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I s an island country in East Asia

Student: Arriagada Selena- Delgado Yemina- Barrera Micaela- Villalba

Teacher: Eva Montoya
Mather: English
Couser: 4°ll Nat
Date: 26/09/19
In this text we are going to talk about Japan, how is your dress, what
are your customs, etc.
We chose this theme mainly because of the culture, the language,
among others, which, like many others, calls attention to how varied
and wide it is. . .
That is why we will tell you curiosities and information about this
Asian country. . .
geographic location
Japan is an East Asian country constituted by an archipelago. It is located
between the passive ocean and the Japanese Sea, east of China, Russia and the
Korean peninsula. It is an archipelago made up of several islands. Despite having
a relatively small spasm compared to countries such as Russia or the United
States, it is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a population of
around 128 million people. Its capital, Tokyo, is the largest urban area in the world
in terms of population, with a population of over 30 million people. Today, Japan is
the nation with the greatest technological coverage and the third economic power,
surpassed only by China and the United States, and it also has one of the richest
lives in the world.
Official language: Japanese
The Japanese or Japanese language (日本語) is an East Asian language spoken
by some 128 million people, mainly in Japan, where it is the national language.
Japanese is the main language of the Japanese languages, and although it has
been debated about its linguistic relationship with Korean, Ainu, Altaic
languages and Austro-Asian languages, there is no consensus as to its origin.
Japanese does not have a genetic relationship with Chinese, but uses Chinese
characters called kanji (漢字), and much of the vocabulary comes from Chinese.
Along with the Kanji, the Japanese uses two alphabets or syllables: the hiragana
(ひ ら が な) and the katakana (カ タ カ ナ). The Latin alphabet (in Japanese
Romaji) is used to write acronyms and the language uses both Arabic and
Chinese numbers.

Japan's economy is the third largest in the world, after the United States and China. The
cooperation between government and industry, the Japanese custom of hard work and
the domination of technology have led Japan to the economic success it enjoys today in
less than half a century.

After 40 years of steady and sometimes spectacular economic growth, the Japanese
economy did not grow significantly during the 1990s, a situation that has been reversed
since 2003, the year since which the economy has grown significantly again. It can be
said that the Japanese economy has undoubtedly been the economic phenomenon of
the second half of the twentieth century.
Japan story

It is a nation in feudal principle, where the maximum representation of power was

the emperor, which had a spiritual function. Then followed by the shogun,
traditionally Buddhists who could be understood as kings in the different regions
that made up Japan. The military chiefs were called Daimyo, the samurai were
warriors, the ronin soldiers and then the peasants followed. The ninjas are of
Japanese origin and were considered the village mercenaries. In the beginning his
religion was Shintoism, based on the worship of the kami or spirits of nature. The
structure of government was military, especially in the times of Tokugawa Leyasu,
who could be understood in Latin American culture as a leader. Japan has always
ensured the protection of its culture, so they focused on expelling Catholicism from
their lands. They had a centralized trade and were related to countries such as
China, the Netherlands and Korea.
The Japanese have an intricate and complicated sense of humor, which is very much reflected in culture,
ethics, language and religion, and is sometimes considered as very difficult to interpret by other cultures.

Kimono for girl

Yukata por men Yukata for women
. . .Culture. . .

● In Japan you can find two types of clothing: traditional and modern. In the
traditional costumes, the kimono stands out, which is a striking long garment
worn by women, men and children on special occasions, which consists of a
bottom, a lining and the striking upper part. Kimono sleeves also differentiate
married women from single women. Kimono is almost no longer used
because of its difficulty of use, even in ancient times there were people who
dedicated themselves to dressing people with kimonos. Other garments worn
by the Japanese are: the yukata which is a light summer kimono; the hakama,
a ceremonial garment; the jinbei light male garment used as pajamas and the
jūnihitoe a female garment similar to a kimono and worn by the nobles.
And more culture. . .

With regard to modern Japanese clothing, there are some trends such as ganguro, which is
a feminine fashion characterized by wearing designer clothes, having tanned skin and
adopting the excessive use of accessories. Another modern fashion in Japan is Lolita
fashion, which is inspired by Victorian children's fashion with elements of Rococo and that
has had derivations of the Gothic, punk, meido subcultures, etc. Interestingly, the Japanese
school uniform has been taken as a special variant of the youth costumes, which is very
reflected in the Japanese media. Another form of modern fashion that began in Japan is
cosplay, which consists of dressing up as a character that appears in some Japanese media:
anime, manga, video games and music videos, among others. However, the Japanese way
of dressing is usually very correct. Women usually wear all high heels, and most of them
wear skirts or dresses, or wide pants. Their clothes do not usually reveal much skin.

Japan is an East Asian country where you can find a wide variety of customs, such
as greeting with a bow or in national holidays using kimono or yukata. In addition,
this country has a very particular and characteristic language of it, Japanese.
Japan is a world potential, therefore, the interest in it is not bad, since it has a very
stable economy. On the other hand, its culture is very rich in terms of culture
because the clothes and customs were changing and adapting over time, because
they went from an era in which ninjas and samurai lived to what we know today in
day; At the end of the day, it ends up affecting how it acts, how its society behaves
and how it affects people who negotiate with this power.

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