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Preliminary Application for the Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship

Research Students 2021

Field of Study: Civil Engineering

Course Applied Research

Name Bhagyaraja Koppisetty

Date of Birth
Age on (1 April 2021) 29 Years

Contact No.: +91 9657218900

Email id:

Educational Qualification:

Year of Percentage
School/Board/College/University CGPA
Passing only*
Maharashtra State Board of
10th Grade 2007 69
Secondary Education
Maharashtra State Board of
12th Grade 2009 53
Secondary Education
Bachelor’s BVC Engineering College/
2013 69
degree JNTUK
Edinburgh Napier University 2019 1st Class
*Those who have CGPA score must convert grade into percentage according to their respective university’s
* if you are currently pursuing a course, then write marks until your last semester/year.

List of Award/Certificate/Medal, if any (State/National/International only)


State the titles or subjects of books and papers (including graduation thesis) authored by applicant,
if any, with the name, address of the publisher and the date of publication.

Submitted Thesis on Advancement of Construction Project Management: Exploring the Project life

※論文の概要を別紙で添付のこと Please write the abstracts of those papers below.


The construction industry is already one of the most significant sectors and growing more by contributing to
the world's GDP and it is predicted that construction growth would rise more in the upcoming days. Such an
intense and persistent goal has bought into even more pressure on the industry addressing elementary

In present days, construction projects are found themselves in the contingency stage but it’s not the same with
all the projects in the world. In developed countries Constructing large projects equipped with better
technology since it faces the challenge with low productivity, low profitability, underperformance projects. In
developing countries, the construction project has overcome with productivity, labour and skills shortage,
sustainability, consistent use of technology, safety concerns. Even though facing such challenges construction
projects has marked better growth among all the sectors. In this paper, the study was more focused on the
construction challenges, optimizing the project life cycle, discussions on the evolution of the construction
management, the introduction of modern technology in the construction industry, overcoming with solutions
for challenges.

The main purpose of this research is to evaluate a theoretical concept for improvement in productivity &
performance of the construction project, implementing advanced technology and modern methods in the
construction industry, promoting safety development training. To study deeply about the construction projects
the researcher used the principal methods of data collection through Web-based questionnaire surveys and
meeting face to face interviews with various construction professionals from different locations. The approach
of this method is designed with a set of questions and case studying projects and analysis based on real facts
and incidents of the project.

The final discussions and recommendations were made concluding for the bright future of the construction
industry and will expand into a major part of the world’s economic division. The study will also reveal about
the tackling of skills shortages and recommending various government bodies to encourage the growth of
construction institutes, training and development to entry-level professionals, advanced technology awareness
as literacy in every training session for promoting growth and encouragement of more young talented minds
in the construction industry.
Field of Study and Research Plan (Preliminary Application Form)

Name in full, in your native language : Koppisetty Bhagyaraja Nagaraju

(Family name/Surname) (Given name) (Middle name)
Name in Roman capital letters: KOPPISETTY BHAGYARAJA NAGARAJU
(姓名(ローマ字)) (Family name/Surname) (Given name) (Middle name)

Nationality: Indian ,
(国 籍)

Proposed study program in Japan (Outline your field of study on this side and the specifics of your study program on the reverse side of this sheet . This
section is one of the most important references for selection . The statement must be typewritten or written in block
letters. Additional sheets of paper may be attached if necessary. If plagiarism or fraud is discovered after selection, the

selection will be cancelled retroactively .)


If possible, please write your response in Japanese. (相当の日本語能力を有する者は日本語により記入すること。)

1. The present field of study(現在の専攻分野)

Civil Engineering
I have completed my master’s degree in Construction Project Management, and a Bachelor’s in Civil
Engineering. I worked as a Civil engineer for 5 years, mainly focusing on the execution of the construction
projects. I am so enthusiast and keen to learn more about construction projects and its complex nature.

2. Your research topic in Japan: Describe articulately the research you wish to carry out in Japan (if the
space provided is not sufficient you may add accordingly).

Research Topic: Lean production and methods of Modular Construction.

The main purpose of this research is mainly concerned about construction of the projects by minimizing
costs, improving productivity rate, waste reduction and promotion of sustainable development in the
construction industry. Many researchers stated that the construction sector contributes a major part in the
growth of the nation’s GDP, therefore the construction industry has become the backbone of the country’s
development. Most of the study’s and researches had revealed that the construction projects are comprised of
many complexities, high-risk nature and more prone to danger zones related to health and safety, more
consumption of natural raw materials, lack of construction skills. From developing countries to developed,
the owners had become reliant on traditional methodology. The reasons may vary from owner to owner, but
it is concluded that most of the construction owners won’t risk introducing any modern methods for
completion of their projects even though project performance may below. The innovative approach of
building projects, use of technology and modernized equipment are in the construction is very low as
compared to other industries. This implies the construction industry is lagging with a lack of innovation and
technology. The construction industry requires a strategy and innovation technology in the field to improvise
the productivity rate, performance, sustainability and safety standards.
Considering all these facts in mind, it has made interesting about Lean construction in the industry. This
methodology will be an important role in the development of the construction industry. It is an integration
process of developing designs and construction by implementing lean principles, Moreover like
manufacturing production process of the construction projects. This process is more focused on improvising
the construction process by minimizing costs and to achieve sustainability objectives throughout the
production process.
The modular construction is considered an efficient technique as it intends the same principles as like lean
construction. In developed countries, Modular construction has proved successful and given positive results.

