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Current Insecticide-Resistant Status of Dengue Haemorragic Fever

Vector Populations in Indonesia: A Systematic Review of Literature

Shifa Fauziyah*1
Tropical Medicine Department, School of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
corresponding author:
Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were known as vector of DHF in Indonesia. Both of this species were
distributed depend on geographical condition and environmental factors. Since found on 1968, DHF still become
major public health problem in Indonesia. Frequently cases give impact on many aspects such as economy, culture,
social, and others. Some control programs already conducted like larval reduction often called as 3M. However,
there’s no evaluation on vector status against commonly used insectisides. This study was conducted through a
systematic review of the literature. Available data from PubMed shows current insecticide resistant status of DHF in
Indonesia based on published article. We found some report that shows high frequent of insecticide resistance both
of thus species, and also polymorphism. Mutations were detected in Aedes from Central Java, Yogyakarta,
Semarang, and Denpasar. Evaluation of current insecticide resistant status are important to conduct in order to
prevent uneffective of insecticide that can lead to maintenance dengue virus in nature. Research about insecticide-
ressistant status in Indonesia still limited, while distribution of DHF cases was very wide, this can be a consideration
for national health workers.

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