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Grace Gutierrez

18 July 2020

Professor Sobokinski

Research Paper

Water Quality, Agriculture, & Riparian Zones


In the past few decades, society has become increasingly aware of the effects of pollution

and litter on our ecosystems. Freshwater, a vital resource that makes up just 3% of earth’s water,

can become unsanitary and unsafe if managed improperly. The US Geological Survey classifies

freshwater sources into several categories. Of the estimated 11.5 million cubic miles of existing

freshwater, just over 25,000 (~0.2%) is present in the form of accessible surface water (rivers,

lakes, streams, and swamps). In total, accessible freshwater makes up about 0.0075% of the

earth’s total water (USGS). The health of these freshwater bodies is essential for our survival.

Unfortunately, agricultural practices, especially large-scale operations, emit pollutants that can

damage the little freshwater present on earth. According to the NRDC, farming, and livestock

production use “about 70 percent of the earth’s surface water supplies”. Worldwide, agriculture

is the primary cause of water health decline (Denchak). To properly reduce agricultural water

pollution, polluters must understand what contributes to the health of a freshwater body and

properly test any water they may impact. With proper testing, steps can be taken to increase the
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sustainability of the agricultural sector, cleaning existing and preventing future freshwater

pollution. Modern problems require modern solutions, and several such solutions exist to

mitigate water quality degradation, including riparian buffer zones. This paper outlines the

commonly used indicators for water quality and the regulations surrounding water quality in the

United States. Additionally, this paper discusses the implementation of riparian buffer zones, a

best management practice (BMP) to reduce nutrient pollution and sediment runoff due to

agricultural practices. By properly testing water quality and implementing sustainable practices

such as riparian buffer zones, the agricultural sector can limit water health degradation due to

nutrient and sediment pollution.

Defining Key Terms

Key terms mentioned in this paper will now be defined. ‘Agricultural waterway’ refers to

any source of fresh water with the potential to be affected by agricultural processes. ‘Riparian

zone’, ‘riparian buffer’, and ‘buffer zone’ refer to the vegetation on either side of a body of

water. These zones prevent soil erosion, maintain stable water temperature, and, as will be

discussed further, can filter harmful amounts of nutrients before they reach waterways.

“Freshwater body” refers to a lake, stream, or river as defined by the US Geological Survey. Best

management practices, or BMPs, refer to practices used by industries that have been shown to

effectively reduce water pollution. “Nutrient pollution” refers to a chemical imbalance of water

due to an excess of nitrogen, phosphorus, and/or sediment.

A Brief History of Water Quality Testing and The Industrial Revolution

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Though humans have relied on freshwater for sustenance since the dawn of humanity, the

history of water quality assessment begins much more recently. In 1854, amid the London

cholera outbreak, physician to Queen Victoria John Snow hypothesized that the outbreak was

related to the health of nearby drinking water sources. He traced a neighborhood outbreak to a

well that had become contaminated with wastewater. Snow’s observations “provided a basis for

water management for decades” and alerted the public to the effects of water contamination on

human health (Okun 22). The rise in interest in water quality assessment is attributed to the rapid

industrialization of Europe and the United States in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Switching

from an agrarian society to a society dominated by coal and petroleum-powered factories

produced numerous technological advances. As well as industrial advancements such as the

internal combustion engine, assembly line, steam locomotive, and radio, agriculture saw

increased food production and technological advancements such as breeding science to increase

livestock output. With those improvements, however, came a dramatic increase in pollution.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “With relatively few exceptions, the world’s modern

environmental problems began with or were greatly exacerbated by the Industrial Revolution”

(Encyclopedia Britannica).

Despite exponential increases in pollution, recognition of the impacts of agriculture on

water quality was largely unknown or ignored until the 1970s, when several environmental

disasters prompted the EPA to develop regulations on water pollution and waste management.

These acts, including the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Toxic

Substances Control Act, formed the basis for water quality regulation today. Since their passage,

numerous nonprofit organizations, such as the Water Quality Association and the United Nations
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Water program have been created to increase public awareness of water pollution and provide

opportunities for communities to repair the health of waterways worldwide. Even with these

important initiatives, water quality and sanitation continue to be important issues in both

developed and developing countries. As previously stated, agriculture is the largest polluter of

earth’s freshwater, and understanding its impacts is key to maintaining freshwater health.

Impacts of Agriculture on Water Quality

Raising livestock and food crops can negatively affect water quality in surrounding areas.

