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Meeting Agenda

Date: 6/2/2020
Topic: Cooking cleanup & safe clean up

7:00pm Opening
(10 minutes) -Start meeting with an opening slideshow
-Philip: have everyone stand, recite the Scout Oath, Law, Outdoor Code
and Pledge of Allegiance.
**Only Philip mic on**

7:10pm Patrol Breakouts

(15 minutes)
-PL take attendance email to Philip/Mr. Vinnie
-Plan patrol campouts

7:25pm Skills Instruction (presentation & videos)

(35 minutes)
Cooking cleanup & safe clean up (1st class 2c/2d, tenderfoot 2a/2b)
- Antonio

8:00pm Game
(20 minutes)
Kahoot Games- Ms. Debb

8:20pm Closing
(10 minutes) -Virtual circle up
-Scoutmaster minute

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