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The NBA documentary series 2018-2019 season that our planet showed on radio around the

world, which was shown on July 16, 2019, which takes into account the best plays of the season,
for example: the best caps, The best cross-over, the best triples and the best decisive baskets. The
NBA games played in the 2018-2019 season were recorded in Spain. Behind this realization there
are several names known as Jorge Sanchez and Emilio Alonso, who are part of the ESPN network.
In this documentary, in addition to presenting the best caps, the best baskets, he invites people to
see the wonderfulness of basketball, the value of team play and the honor of sport. An extra part
of the documentary an NBA player teaches you how to kick the ball, as well as how to keep it close
to your foot. In conclusion; the NBA documentary are dedicated to people who like basketball

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