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Sport is a physical activity that tests our athletic abilities. It’s kind of a physical exercise in which we
compete with the opponent/s solely for the purpose of entertainment. Basket ball, foot ball, cricket,
volley ball, hockey are some of the most well known sports. Sports have many physical and
psychological advantages on the participants as well as the viewers. They result in a better physical
stamina and improved reflexes along with other advantages.


We have provided some essay on Importance of Sports under various words limit for the students.
Now-a-days, students are commonly assigned to write essays and paragraphs in their classroom by
the teachers. Essay writing helps students to enhance their writing skill and knowledge about any
topic. All the Importance of Sports essay given below are written using easy words and simple
sentences. So, students can select any of the sports importance essays given below according to
their need and requirement.

Additionally these essays will also make you understand what is the importance of sports, what are
the values of sports and games, what are the advantages of sports and games, what is physical
coordination and strength, how sports helps in character and health building, what is the role of
sports in building health, money and nation, what is the role of eminent sports personalities, what is
the importance of sports for health, how it is important for personality development, what is the
importance of sports in nation development etc.


Sports require physical exercise, which results in better blood circulation and an overall improved
physical stamina. It opens up one’s nerves and makes the body more flexible, agile and responsive.
Despite all the physical advantages, participating in a sport also works wonders to your brain and
overall personality.

Sport is a competition where you compete with the opponents. You need to judge their moves and
make instant decisions, consequently improving your mental ability. Thinking quickly and responding
accordingly has positive impact on a sportsman’s brain.

Sports also develop your social skills as you interact with your opponents as well as the teammates.
It improves one’s ability to work in a team giving him/her an exposure to the team culture, which is
beneficial in professional life as well. Even the mere spectators of a sport interact with each other
and support their respective teams by shouting and cheering; resulting in overall happiness and a
good social behavior.

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