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Active are] AG ¥ Reading Delete Macaca eo si aU) eye] Come LaLy / Grammar . carefully graded exercises ¥ Vocabulary j Peeler mend EET is) as I=L {B:There's good film atthe cinema. (0) . A: It’s a nice day, (have a walk) VOCABULARY VOCABULARY A- Fill in the correct words. tall and thin / two J old / musician / cold 1m a e.When : Be : 2 5. The boys played football in the garden on Saturday. What 2 : What 2 aWho i 3. Tina and Tom ate pizza at home last night. —_b. What : a.Who 2 What f b What 2 d.Where : What 2 eWhen dWhen N- Complete the sentences with ‘Present Simple’ or ‘Simple Past’ of the verbs given in brackets. lly / get) to work? 1. A: How you (usual B: I (usually /drive) to work, but three months ago | (not/have) a car and | | used to (take) the bus to work everyday. 2A: you (call) Nancy yesterday? No,! x A you (go) to Barbie's restaurant last night? | B:Yes,| have)? A: What you ( B: Well, | (usually / have) chicken, but yesterday | (eat) spaghetti with tomato sauce. (wake up) at half past seven, but yesterday he (wake up) (not / have) a lesson in the morning. 4. George usually at eight because he 136 unit i2 _ 5. Last year | (be) very fat but now | (be) slim because | (do) exercises every day, 6. Look at the boys! They (play) tennis in the garden. Their uncle (buy) the rackets for their birthday. 7. They (drink) a lot of coffee last night so they (notwant) any this morning. ‘Twenty years ago my grandfather aI (nowrain) now. It 10.1 (have) a dream last night. VOCABULARY A (have) a farm forty miles away from Aydin. (stop) an hour ago. in the blanks with a correct word. You can use a word more than once. murder (v) / murder (n) murderer (n) / dead (adj) / die (v) / death (n) /Killv) (v) = verb _(n) = noun (adj) = adjective 1. When you a person, animal or plant, you make the person, animal or plant die 2. When people, animals and plants they stop living, a is the end of the life of a person or an animal. 4. A person, an animal or a plant that is is no longer living. 5.To someone means to kill them. 6A is the action of killing someone. 7.A isa person who kills someone. 8.1 want the police to catch the of my husband. 9. She him with a gun. 10. The sun the plants. 11. He of a heart attack. 12, After the of her parents she became very stressful. 13. | chrew away the flowers. B- Fill in the blanks with a correct word. You can use a word more than once. foe (©) arrest (¥) / robber (n) /erime (n) {robbery (n) / victim (n) / suspect (n) / commit (v) / guilty (ad)) 1. If someone you, they steal money or property from you. 2A isa person who steals your money or property using force. 3, is the action of stealing money or property from a bank, shop ,etc. by using force. 4. If the police someone who did a crime, they catch them and send them prison. BA is an illegal action like robbery or murder. 6A is @ person who is thought to be guilty of a crime. 7.A @ person who has been hurt or killed by someone or something. 8. Someone who committed a crime is 9.He several banks in one year. ADetective Story 1 377 10. Did the police catch the 11. They arrested him for the supermarket last week. 12 They are him for stealing an old women’s handbag. 13, They say he is of killing Mr-Tex. 14, The ‘was lying on the floor in blood. 15, Last week the police finally had a for the murder. 