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Main Concern/Biggest Priority

● Child’s speech, compound words, and sentences

○ using the correct words
○ want him caught up and on track

Wake up, nap, bedtime- 3

● Goes to bed by himself - child goes up to get ready for bed around
7:00pm and falls asleep around 8-8:30pm. Dad stays in his room
sitting next to his crib until he falls asleep. When mom puts child to
bed she has to hold him until he’s sleeping then place him in his crib.
child will try to fight it if he gets energetic, but usually they know he's
tired if he's fussing and looks tired. Child is sleeping through the
● Child wakes up between 7:00-8:00am.
● Asks maternal grandma for a nap by pointing up at his room or
vocalizes /nigh-nigh/
● Nap time is usually 1:00 unless he woke up early that day
○ still nurses to nap - mom will hold him and nurse until sleeping
then place in crib
○ Check his diaper automatically when he wakes up
● Vocal about wanting mom in the mornings because he wants breast
fed - child will yell, point, and sign to express he wants milk
● Mom and dad would like to see child go to sleep independently in his
crib without having to be held by mom or have dad sit in his room

Diapering, dressing, toileting- 5

● Sometimes child doesn’t want clothes or a diaper on. He will try to
run away or rip them off and will say “no no”
● It is usually easy to change child’s diaper
○ mom will ask to change him, he will go grab his wipes then lays
○ Child doesn’t currently communicate if he needs his diaper
changed - maybe once or twice after he’s pooped, he has laid
down or grabbed a diaper and laid down and he sometimes will
pull on his diaper
○ After his diaper is changed, child will vocalize an approximation
for “garage” and insists that he goes to the garage with mom or
dad to throw away the diaper
● Mom would like him to start using the toilet

Mealtimes- 4 (spits food out)

● Breakfast - stands on stool and eats at countertop. Child is eating a
variety of foods including eggs, sausage, toast, hard boiled eggs, juice,
pancakes, bacon, and many others
● Child has the same schedule daily - breakfast at 8:00, snack at 10:00,
lunch at 12:00, snack after his nap, and dinner at 5:00
● Child goes through phases where he will refuse to eat certain foods
that are placed on his plate (chicken, broccoli)
● Child is currently sitting in his booster seat at the table with mom and
dad for lunch and dinner
● Child will communicate that he wants food by saying the name of it or
will go to the pantry and grab food - will answer when asked what he
wants to eat - said no when dad wanted to toast his bread.
● Child uses forks and prefers to use adult utensils (no knives) while
eating. Child is currently drinking from a sippy cup as his main cup
but also drinks out of straws, water bottles, tumblers, shakers, and
open cups.
● Child has transitioned from breast milk in bottles to whole milk, but
he will only drink it out of a shaker cup with a straw.
● Mom and dad would like child to have the full words for food items
rather than approximations. They feel child is good at vocalizing but
still uses a lot of toddler-talk and they would like to see progression to
full words and double syllables. Mom and dad would also like child to
understand that his people food is not food for the dogs because he
will feed them with his food during mealtimes.

Spending time with family, friends, and other children- 3

● This routine hasn’t changed. child is still an observer and doesn’t
comment on many things. When child would go to the grocery store
with his dad before COVID-19, he would want to take things off of the
shelves and hold them.
● Once the COVID-19 pandemic has settled down, mom and dad would
like to see child have more interaction with kids and to interact more
overall instead of standing by and watching.

Play- 4
● Child loves imitating his dad by going outside and helping water
plants, mowing the lawn with his lawn mower with hearing protection
that matches his dad’s. Child also loves being outside and running,
likes building and stacking a variety of objects (blocks cups, magnet
tiles, shape pot, anything stackable), enjoys basketball and will ask to
watch basketball by signing for it. Child likes to play with his toy
basketball hoop while watching basketball and will currently ask for
his hoop to be lowered or raised using gestures. Child likes to get the
mail and will wait outside for the mailman then waves and says hi -
this is the same with the garbage truck as well (runs to get dad when
he hears it coming). Child points out flags on walks and will tell you if
it is big or little as well as the colors of the flag by vocalizing the
words. Child is interested in bugs and will sign for bug then call for
dad to come look at it and he loves looking out the window at birds.
He will pair a gesture with/ha/ if he sees a hawk and loves pointing
out wildlife using vocalizations (dee/deer, ribbit). Child also enjoys
watching youtube videos, will sing along with itsy bitsy spider, and
will request certain videos (imitate blowing for balloon video, etc.).
He likes watching alphabet videos, videos in different languages,
trucks run over things.
● When child wants to go outside, he will say down and sign for shoes.
If he wants to watch a video, he will sign for baby shark or gesture for
balloon even if those aren’t the exact videos he wants to watch - pretty
good at telling them what he wants using signs paired with words.
● Depending on activity he plays independently or with parents.
Sometimes he’s very quiet during play, mostly when he’s
focused/concentrating, but mom would like him to communicating
during playtime.
Bath time, tooth brushing, cleaning up- 5
● Child still showers with his dad. They’ll ask if he wants a shower and
he says no but ends up enjoying it- sits on floor, plays with dumping
● Loves bath time in jacuzzi playing with bubbles
● Child brushes his own teeth now but will bite the toothbrush.
● When it’s nighttime and child’s being changed, he gets excited and
knows it’s time to brush his teeth so he will go grab his toothbrush
and wants to do much of it independently - has larger kids toothbrush
now instead of teething toothbrush.
○ Mom brushes his teeth in the morning
● Still gets milk at night in a dropper and will ask for it by saying /dee-
● Child is familiar with the bedtime routines and will give hugs when
they’re finished
● Cleaning up (after meals) he will help clean up table with napkin and
helps clean up the floors, finds garbage on walks and wants to throw
it away (he will point it out and have dad pick it up), helps clean up

Getting around the home and community, getting ready to go- 5

● Routine has not changed
● Child gets his shoes and brings them to you, will sign, he knows to
take his hat and sunglasses before he goes outside so he will grab
things before going to the door. Child does great in the car, buckles
himself in (car seat, booster seat) and enjoys going for walks. Child
usually doesn’t want to come inside and will throw a fit.

● Sometimes when he can’t get words out for what he wants to do it is
difficult because he will say /ba/ but if mom doesn’t know the context
then he gets frustrated with her. However, if mom guesses what he’s
trying to say correctly, he is happy about it. This is frustrating on both
ends for mom because she wants to know what he is saying.
Final 3 Questions
1. Do you have enough time for yourself?
a. Yes - but could always use more
2. When you lie awake at night worrying, what do you worry about?
a. Everything and anything - COVID for many people
3. If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?
a. Would want to have a swimming pool in their yard
b. Have child talk and vocalize more

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