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Record a video in which you include the items:

- Information about an important decision you made in your life.

- What decision was it?
- The reasons why you made that decision.
- What would have happened if you hadn’t made that decision?
- Report what your family said about it.

Remember to include the following aspects concerning language: Conditional structures

(second and third conditional), relative clauses, modals, and vocabulary learned in class.
Your video must be between 1:30 – 2:00 minutes long.

English exercise, one decision important

when i had goten to work by first time in the company CEDENAR, it was three years ago, and did
not have experience in the job, but i had knowledge of what i had to do, although it was difficult
for my did make the desicion, about acept or decline the job because, i was the first time that i
had been away of my village, the Union Nariño for soo long time, and now i was move to Pasto the
capital city of nariño. the first impresion that i had of the city was that it not was really very big,
and therefore i was not going to get lost in it.

i had to decide, acept the work or decline the job offer, work whose end was to get money, I did
think about the advantages and disadvantages but finally i decided to accept the job because; in
this moment i needed the money to buy the tools of study university, wich in the next year, i was
going to need. that how much money did i need? the Enough to buy a laptop, cell phone, tablet
etc. with the purpose, of that whose I can improve my learning.

if i wouldn't have acepted the job offer, i may not have the way to save money and buy the tools
study, myself.

the opinion of my family was a very important for me, whom would be there always supporting
me, if they had not had opinioned of them, in this situation, I would not have chosen the option
correctly, but it not was it

and so it was that I worked for three years, until I had enough savings to pay for my studies; So
when my family heard that I had accepted the job, they were very proud and happy about it.

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