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Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.

To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Basic Struture:

PLAN: I Agree

GR: The decision of the universities can affect the self-esteem of the students
SS1: studies can be for everybody.
SS2: The equal acceptance for subjects helps students with their vocation.
SS3: Equiality for everyone.
Opp Arg: To keep the Order and Avoid confusions in the young students.
ReSt: Many young students have talent for diverse duties.
No Matter the subject, the important thing is the desire of the Student.
For to find the motivation.

Certainly, time ago Universities admited, more Men than Women and vice versa, depending of the
subject, actually the most of the students are admited no matter if they are female or male. I totally
agree with this method, because the Universities decision can affect the self-esteem of the students.

On the one hand, the impartial decision of the university is controversial, in the future life of the
student. In fact, The studies are for everybody and not depend of the genre, also some subjects of the
career helps a lot number of students founding their vocation. Indeed one of the politics of
Universities nowdays is the equality for everyone. For example, whether a student found his
motivation in ballet he has the right for to study whatever he wants.

On the other Hand, is important to keep order and in someway guide to the student in their selection,
for to avoid confusions in the young students. In that sense, some Colleges have Orientation
Departments for to help students in the search for the indicated career. However, many students
have talents for diverses subjects and the Education, has the duty to allows the differents trends and
ways for to find motivation in their students. For instance, some persons identify his talent in
asignatures that not has any contact with the global career, when this talent is dicovered the students
can be successful.

To conclude, there are many ways for to improve the orientation in students, but is important to gives
them the total of alternatives and tools for they can to get their own career, based on that. Is my
strong belief that colleges and Universities should accept equal quantity of student no matter their
2) In many countries today, the eating habits and lifestyle of children are different from those of
previous generations. Some people say this had a negative effect on their health.

To what extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


GR: The new kind of games and the parents attention has affected the eating habits of children.
SS1: The most of children prefer to play only Videogames
SS2: They do not play outside
SS3: Little attention for their parents
OPPARG: They are smarter than previous generations
RESTA: They are very shy
They surrender quikly
They prefer to be alone

Certainly, habits in general has changed much, across of time, since food habits until playing only
video games, this kind of activities impact directly in the health of children. In my point of view, the
new kind Games and parents attention have affected the eating habits of children.

On the one hand, nowdays lifestyle is very stressful for parents so the children have to be more
independent and they prefer to be in home eating fast food and playing video games.In fact they do
not play outside because their parents are not in home, so the most of the time children are alone.
Indeed when the parents arrives at house, they are very tired and do not have any time for spent with
their children. For instance actually the boy or girl has to be in the morning in a school and then in the
afternoon in a garden.

On the other hand, some researchers report that children are smarter than previous generations of
teens, many factors influenced in this feature like the use of cellphones since they are babies, many
technologies resources that can be reach for them. However another research reports that actually
children are very shy, and this is because they do not play outside with another children. Indeed they
prefer to be alone playing with the cellphone.

To conclude, many factor influence in the eating habits and lifestyle of children, like the attention to
the parents, how many times they spent playing with another children. I would stongly recomend to
pay attention to the children and try to spent more time together, also, to try to go out with them and
let them play with another ones.

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