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CBSE Class 8 Maths Worksheet


1. Fill in the blanks: A cube has ______ faces , all of which are congernt square.

2. A closed cylindrical tank of radius 14 m and height 6 m is made from a sheet of metal. How much
sheet of metal is required?

3. The area of a rhombus is 480 cm2 and one of the diagonals is 32 cm. Find the other diagonal.

4. The diagonal of a quadrilateral shaped ground is 48 m and the perpendiculars dropped on it from the
remaining opposite vertices are 16 m and 26 m. Find the area of the ground.

5. Fill in the blanks: All sides of a regular polygon are equal in ________ .

6. A company packages its milk powder in cylindrical container whose base has a diameter of 28 cm and
height 40 cm. Company places a label around the surface of the container . If the label is placed 4 cm
from top and bottom, what is the area of the label.

7. The shape of the cardboard is a trapezium. Find its area if its parallel sides are 2 m and 2.4 m and
perpendicular distance between them is 0.16 m.

8. A square and a rectangular field with measurements as given in the 80m and 100m have the same
perimeter. Which field has a larger area?

9. A road roller takes 1500 complete revolutions to move once over to level a road. Find the area of the
road if the diameter of a road roller is 168 cm and length is 2 m.

10. Length of the boundary of a trapezium shaped garden ABCD is 120 m. If BC = 48 m, CD = 17 m and
AD = 40 m, find the area of this garden. Side AB is perpendicular to the parallel sides AD and BC.

11. Water is pouring into a cuboidal reservoir at the rate of 120 liters per minute. If the volume of
reservoir is 216 m cube, find the number of hours it will take to fill the reservoir.

12. Complete the following: Area of triangle =

A) 1/2 X base X height
B) Base X Height
C) 1/2 X product of diagonals
D) L X b

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13. Find the area of a rhombus whose diagonals are of lengths 12 cm and 9.2 cm.

14. The area of a trapezium is 68 cm2 and the length of one of the parallel sides is 10 cm and its height is
8 cm. Find the length of the other parallel side.

15. A milk tank is in the form of cylinder whose radius is 3 m and length is 14 m. Find the quantity of
milk in liters that can be stored in the tank?

16. In a building there are 48 cylindrical pillars. The radius of each pillar is 56 cm and height is 8 m. Find
the total cost of painting the curved surface area of all pillars at the rate of Rs 16 per m2.

17. Find the area of a rhombus whose side is 12 cm and whose altitude is 8 cm If one of its diagonals is
16 cm long, find the length of the other diagonal.

18. A hall is in the form of a cuboid of measures 120 m × 80 m × 60 m. How many cuboidal boxes can be
stored in it if the volume of one box is 0.16 m cube?

19. Nahush is painting the walls and ceiling of a cuboidal hall with length, breadth and height of 30 m, 20
m and 14 m respectively. From each can of paint 200 m sq. of area is painted. How many cans of
paint will she need to paint the room?

20. Two identical cubes each of total surface are of 6cm Sq. are joined end to end. which of the following
is the total surface area of the cuboid so formed ?
A) 12cm sq.
B) 18cm sq.
C) 10cm sq.
D) 8cm sq.

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CBSE Class 8 Maths Worksheet



1. 6

2. 1760 msq

3. 30 cm

4. 1008 m sq.

5. Length

6. 2816 cmsq

7. 0.35199999999999998

8. Area of square 3600 rectangle 3200

9. 15840msq

10. 660m sq.

11. 60 hours

12. Option A

13. 55.2 cmSq

14. 7 cm

15. 396000

16. Rs 21626.88

17. 12 cm

18. 3600000

19. 10

20. Option C

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