A common issue associated with agriculture is the pollution of waterways due to runoff from

chemical fertilizers. Fertilizers contain large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous, essential

nutrients for most crops. Excess fertilizer can leach into soil and contaminate groundwater, and

fertilizers can be washed by rain into rivers and lakes. Nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers

can cause a chemical imbalance in nearby waters, harming aquatic life and lowering water

quality (Denchak). Chemical imbalances can also occur due to nitrogen and phosphorus

pollution from animal waste and pesticides that come in contact with waters. Excessive nitrogen

can cause algal blooms that take away oxygen from water. This lack of oxygen can harm aquatic

life and lead to hypoxia, or zones with a sharp decrease in aquatic life. High concentrations of

nitrogen can also negatively impact human health. Infants that drink unsafe levels of nitrogen in

their water may develop methemoglobinemia (also known as blue baby syndrome), which can be

fatal. Soil degradation can cause sediment to enter waterways and further impact their quality

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Lastly, pesticides used in agriculture can leach into groundwater or be flushed into nearby

water sources by rain, causing nervous system damage to aquatic life. Pesticide concentration

rises as it travels up the food chain, and can be consumed by humans in harmful amounts as a

result of this. Nutrient pollution is the leading threat to water quality worldwide (Denchak). The

US government created the Farm Bill to incentivize sustainable agriculture. The Farm Bill was

recently signed in 2018 to combat damages associated with nutrient pollution. Under this bill,

farmers can receive Conservation Innovation Grants to fund sustainable agriculture initiatives in

their areas. Farmers can also join the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which administers

rental payments to farmers who replace environmentally sensitive agricultural land with

sustainable (native) plant species (USDA). By recognizing potential environmental hazards

associated with agriculture, farmers can reduce their ecological footprint and even receive

government subsidies to do so.

Fig. 1. Image depicting the process of eutrophication caused by nutrient pollution in a waterway

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Preliminary Factors of Water Quality Testing

Reducing agriculture’s impacts on freshwater health involves properly and routinely

testing the quality of affected freshwater bodies. Determining the factors that contribute to the

health of a freshwater body enables researchers to properly assess their health and safety. By

knowing exactly what is polluting a freshwater body, effective cleanup efforts can be conducted

and precautionary measures can be taken to decrease potential health impacts of exposure.

Additionally, understanding the nature of individual freshwater bodies can aid in determining its

proper use and upkeep. When assessing freshwater quality, there are several preliminary factors

that can signal health. The most commonly tested chemical elements are nutrients like

phosphorus and nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, pollutants such as pesticides, metals, and fertilizers,

and the acidity of the water, usually measured using pH. In addition to chemical testing, several

biological factors can be used during an assessment. These include the presence and number of

bioindicator organisms such as ​invertebrates, bacteria, algae, and protozoa​. ​Lastly, if a body’s

physical characteristics including velocity, discharge, and flow levels change significantly, it can

induce potentially harmful effects on its flora and fauna​ (Capital Regional District)​. The

chemical makeup, diversity, and quantity of aquatic life and the physical characteristics of

freshwater can all signal its health.

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Fig. 2. Graphic depicting the relationship between the presence of certain indicator species in a

freshwater body and the relative health of the water (Anderson).

Regulated Water Contaminants in the US

In the United States, water health is regulated by both federal and state law. Thus, certain

regulations may vary by state to accommodate the variations in ecosystems across states, but

overarching federal regulations exist to maintain a base standard. A set of federal regulations, the

Safe Water Drinking Act (SWDA), exists for designated drinking water, placing limits on over

90 contaminants. In addition, the EPA’s Unrelated Contaminant Monitoring Program identifies

and monitors contaminants that may appear in drinking water but are not officially regulated

under the SWDA. The identified contaminants and their acceptable levels are determined by the

US EPA and based on healthy amounts for humans (EPA). Almost all potable water in the US

must be treated before it is deemed safe to drink. Determining the presence and quantity of
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contaminants unsafe for human consumption in freshwater can be useful when assessing its


Man-made industry, waste management, and agriculture can all have widespread impacts

on the quality of nearby water sources. If properly managed, these societal elements can exist in

harmony with our freshwater, limiting pollution and maintaining its health. States have specific

regulations regarding industry pollutants and their effects on water quality. For example, Ohio’s

Clean Water Act states that its waters should be “free from suspended solids...floating debris, oil,

scum, and other floating materials” and substances harmful to human or aquatic life. The act also

requires that all water be monitored for untreated sewage and its potentially harmful effects such

as the presence of E.coli bacteria (Ohio EPA)​. Raw or improperly treated sewage can flow into

waters through ‘cross-connections’ with storm drains, which carry rainwater directly to nearby

freshwater bodies (Capital Regional District). Lastly, plastics waste thrown into storm drains or

directly into waterways can shed microplastics. These minute shreds of plastic waste are

consumed by unsuspecting animals and can cause severe digestive issues if consumed in large

quantities (as they often are). ​Thus, examinations of various industry pollutants on water, such as

oil, debris, and untreated sewage can aid in determining the health of a freshwater body.