16, To kill someone is a ; 17. When you drive above the speed limit or when you park illegally you acrime, C- Match the definitions with their correct words and fill in the blanks. investigate(v) / inspector (n) /eatch (v) /eye-witness (n) / innocent (ad)) /chase (v) | guilty (adj gunshot (n) / search (v) / criminal (n) / report (v) /pursue (v) /question (v) / fingerprint (n) /sirens (n to capture a person or animal after pursuing them. to follow someone usually in order to catch them. to run after someone or follow them quickly in order to catch them. © to try to find out all the facts about an event, situation or person 5. to ask a lot of questions about something to tell people about an event or subject 7. : to look carefully for something ‘person who sees an event and can descrit Perr it 8. $ %. : mark made by your finger which shows the lines on the skin an officer whose job is to find out whether organizations are obeying official regulations u. 2 the firing of a gun a warning device which makes a long, loud, wailing noise someone who is not guilty of a crime not innocent a person who has committed a crime D- Look up these words in a dictionary and use them in a sentence. 1. sensitive (adj): 2. anxious (ad) 3 furious (a) 4, addict (r) ——————— S.confiet(n) 138 unii2 6. confused (ad)) 7. to disappear (v): ———— 8. true (adj) po 9. truth (n) —-——- _ 10.tobelieve (vy) |. 11. to realise (v) Loy E- Circle the odd word. 1ewin beat gain lose 2. lose beat defeat win Beaddict fan 4.furious angry es i | : jous happy nervous angry furious cheerful F- Fill in the blanks with a correct adverb. | -|__easily - immediately - apparently - unfortunately 1. He answers the questions very . 2. She finished her first call and dialled a new number 3. she is living with them. Thad no time to visit him at the hospital this evening. A Detective Story] BQ READING ‘THE STRANGE OLD HOUSE (ur. Johnson quietiy opened the door of the old house and went inside. It was very dark; but he had some matches and they helped him to see. In front of him there was a large room. It had a long table and four chairs. Mr. Johnson searched the table. He found some black clothes and two knives. Near the clothes there was a bag with a lot of money in it and a strange square box. Mr. Johnson had only one more match. He carefully opened the box and jumped back. There was a bomb inside! Suddenly there was a noise at the door! For a few seconds Mr. Johnson didn’t move. It was terrifying, and he didn’t know what to do. Then he reached to the window and opened it. He climbed through and jumped down into the garden. After that he didn't stop running until he arrived at his flat and closed the door behind him. Finally he phoned the police and waited for them to come. A- Write ‘True’ (T) or ‘False’ (F). 1. Mr.Johnson opened the door of the old house and went inside. 2. He had no matches so he couldn't see. 3. There was a long table in the room. 4, He searched the room but he found nothing. 5. There was a bomb in the strange square box. 6. He was very cool. 7. He jumped out of the window. 8. He phoned the police before he arrived at his flat. B- Answer the questions. 1. Who opened the door of the old house? 2. Did he find any people in the old house? 3. How did he see in the dark room? 4. What was there in the square box? 5. How did he get out of the house? 6. What did he do after he arrived at his flat? 140 writs ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) C- Fill in the blanks with words in the box. He ‘opened the door of th use. He i old house, in the dark He started to Tithe ee aaa box on the table. le it was a bomb. He didn't SPEAKING A- Do you words in the ‘Vocabulary’ section. Everyday Life Phrases an addict, a coffee addict, a football B- Make your own dialogues: Describing something, someone, somewhere in the past. unfortunately Tm terribly sorry T'm confused by mistake Do you know why? It is unusual for break into addict, etc. I can't stand losing, etc, I can't believe it! WRITING A- Write one paragraph about what you did last weekend. square / search / immediately / quietly / matches / found / thought / search / phoned / know | and they helped him to see 2 bag with a lot of money in it. There was also a strange hi the old house and ran home. He dis police itenhoarMelakera a ‘e detective stories? Narrate a story of your own using the easily / immediately / apparently Detective Story] 4] UNIT 13 B- Write one or two paragraphs about an interesting place you visited in the past. FAMOUS PEOPLE READING Allis Do you like my new car? Can: Yes, but | think it's the smallest car in the world. Ali: Well, it’s bigger than yours! Can: | don't think so. How much did it cost? Ali: | bought the cheapest car in the shop! Can: Is it fast? No, it’s slower than most cars. = Good. Then my car is faster than yours! | Complete the dialogues and practise with your friends. LOOK OVER THE SPEAKING SECTION ON PAGE 153. 