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Lesson - 2 Tom Sawyer


1. Let's find out how much we have understood. Choose the correct alternative
from the options to complete each sentence.

(a) On a Saturday night Tom and Huck went to find

(i) ghosts
(ii) hidden treasure
(iii) thieves
(iv) tools
Ans :- (ii) hidden treasure

(b) Tom and Huck entered the house armed with a

(i) pickaxe
(ii) spade
(iii) pickaxe and spade
(iv) axe and spade
Ans :- (iii) pickaxe and spade.

(c) Tom and Huck saw

(i) two men entering the house
(ii) one man entering the house
(iii) Joe entering the house
(iv) three thieves entering the house
Ans :- (i) two men entering the house

(d) "Thanks God! We had a narrow escape!" Who said this to whom?
(i) Tom said it to Huck.
(ii) Joe said it to Huck.
(iii) Huck said to Joe.
(iv) Huck said it to Tom.
Ans :- (iv) Huck said it to Tom.

2. Read the story and answer the following questions briefly in your own words:
(a) What did Tom always dream of?
Answer: Tom always dreamt of finding boxes of hidden treasures in haunted houses. 

(b) What plan did Tom make with his friend Huck?
Answer: On a Saturday evening Tom and Huck planned to go on a treasure hunt to a
broken down house far away from their village.

3. (a) Let us learn some words and their meanings.

i.Midnight -- 12 O’clock at night.

ii. Haunted house – a house visited by ghosts.
iii.Thief—a person who steals something from another person or place.
iv. Dig – to make a hole in the ground or to remove something from ground with a tool.
v. Staircase -- a set of stairs inside a building including the posts and rails.
vi. Lame -- unable to walk well because of an injury to the leg or foot.
vii. Grumbled – complained about something.
viii.Toppled -- became insteady and fell down.
ix. Wrap – to cover something completely in paper or other material.

(b) Now rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined parts with the words you
learnt above.
(i) Tom and Huck selected a house visited by ghosts for their new adventure.
Answer: Tom and Huck selected a haunted house for their new adventure. 

(ii) Tom and Huck started their journey at 12 o'clock at night.
Answer: Tom and Huck started their journey at midnight.

(iii) The thief was trying to make a hole in the ground.

Answer: The thief was trying to dig.

(iv) He saw a set of stairs including posts and rails inside the haunted house.
Answer: He saw a staircase inside the haunted house.

(v) Joe, one of the two men was a person who steals things.
Answer: Joe, one of the two men was a thief.

4. Arrange the jumbled sentences in the proper order to get the summary of the
story "Tom Sawyer". Rewrite the sentences in the correct order. Begin some of
the sentences with Then, After that, Next and Finally to show the events happen.

(a) They heard a voice outside.

(b) Two men entered the house.
(c) Tom and Huck went out to find some treasure.
(d) They started to dig at the place which Tom and Huck had chosen.
(e) The two men left the place taking the box of the gold coins.
(f) Tom and Huck hid themselves inside a room on the first floor.
(g) The boys started to dig at a place inside the house.
(h) They selected a broken down house.

(c) Tom and Huck went out to find some treasure.
(h) They selected a broken down house.

(g) After that, the boys started to dig at a place inside the house.

(a) They heard a voice outside.
(f) Then, Tom and Huck hid themselves inside a room on the first floor.
(b) Next, two men entered the house.
(d) Then, they started to dig at the place which Tom and Huck had chosen. 
(e) Finally, the two men left the place taking the box of the gold coins. 

5. (a) Work in pairs. Take turns and ask your partner to answer questions like the
ones given below:
What story did you read last month?
Answer: I read a story last month about a monkey and a fox who were friends and did
adventures for food together. One day, they looted a banana seller, and the monkey
climbed up a tree with the bananas. But the fox could not climb. The monkey cheated
him and ate all the bananas alone.

What is the name of the story?

Answer: The name of story was "The Monkey and The Fox".

Who is the author?

Answer: The author of the story is Lakhsminath Bezbaruah.

What is the story about?

Answer: The story was about two friends - a monkey and a fox. They looted a banana
seller but the monkey deceived the fox and ate all bananas alone.

Which character in the story you liked most?

Answer: I liked the character of the fox, who was very friendly and genuine.

Who was the character in the story you didn't like?

Answer: I did not like the character of the monkey. He was greedy and opportunists. 

(b) Now, write a paragraph on a story you have read in your own words.

The Monkey and The Fox

Once upon a time, there was a big jungle. There lived a monkey and a fox. They were
best friends. They wandered about the jungle all the day and found their food. 

One day, they saw a banana seller moving across the jungle. They decided to loot the
bananas and fill their stomachs. They made some loud sounds with a ghostly tone. The
seller was afraid and he fled leaving his bananas there. 

The monkey then said, "Friend, we have the bananas now. But the man may return with

his fellowmen and put us in trouble. Let me climb up the tree with the bananas. I will
throw down one by one for you." The fox readily agreed.

From the treetop the monkey cried, "Friend, I am throwing the bananas. If you can catch
then you will get the banana. If you miss it, it will turn into banana skin." But to his bad
luck, the fox could not catch any of the bananas and he got only the banana skins.

Actually the smart monkey was not throwing the bananas, but only the skins of them.
He planned maliciously to eat all the bananas himself alone. The fox was befooled.

9. Identify the different types of sentences and write what they are called:
(a) Tom and Huck decided to go on a treasure hunt.
Answer:  Assertive Sentence

(b) Go and search for hidden treasure, Joe.

Answer:  Imperative Sentence

(c) Who buried the box in this house?

Answer: Interrogative Sentence

(d) Tom and Huck ran downstairs.

Answer: Assertive Sentence

(e) Dig the ground.

Answer: Imperative Sentence

(f) The boys began to breathe more easily.

Answer:  Assertive Sentence

(g) Let's search the house.

Answer: Imperative Sentence

(h) Oh! It's a great discovery.

Answer: Exclamatory Sentence

(i) Thank God! We had a narrow escape!

Answer: Exclamatory Sentence

(j) The two men cried out in joy.

Answer: Assertive Sentence.

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