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Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of

Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Lecture: Design and integration of embedded systems
Autor: Josué Daniel Ortega Ortega.
Neptun ID: AK56F4
This homework has been prepared by myself.
1. Introduction
An embedded system is a controller with a dedicated function within a more extensive
mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded
as part of a complete device, often including hardware and mechanical parts. Embedded
systems control many devices in everyday use today.
2. Descriptions of the Design
This simulation has the goal of modeling the communication protocol of the SCADA. The
architecture of the system is defended for the following figures.

Figure 1. Operation of the field object Figure 2. Operation of the control object

3. Modeling
The global declarations for this model are: The local declarations for this model are:
Figure 3. Global declarations Figure 4. Local declarations

The first graph is the operation of the field object, and the second graph is the operation of
the control object made on UPPAAL.

Figure 5. Operation of the field object Figure 6. Operation of the control object

4. Results

• There is no deadlock in the protocol.

• The control object will eventually reach the Connecting state.
• The field and control objects eventually reach their Connected states.

Figure 7. Results of the modeling

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