1. A: What do you know about Charlie Chaplin? B: He's af British comedian. SELF-EVALUATION CAN DO (tick ¥) 2. A: What do you about ‘Spiderman 2"? Bi I think it was the same as the f one, 3. A: Who's your favourite actress? B: Nicole Kidman is my number Now I can express past events. 4. A: Are you busy? B: No. How Thelp you? A: | want to ask you for advice. You know my friend Danny, right? B: Sure. What him? A: He wants to open a flower shop. And wants me to be his partner. Bz Its interesting, Do you have the money? A: | have some saved. What would you me? B: First, find out more about the shop. Is the location good? Can it make money? Can you trust Danny? Do you have the time? Make sure these details. Then decide. A: Thanks lot for the advice. Now | can describe a place, something or someone in the past. I hate w. the same films on TV. B: They are not al the same. ou can find more interesting and different programmes. fou are right in some w. - | meant the films usually have the same theme as usual. B: You are » too, Who is the most popular singer 2 the young this year? | really have no idea. Who you think is the most popular singer among the 2 I'm not sure, ask the teenagers. 7. A: I'm invited to the award ceremony. B: Are you going to go? A: Of course, | am. don't want to m this chance. Famous People 14S 142 une 2 8. A: What on © are you doing with that lamp? B: I'm singing. ‘A: Who do you think you 2 B: | am one of the Spice Girls. Lee 9. A: How was the film you saw last night?“ B: It was the interesting film | have 2 : Di - Kyle's son? % 10. A: Did you meet Mr. Kyle's so hie father B:Yes,1 .He’s more friendly GRAMMAR We use comparative form of adjectives to compare two things. people. etc., We add ‘er’ to short adjectives. We use'more + adjective with long adjectives (2-3 and more syllables), “than’ to make compariso 7 . My hi is smaller than yours. | My house is more expensive than yours. it i We use the + superlative form + of / in so-compare one person or thing with more than one. ; q We use of / in only for plac ‘est’ to short adjectives. we iS smmostt adjective’ with long adjectives. (2-3 and more syllables). We use ‘the’, . / e.g, Jenny is the tallest girl in her class. / He's got the most expensive car in the town. Spelling Rules Irregular Forms Positive [Comparative] Superlative | Positive | Comparative | Superlative happy happier happiest | good well better the best big bigger biggest bad worse the worst hot hotter hottest: little less the least much / many 1 more the most i alot of more the most far further / farther | the furthest / the farthest 144 unvis A- Fill in the table. Positive (Adjective) [Comparative Superlative short shorter the shortest the easiest heavy | the most beautiful beccer modern the worst bigger [happy ithe most expensive B- Complete the sentences using the ‘Comparative Form’ of the adjectives. e.g. The maths test was not easy. The grammar test was ©asior. 1. Their daughter is not kind. Our daughter is 2. Your grandma is not so old, Helen's grandma is 3. Your books are not heavy. My books are 4. Yesterday the weather wasn’t good. Today it's It’s sunny. 5. The brown coat is not nice. The black one is 6. Mike’s ideas are not very interesting. Yours are 7. Andy's car isn't very fast. He wants a one, 8, This sofa is not very comfortable. Do you have a one? 9. Itisn’t very warm today. Yesterday it was 10. Ankara isn't very beautiful. Istanbul is C- Complete the sentences with ‘Comparative Form of the adjective given + than’, eg: I'm 14 years old, My sister is 20 years old. (young) I'm younger than my sister. 