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What aspects of Iris Marion Youngs five Faces of Oppression can be applied to the case of

people living with Albinism in Africa?


What aspects of Iris Marion Youngs five Faces of Oppression can be worked towards explaining
the plight of people living with Albinism in Africa?

Every year, a number of children in Africa are born with congenital abnormalities that affect the
way they look, develop or function for the rest of their lives. The occurrence of these congenital
abnormalities have been major issues in current studies related to oppression. Albinism is one of
the abnormalities that affect a number of Africa’s population. Albinism is the inability to form
melanin in the eyes, skin and hair, due to tyrosinase deficiency (King et al, 2006). It is a genetic
condition caused by a deficit in the production of the pigment melanin and it affects all races
across the world (Aquaron, 1990).

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