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INDIVIDUAL 5 4 3 2 1

LESSON Exceptional/ Strong/ Capable/ Developing/ Beginning/

EXPECTATIONS Exceeds expectations Meets Expectations Moving toward meeting Partial understanding of Little evidence of
(Can be used 5-8, based expectations expectations understanding
on specific repertoire)
-Student can play ALL -Student plays in a Students tempo -Students tempo is -Student cannot hold a
Rhythm correct rhythms consistent and clear sometimes fluctuates- unclear and irregular tempo
Expectations consistently with a tempo – MOST rhythms some rhythms are not -Rhythms are not at all -All rhythms are
steady and appropriate are accurate and accurate or precise accurate inaccurate
performance tempo. precise.
-Students exhibit -Student demonstrates -Students tone is -Students tone is mostly -Students tone is totally
control, clarity, good acceptable tone MOSTLY acceptable, but unacceptable unacceptable and not
Tone Quality breathing technique. characteristic for their uncharacteristic for -Notes are often not characteristic of their
Expectations -Student demonstrates instrument. their instrument heard or clear instrument.
exceptional tone -Notes are clear and -Notes are MOSTLY -It is obvious practice is
characteristic of their easily heard. clear and heard. not being utilized.
-Student has consistent -Student misses 1-3 -Student misses 4-5 -Student misses most - Student plays almost
accuracy of printed notes notes notes (over 6) all wrong notes
Technique/Accuracy pitches, fluency, -Student plays the key -Student often misses -Key signature and -key signature or
Expectations (WINDS) attacks, and releases. signature but misses the key signature and accidentals are rarely accidentals are not
accidentals accidental. observed. observed.
-Student performs -Students performs -Student performs -Does not yet perform
Technique/Accuracy consistently with mostly with correct SOMETIMES with with correct technique.
Expectations correct technique and technique and uses correct technique. Rolls are uneven, not
(PERCUSSION) stick hold (proper hand rebound on each -Rolls are somewhat steady
position, (firm fulcrum, stroke. inconsistent and not
stick height). Rolls are Rolls are steady and even.
even and steady. even.
Preparation/Musical Student demonstrates -Student plays mostly -Student makes and -Appropriate style is -No attempt to play
Expression 100% accurate with appropriate style attempt to play with rarely heard with appropriate style
interpretation of all -all dynamics are style -Dynamics are not -No attempt at
markings for musical adhered to -Most dynamics are heard dynamics
expression, including -Student is mostly adhered to -No attempt at -No attempt to play
dynamics, phrasing and expressive -Student makes an expressivity expressively.
tempo changes attempt to be
** Your goal should be to achieve a “CAPABLE” status by the end of the year on all assessments/etudes. Student below the capable level will be allow to retest

until “CAPABLE” status is achieved.

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