1. Behzat’s bike costs SOOTL. All's bike costs 350TL. (expensive) Behzat's bike is 2, My grandma is 70 years old, Lale's grandma is 80 years old. (old) Lale's grandma is 3. My bag weighs 50 kilos. My parents’ bag weighs 90 kilos. (heavy) My parents’ bag is 4. Verda is a very good dancer: Her boyfriend is not very good. (good) Verda is a SSS See 5. Yesterday the temperature was 10 degrees. Today itis 15 degrees. (cold) Yesterday it was ' SSS eee Famous People | 4.5 6. Alice starts work at 8 o'clock. Ted starts work at 9 o'clock. (early) Alice starts work 7. My mum is very patient. My dad isn’t very patient. My mum is 8, My son is very intelligent. My daughter isn't very intelligent. My son is 9. I speak French very well. My wife speaks French but not very well. | speak French 10. The weather was very bad yesterday. Today it's a bit better. The weather was D- Complete the sentences using the ‘Superlative Form of the adjectives used in the first sentence’. e.g. Roses are very nice flowers. They are the nicest flowers of all. 1. Audrey is very popular: She's student in our school. 2. This book is very interesting. I's book of all. 3. The geography test was very easy. It was ofall, 4, Asia is very large. It’s continent in the world. 5. Mrs. Gilmore is a very good teacher. She's teacher of all. 6. le was very cold yesterday. It was day of the year. 7. The market was very cheap. It was of all. 8, Ie was a very happy birthday. It was birthday of my life. 9. le was a very bad film. It was film of the year. 10. That's a boring book. It's book in my library. E- Complete the sentences. Use the ‘Superlative Form’ of the adjectives. aka F- Complete with ‘Comparative or Superlative’ form of adjectives. 2&9. Who is the tallest (tall) girl in your class? 1. History is i oe 2. This jewellery shop is 7 Sg oer 3. St is * 8 ae s (Short) than his brother. 4. Katy (friendly) than Sheila. oe (Cangerous) than wolves? Sena (hot) month of the year. 2. wi (long) river in Europe? Socks (difficult) than the one you are reading, i 9) fish or meat? nds __(g003 meat? lothing is (important) than your health. G- Rewrite the sentences using ‘less’ or ‘more’ without changing the meaning. eg. y book is more interesting than yours. Maths is less difficult than geometry. four book is less interesting than mine. Geometry is more difficule than maths. 1, Madonna is more popular than Sertab Erener. ae 2. lam more forgetful than you. See 3. Istanbul is less crowded than Calcutta. ——S——— 4. Mt. Everest is more dangerous than Mt.Ai river - animal - city - mountain - university - lake || high - long - fast - old - hot - big - cold - large qq e.g. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. 1. Everest is in the world. 2. The Missouri River is in the USA. 3, The cheetah is in the world. 4, Adana is in Turkey. 5. Istanbul University is in Turkey. 6. istanbul is in Turkey. 7. Erzurum is in Turkey. 8. Mc Agri is in Turkey 9. LakeVan is in Turkey. 10. The river Kizilirmak is in Turkey. 146 vonis 5. English is less difficult than Japanese, 6. Judy Foster is less beautiful than Sandra Bullock. 7. Ethiopia is less modern than England, 8. A laptop is more expensive than a DVD player 9. A giraffe is less dangerous than a leopard. ee 10, Football is more important for Turks than baseball, ee Famous Peoole 147 H- Answer the questions: e. New York is bigger than Paris. 11. Which animal is heavier, an elephant or a lion? 2. Which one is faster, a car or a train? 3. Which is the most crowded city in Turkey? 4. Which is the most crowded country in the world? 5. Which is the largest planet in the solar system? 6. Which one is hotter; the sun or the earth? .. Which city is bigger, Paris or New York? 7. Who is younger, you or your teacher? 8. Which river is shorter, the Seyhan or the Kizilirmak? 9. Which animal is more dangerous, ‘e.g. Athens is older than Rome, Rome isn’t as old as Athens. |. My office is bigger than yours.Your office isn't 2. 