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PAGE 28: grammar


1) the most unusual

2) trendiest

3) the most popular

4) the cheapest

5) the best

6) the most delicious

7) the weirdest

8) the most interesting


1) because of its architecture. It is not common to see a restaurant under the water.

2) because the way it was built, the place, and most importantly, because you can see the see and
animals that live underwater.

3) yes, pretty much. I like it. It seems to be very special and fun.

D: I hate boring restaurants and it is not because of the prices. I have eaten in some of the cheapest
ones and they are kind of funny, but that does not really happen with the most expensive ones and it is
because they are the trendiest and all the people who go there is to have better status and appearance.
They may be the most romantic ones, but I do prefer the noisiest ones.

PAGE 29: writing


Amazing sun



Friendly service


B: Ajá Camello Is one of the most beautiful restaurants I have been ever to. The type of food is from the
Middle East/West. One of the things that I adore the most is the pricing. Prices are extremely cheap, it’s
amazing. In terms of the service, it is really good even though it can be better. Their best dish is the
Camellada, which is the most expensive one but the most delicious as well.
29: communication



Meat balls with ketchup 8.500

Fried potatoes with cheese 15.000

Cookies 5.000

Main dishes:

Rice with chicken and fried potatoes 25.000

Mushroom soup with sour cream 39.000

Coconut rice with beef steak and mustard sauce 42.000


Coffee 1.500

Tea 3.000

Soda 2.500


Napoleon dessert 5.000

Natilla 4.500

Yogurt cake 7.000

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