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Name: Kelvin Last name: Marzan Id: 20173-0733

Act.2 Expressing your attitude about trends

1. In your opinion, what is a good movie?

A solid story, a good soundtrack, good photographs. It must have climax

scenes. a good script, and good actors and plot.
2. What do you think about 2020 movie trends?

I consider that movies today, have a very great challenge, since the
publication today is much more demanding than in the past, the movies in
2020 carry an innovative trend, the science films being the most acclaimed.
3. Can you share with us an important thing that you have learned
from a film?

The Wolf of Wall Street is one of those movies that has been talked about.
For some, a brilliantly thought-out and directed film, starring impeccably
by Leo Dicaprio. For others, three hours of debauchery, drugs, sex and
profanity (I think there was a record out there of being the movie with the
most profanity in history) without much sense.

My opinion? Splendid. I will only say that it is the only movie I have seen
twice this year: once in the cinema and recently we also rented it to watch
at home on DVD. Aside from the fact that it seemed like a hilarious,
irreverent film, full of surreal situations and excesses, it left me thinking for
a long time when I finished watching it ...

And that's what this article is about, of the three main lessons or learnings
that the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" inspired me. Three things that
maybe I knew, in part, but the film just rounded off. Three very powerful
ideas that I have just outlined today.

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