase
Nicotinic acid and theoretical inhibits NADase

Vitamins B3 and C: Their Role in the Treatment of Histadelia (High Blood Histamine)

dated. However, in vitro studies have shown lower fasting plasma ascorbate levels com-
that the activity of enzyme histidine decar- pared to controls, despite adequate dietary
boxylase (HDC) increases in a medium intake of ascorbic acid.28,29 Further, schizo-
deficient in ascorbic acid.22 HDC is the en- phrenic patients (in contrast to control
zyme that converts L-histidine to hista- subjects) exhibited a greater reduction in
mine. 23 Another in vitro study demon- the urinary excretion of vitamin C when
strated that ascorbic acid increases hista- measured 6-hours after an oral loading
mine degradation by promoting the forma- dose of ascorbic acid.28,30 These findings
tion of a mono-oxygenated form of N- suggest that schizophrenia might be char-
acetylhistamine (NAH).24 NAH is one of the acterized by impaired ascorbic acid me-
byproducts of histamine catabolism, and is tabolism that might lead to increased blood
produced by the action of N- histamine levels. Optimal doses of ascorbic
acetylhistamine deacetylase, the rate-lim- acid might be necessary to combat the ill
iting enzyme in its synthesis.23 Further, it effects of histadelia. Table 2 (below) sum-
has been suggested that excess histamine marizes the ways in which vitamin C low-
binds the copper site of monoamine oxi- ers blood histamine.
dase (MAO). The function of histamine-
bound MAO accelerates the oxidation of Histamine and Schizophrenia
ascorbate instead of eliminating dopamine The histadelic-type of schizophrenia is
and other monoamines.25 This hypothesis marked by disordered histamine metabo-
would support the link between reduced vi- lism. Kobayashi and Freeman demon-
tamin C levels and schizophrenia, as well strated that higher amounts of conjugated
as the high dopamine levels potentially imidazole acetic acid appear in the urine
linked to this disorder. of schizophrenics.31 Imidazole acetic acid
Vitamin C also has been shown to is a breakdown product of histamine ca-
lower blood histamine and indirectly aug- tabolism.21 Heleniak and O’Desky hypoth-
ment neutrophil chemotaxis in healthy esize that defects in the histaminergic sys-
human subjects.26 Johnston et al demon- tem play a primary role in the etiology of
strated an association between low plasma schizophrenia.32 It has been suggested that
ascorbate levels and elevated blood hista- histamine functions as a mast cell stabi-
mine in humans.27 Suboticanec et al. deter- lizer, acting in a paracrine fashion to down
mined that schizophrenic patients have regulate its own release.33 In the histadelic

Table 2. Biochemical interactions between vitamin C and histamine.

Substance Evidence Lowers Blood Histamine

Vitamin C in vitro likely inhibits HDC through

correcting deficiency of
ascorbic acid, and increases
histamine catabolism

in vivo (humans) correcting deficiency lowers

blood histamine through an
unknown mechanism of

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 17, No. 1, 2002

patient there is probably a defect in the gest, however, that disordered histamine
negative feedback circuit that inhibits his- metabolism plays a central role in this spe-
tamine release and/or there might be a cific type of schizophrenia.
problem with the catabolism of histamine.
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