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Second writing:

Exercise and diet are considered to be an important determinant of health and

sickness. I have always liked meat the best of all foods, and as a child, I never wanted
to eat my vegetables, other than the usual starchy things like a piece of bread and
some potatoes. One day I picked up a magazine, called diets, and there was an article
about a way to control one’s weight through diet. From that day, I changed my eating
habits. I think my health is reasonably good, though there’s certainly room for
Now my diet is good in general, I eat organically raised one egg in breakfast with a slice
of bread 4 days in a week. Lunch is usually fruits and vegetable salad with a bowl of
yogurt. Evening tea along with some healthy snacks. My favorite dinner is an organic
salad with two glasses of orange juice. I never drink except on some social occasions
and the intake never exceeds one glass of wine or two pegs of whiskey. I should cut
down on sugar because sometimes I eat lots of candy.
The area in which my health needs improvement is exercise. I have always been
reluctant to do sports. My friends usually play in the street, but sometimes, I'm not
enough time to play with them or I am too tired to play with them some sports like
volleyball or soccer. From now on I'm going to try to run three times a week and go to
the gym twice a week, because the exercise can improve your health and reduce the
risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular
disease. Physical activity and exercise can have many health benefits.

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