Modular Construction projects around the world:

a. Paragon, London, UK: High rise Building project. The total cost of the project £ 26,000,000.
Construction type: 3D block modular construction
b. Atlantic Yards, NY, USA: a high rise building of 32 floors, Project Cost: $ 4.9 billion.
Construction type: Panel Modular Construction
c. Sky city Changsa, China: Planned 220 floors high rise building, $ 1.46 billion.

With such good results, modular construction has benchmarked as a new technique in the construction
industry around the developed countries. It would be more affordable and can perform with more
productivity rate in developing countries as because of its low cost of the project delivery, shortening the
time, improvise construction project performance and promotes all the principles of the sustainability

Research aim:
This research aims to find the other most effective techniques for further improvisation of cost-effectiveness,
productivity rate, safety standards and most friendly to sustainability. Today’s era is mostly about using the
technology, which has played an important role in developing from all perspectives in all sectors. In the
construction industry, technology has followed with a low rate of developing the industry, analyzing it to
further development of the construction projects w.r.t time cost and quality. Most importantly this study will
help in boosting the production process and other manufacturing practices.

• To investigate the challenges the modular construction, referring to Logistics risks and cost risks,
Training and development of skills and overcome these challenges with effective solutions.
• Design issues and guidance’s are found as a critical stage throughout the project life cycle because of
limited variations and mass production, analyzing this stage for smooth flow of the production in
chain supply.
• To explicate modular construction projects and to provide it as a solution to the developing countries
for overcoming the progress rate of the development of a nation.
• To explore the life cycle of modular construction production featuring its various stages to
distinguish with traditional method relating to financial risks and risk on suppliers for project


Data Collection:
This research will take on the systematic approach of relevant literature reviews, referring to journals,
textbooks, news articles and websites. This project will use both quantitative and qualitative methods, as the
main intention of the researcher to focus on the technical aspects of modular construction chain supply
cycle. The research is not only intended to study about the finished products but also to look upon the entire
technology involved. Well, the literature review had discussed the present or past projects shown up
successful, but all the analysis was made based on the case studies, journals and news articles. It is necessary
to examine the projects with all technical prospects. Frequent site visits, investigating, project observations
and Interviewing with concerned authorities of the modular construction project will enable the researcher to
analyze in the depth of the actual process of a project. Research of the modular construction is an innovative
strategy, the strategy mainly aims to collect the data based on productivity rate, material consumption and
wastages, Logistics risks and financials related to the process. This analysis will enable us to overcome with
a solution for these challenges.
Summing up
The main aim of this project is to achieve higher productivity rate, eliminating wastes and shortening the
period of the construction projects, making reliable and affordable to the developing countries respect to
quality and financial risks and analyzing the modular construction process as a solution to overcome with
these abilities.
3. Research Plan/Study program in Japan: (Describe in detail and with specifics — particularly concerning
the ultimate goal(s) of your research in Japan) (研究計画:詳細かつ具体に記入し、特に研究の最終目標について具体的

Research Plan

Period Planned activities

1st Year April 2021 – June 2021 Reading in the depth of topics like:
• Lean construction technology
• Case studies of past projects

July 2021 – September 2021 Reading in the depth of topics

• Automation systems and robotics in the
construction industry
• Research on modular construction

October 2021 – December 2021 • Draft preparation of the literature review

• Investigation of traditional methods of
construction projects
• Preparation of methodological tools for
project planning and tracking records and
collecting data

January 2022 – March 2022 • Involving construction professionals as a

participant for the project.
• Initiating data collection of traditional

2nd Year April 2021 – June 2021 Data collection continues

July 2021 – September 2021 Data collection continues
October 2021 – December 2021 Completion of data collection
January 2022 – March 2022 Analyzing data begins
3rd Year April 2021 – June 2021 Completing data analysis
July 2021 – September 2021 Final write up begins
October 2021 – December 2021 Continuation write up
January 2022 – March 2022 Final write up completes
Placement Preference Application Form (Preliminary Application Form)

Name of Graduate
Preference Name of the University Name of Professor

The University of Tokyo Hongo Campus

Second Aobayama Campus

Tohuku University

Third Higashiyama Campus

Nagoya University

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