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Example 4


This example illustrates how the Low Impact Development (LID)

modeling feature works. The data file represents a 29 acre
mixed-use subdivision that has been divided into 9 subcatchments.
Six different types of LID processes have been defined and
deployed within the subcatchments -- rain barrels and an
infiltration trench in subcatchment S1, street planters in
S4, a green roof and permeable pavement area in S5, and
vegetative swales in subcatchments Swale3, Swale4, and Swale6.

After loading the example, select the LID Controls category from
the Data Browser to see what types of LID controls and their design
parameters have been defined for the project. Then use the View |
Query command to locate subcatchments that have been assigned LID
controls or select LID Usage as the Subcatchment Theme to view on
the map. Bring up the Property Editor for a selected subcatchment
and click on the LID Controls property to see how a particular LID
process was deployed within the subcatchment.

Run the example and view a summary of LID performance in the LID
Results section of the Status Report. Edit one of the LID units
deployed within a subcatchment (e.g., the green roof in subcatchment
S5) to produce a detailed report file for it. Then re-run the
example and open the report file with a text editor (or with Excel)
to view a detailed time history of water fluxes and storage levels
in the LID unit.

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