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With my family we talk about household’s carbon footprint, our total annual emissions are 19.

tonnes of Co2, this number is so high, when we saw the results we were very worried because
always we try don´t damage the planet and it's just what we are doing.

Something that relaxes us a little is that for quarantine increased energy consumption 75% more
than the previous month, because all time the computers, the phones, the lighs and others devices
are on and connected longer. This fact contributes a little to the increase in the carbon footprint.

However the aspect most worrying and one of produces the most carbon footprint in my home, is
food. Eating meat several times a week from my home and others contributes to increased meat
production. This production indirectly influences the carbon footprint.

We think it is very important to take measures to better contribute to planet earth, we can

First we going to walk more and not use the car, this will help us reduce the carbon footprint and
to get better our health.

Second we going to reduce meat consumption to 2 times a week and foods that directly or
indirectly influence the carbon footprint.

We want to help the home of all human beings, planet earth.

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