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Activity 13

Coherence and Cohesion

Kimberly Caro 683462

Business Administration
Ingles III
Teacher: Raúl Veloza
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios.
Kimberly Caro ID: 683462

When talking about a delicious burger, we have to start by saying than

is the favorite dish of many persons, for its variety of combinations and
flavors; ¿Who can resist? But the real question is ... why? Why do we
like it so much?

One of the important ingredients that defines a good burger is bread because this is the
one that covers all the wonderful hidden there, it must have a circle shape and be split
in half, its texture, softness allow to give quality to this fantastic dish it makes us want
to try it

I love enjoying option of being able to combine the juicy flavor of the meat
with vegetables such as the lettuce, onion and tomato that makes us enjoy
different textures in a single bite.

Others of the ingredients than make lack they are the cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise
what together have been forming perfect explosion in this fast food

I like the burger, I have eaten it at home with my family, friends, usually on
weekends we have prepared, I would love to do it with my co-workers next month,
since enjoying this dish in company is great

Eating makes us happy, so we can make this dish at home together with our family,
since it is not difficult to prepare or if we want a different experience there are
variety of restaurants that offer countless types of this meal. Shall we go for one?

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