11am more successful than Ali.Ali 3. Her English is very good. My English isn’t 4. She is more patient than him. He 5. My house is farther than yours. Your house isn’t a shark or a dog? isn't isn't J- Make sentences with ‘as ... as’. e.g. Andy / sad / Mary 1.1/ young J my cousin 2. Bill / not short /Tim 3. This bag / heavy / that bag 4, He / educated / his cousin 5. Adam / not friendly / Jack 6.1/ drive / carefully / my father 7. Hasan / have money / much / Ali 8. My father / not rich / Bill Gates 9. English / easy / Turkish 10. istanbul / big / London 148 vos ‘Andy is as sad as Mary. mine. mine. UNIT 13 K- Make sentences using ‘the same ue OE aut: e.g. Andy is 21. Linda is 21. (age) ‘Andy is the same age as Linda./ Linda is the same age as Andy. 1. My father is 45. My mother is 45. (age) 2. live in Alley Street. Dorothy lives in Alley Street. (stree:) 3. Mum gets up at 7 o'clock, My aunt gets up at 7 o'clock. (time) 4. Arthur's car is red. Sara's car is red. (colour) 5. Yesterday the weather was cold. Today is cold. L- Complete the table with proper form of adverbs. 7 % . fo make ‘adverbs’ from adjectives we simply add ‘ly’ to the end of the adjective. We use adjectives to describe nouns We use adverbs to describe verbs. Adverbs also describe adjectives. adjective} adverb [ adjective [adverb _| irregular forms +y YY “ily adj adv quick quickly easy easily good well careful [carefully happy happily hard hard slow slowly fast fa is st bad badly Tate late early | early 7. dangerous - 13. nice - 8. good 14, cheap - 9. hard - 15. comfortable - 10. beautiful - 16. soft - 11. noisy 7. - 12. terrible - 18, tay Famous People 149) ‘(Siete UNIT 13 — UNIT 13 B- Underline the nouns and verbs, M- Choose an adjective from the box, change it into adverb and then 1. He’ it complete the sentences. le's a good writer, He writes well. 2. She's a slow runner. She runs slowly. 3. He's a careful driver. He drives carefully, 4. They are hard workers. They work hard. 5. He's a terrible singer: He sings terribly 6. She's a bad dancer: She dances badly. 7. He's a fast player. He plays fast. 8, Mike Tyson is a good boxer: He boxes well hard / slow / quiet / happy / bad / early / perfect / late e.g. John speaks English perfectly 1. Mary studied very for the test. C- What is the difference betw: : ‘ice’ 2 ee! tadvice" 2. ‘Talk please! The baby is sleeping’ n ‘advice’ and ‘advise’? 3. Ben always gets up very because he starts work at 7:30 am.. Look these words up in your ow dictionary Nodce that th one with «noun ad 4. ‘Please drive more [eel sick’ with s'is a verb. There are many words like this in English. For example: practice’ and ane the.cther:one 5. The children agreed to go to the cinema with their aunt. They love films! pI and ‘practise’ 6. Susan went home and her parents didn't like it. aa + re d advise (v Ey 7. They lost the match because they playe se practise (vy): N- Choose the correct word (adjective or adverb) to complete the sentences a ee correctly. D- Fill in the blanks with ‘advi i ‘advi i ise’, 1. Jack drives very (careful / carefully) ice / advise / practice / practise’. 2. Ann worked very (hard / hardly) 1. She promised to follow his 5. You have to alot tobi 3, Jim can run very (fast /fastly) 2.He me to buy it. 6. There are many grammar sere a: Benating (heavy / heavily) 3. I need your 7 fermanchetivcenadt — : rcises with your friends (lately / late) (slow / slowly) (easy / easily) (quick / quickly) (happy / happily) 5. Susan got up 4. What would you me? 6. My grandmother is walking be 7. This exercise is very 8, Rabbits can run very 9. Ayla is playing 8. He's got basketball tonight. E- Circle the correct synonym for the underlined words. ith her dolls. 1. They are quarrelling about the film stars, 10. You look today. (unhappy / unhappily) a.discussing bifich 11. She speaks German (well / good) ae fighting 12. I speak English od Yi saat) , i a ap 13. I want to go to bed. | am ver (ired / tiredly) ci . 