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Endangered animals

When is an endangered species considered?

A species is considered to be in danger of extinction when all representatives of it are at risk of

disappearing from the face of the Earth.

How many animals are in danger of extinction?

According to data from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the international body
with greater power over the problem, approximately 5,200 species of animals are currently in danger
of extinction. In addition, in a breakdown by class, 11% of birds, 20% of reptiles, 34% of fish and 25%
of amphibians and mammals are in danger of extinction.

Causes animals are in danger

There are multiple causes for which a species can find itself on the verge of extinction. The reasons
can be tremendously particular for each species, but in general, among the greatest threats is the
destruction and fragmentation of their habitats; climate change; hunting and illegal traffic; and the
introduction of exotic species.

How to avoid the extinction of species?

It is not an easy task. Preventing a species from disappearing implies the implementation of a large
amount of resources and concrete actions. Some of them would be to avoid the fragmentation of
their habitats, for example deforestation; harshly prosecute and punish illegal hunting and species
trafficking; the creation of natural reserves; or the promotion of breeding, reintroduction and genetic
improvement programs. The fight against pollution and climate change is also the fight for the
conservation of many animals. Each personal decision has a global consequence in multiple aspects,
hence the importance of social awareness of the population.

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