Using Riparian Vegetation to Reduce Water Health Degradation Due to Agricultural


Due to an increased public and scientific awareness of the negative impacts of agriculture

on water quality, several BMPs have been created to mitigate nutrient pollution in agricultural

waterways. Among these practices is the implementation and effective management of riparian
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zones along agricultural watersheds. Riparian zones are naturally existing areas of vegetation on

either side of a water body. Often, riparian zones are cleared for use as cropland or grazing

pasture for livestock. Damage to the riparian zone, especially in the form of grazing, “can lead to

lower water quality, soil erosion, unstable soils, and drier, warmer conditions” (Lind et al. 2).

The use of riparian zones to protect agricultural watersheds from nutrient pollution has

been studied in recent years and has shown varying levels of success. In a 2017 study conducted

at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, researchers conducted a meta-study of

publications examining riparian zones to determine the ideal size and makeup of agricultural

riparian zones. The results showed that zones averaging at least 9 to 11 meters across could

effectively filter between 75-100% of phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment. Larger zones (avg

21m) could mitigate water temperatures and even maintain floral (24m) and bird (144m)

diversity (Lind et al. 1-3). Additionally, the type of flora in the riparian zones (grass and herbs or

woody vegetation) had no significant effect on the removal efficiency of nutrients.

Fig. 3. Example of a naturally occuring riparian buffer zone along a stream

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Another study analyzing riparian zones was conducted to determine the projected

effectiveness of various BMPs at improving water quality in a corn-producing area of the United

States with an 800km2 drainage area. Researchers found that converting 1508 ha (1.9%) of the

watershed area examined into riparian zones 30m in width reduced predicted sediment loads by

24030 tonnes, nitrogen by 131, and phosphorus by 7.5 when compared to a baseline scenario

with no BMPs (Wu). All sources agreed that a wider buffer zone could effectively capture more


While scholars agree that riparian zones can limit the nutrient pollution in agricultural

waterways, the degree of effectiveness when compared with other pollution solutions is debated.

Though the team found lower nitrogen concentrations in areas with wider riparian buffers, they

determined that the nitrogen stripping qualities were “insufficient to meet regional water-quality

guidelines” and that decreases in fertilizer application must occur in order to effectively reduce

nitrogen pollution (Connolly et al.). In a study by Wu, more effective alternatives were found for

absorbing nutrients, including converting idle lands to switchgrass (41340-tonne reduction of

sediment, 134 of nitrogen, and 3.9 of phosphorous), and a winter cover crop combined with idle

land conversion (64000t of sediments, 791 Nox, 13.8 P) (Wu). The EPA has a comprehensive

list of practices to reduce nutrient pollution from agriculture. Among these solutions are riparian

buffer zones, proper timing and quantity of fertilizer application, and reducing the amount of

field tillage to prevent sediment runoff (EPA). While riparian buffer zones are useful in limiting

nutrient pollution in agricultural waterways, more effective alternatives may exist depending on
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the nature of the agricultural zone. SLU researchers determined that “there is no one optimal

buffer zone design, and planning should be adapted to local conditions” (Lind et al. 5).


The dramatic increase in freshwater pollution largely began during the industrial

revolution. Since then, numerous methods of assessing water quality have been developed.

Indicators of freshwater health include biological, chemical, and physical traits. Agriculture is

the leading cause of water quality degradation worldwide, and those involved in agriculture

should examine the impacts of their activities on nearby water quality. One solution to

agricultural waterway pollution is the implementation of riparian buffer zones. Riparian buffer

zones can filter large amounts of nutrients and sediment, preventing nutrient pollution and

sediment runoff from agricultural facilities. Other solutions exist for preventing nutrient

pollution and may prove more effective than riparian zones. When determining the best method

of water quality preservation, it is important to tailor sustainable practices to the specific needs of

each body of water examined.  

The past three sessions of the United Nations assembly have all cited sustainability in

their chosen theme of global concern. The most recent session, 2018-19, focused on “global

leadership and shared responsibilities for peaceful, equitable and sustainable societies” (United

Nations). With forward-thinking individuals using practices to eliminate the negative impacts of

agriculture on water quality, our 0.0075% of usable water can be a large enough percentage for

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Works Cited

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Denchak, Melissa. “Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know”. ​National

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