14. Seren is ane (brilliant / brillianely) e ees Sees all ae theyworld 18: She: apeakes:Engish \herfect i pertecty) 4. Dad was furious because my sister ie rain late last night. asad taney fates VOCABULARY 5. He’ a wealthy man, a. poor birich > We make ‘adverbs’ from ‘adjectives’; and We make ‘nouns’ from ‘verbs’. 6. | found the book uninteresting . A- Underline adjectives and adverbs. F. ayaa a b. boring @ , a.terrible b.fine @ e.g. 1. He's a.good writer. He writes well. 5. He's a terrible singer: He sings terribly. 8. What would you recommend? & 2. She's a slow runner. She runs slowly. 6. She's a bad dancer. She dances badly. aadvise bpracige e 3. He's a careful driver. He drives carefully. 7. He's a fast player: He plays fast. Bile wasia ced slvatione ce. e, 4, They are hard workers. They work hard. 8, Mike Tyson is 2 good boxer. He boxes well. ade b.confusin 4 10. He's very optimistic. : a a. hopeful bisa — Famous Peopie 1 5 ] 150 voi is F- Match the words with their opposites (antonyms). optimistic / noisy / front / dry / happy / poor / boring / mean / simple / stupid 1. pessimistic 6. wealthy X 2. quiet 7. exciting 3. back 8. generous i 4. wet 9. complicated 5. angry 10. clever i jable words. G- Fill in the blanks with st born / stars / soon / popular / more / first / best / romantic / hard / better and better / runs / action / funny and talented actor. He was on July 3,1962. He made his than twenty movies. Some of his Tom Cruise is a famous, movie in 1981,___,he became a top actor. He made movies were Top Gun, Rain Man, and Mission Impossible. People say he works very He always tries to be a actor. Cruise in many movies. Many of them are movies. Some of them are Others are He also his own film company. READING NINE ELEVEN “Tuesday, September |,2001 was one of the most tragic days in the history of the USA. A few minutes before nine in the morning, terrorists attacked the most famous skyscraper in New York City - the World Trade Centre. Its twin towers, the highest in New York, were the symbol of the city for almost thirty years. A hijacked passenger plane hit one of the towers and set it on fire. A few minutes later another plane damaged the other tower Soon, both towers collapsed. People all over the world think it was the most shocking and the most destructive act of terrorism in the history of the world. A- Write ‘True’ (T) or ‘False’ (F). 1, 911 happened in 2001. 2. It. was one of the most tragic days in the history of the USA. 3. It happened in the evening. 4, Terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre. 5. The twin towers were the highest buildings in the world. 152 wwiis B- Answer the questions. 1 ‘Was itTuesday when one of the most tragic days in the history of the USA happened? 2. What did the terrorists attack? 3. What was the name of the skyscraper? - 4. Were they twin towers? 5. How did the event happen? C- Find the synonyms of the words. 1. damage (v): 2. collapse ( 3. shocking (adj): 4. destructive (adj): D- Change the words with their synonyms. meaning. Make sure it gives the same 1. A few minutes later another plane damaged the other tower A few minutes later another plane ¥ 2. Soon, both towers collapsed. Soon, both towers 3. People all over the world think it shocking. destructive was the most i yeni a ing and the most destructive act of terrorism in People all over the world think it was the most the other tower. in the history of the world. mbiaaey act of terrorism SPEAKING Everyday Life Phrases Who's your favourite A- Make your own dialogues: pttiese / writer ea J actor / Comparing and describing people, expressing pepe, co you like about her / him? cultural differences. Youte right in some ways, . among the young : “Make comparisons and superlatives ae arth are we / you, etc. With your classmate: miss a chance What would you advise me? Femous People 153 | | |

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