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Profeeds is pleased to demonstrate its commitment to contribute to poultry production
knowledge development in Zimbabwe through investment in developing this Poultry
Management Guide. This Profeeds Poultry Management Guide is a reference guide for the
management of poultry – broilers and layers. These two species of chicken are discussed
in separate sections – Broiler Management and Layer Management. The manual is meant
to be a reference guide for any breed of poultry that is kept in Zimbabwe for the purposes
of assisting farmers to achieve top performance levels. Readers and users of this manual
are urged to adopt a holistic approach to managing poultry, because if any item of manage-
ment is not handled properly, the overall productivity target might not be achieved. Poultry
managers are advised to strive to meet at least these standards in order to achieve accept-
able performance levels within their flocks. This Profeeds Poultry Management Guide has
attempted to cover the most important subjects on poultry management, however, the
users’ comments will be appreciated in order to improve the next versions of this guide.

Table of Contents
Goals 6
Poultry Housing 6
Furnishing/Kitting the House 7
Litter/Bedding 8
Poultry Equipment and Hardware 8
Drinker/Water system 8
Feeding Systems 10
Heat Supply Equipment 11
Lighting Equipment 13
Data collection Equipment 13
House Preparation: House Used Before 14
Creating a Brooding Chamber for Placing 14
Pre-Placement Checklist 15
Equipment Check 15
Floor Temperature Check 16
The Chicks 17
Chick Sources 17
Chick Quality 17
Chick Ordering and Transportation 17
Chick Placement 17
Post Placement Checklist 18
Other Routine Checks 18
Brooding Management 19
Internal Chick Temperature 20
Brooding Ventilation 20
Growing Phase Managment 20
Temperature 20
Air quality 21
Light Management in Broilers 21
Ventilation Management 22
Effective Temperature 23

Water Management 24
Broiler Feed and Nutrition Management 25
The Profeeds Range of Broiler Feeds 26
Performance Measurements 28
Important Points About Broiler Feeds and Feeding 29
Harvesting Proceedure 30
Vaccination and Health Management 31
Record Keeping 33
Ten Point Summary: Broiler Production 35


The Primary Inputs 38
Models of Table Eggs Production 38
Model One: Raising Layer Pullets from Day-Old Chicks 38
Layer Chick Brooding 39
Preparation for Placing 39
Chick Placement 40
Water 40
` Feed 41
Light Management & Lighting Programmes 42
Management Events for the Growing Pullets 43
Health Management 44
Transfer to Laying House/Cages 46
Management of the Birds During Lay 47
Profeeds Layer Feed Management 47
Bodyweight Management During Lay 48
Record Keeping 48
Ten Point Summary: Layer Production 50

Part One
Goals Poultry Housing
Broilers are chickens raised for their meat, Provision of proper housing for the
and the goal of broiler production is to poultry - either layers or broilers, is the
successfully raise a day old chick to a very first step necessary towards achiev-
marketable weight that is specified by the ing proper management and hence
market. This must be done in the shortest performance of your flock. The type of
possible time. housing will determine how you protect
Some markets require small birds that the birds from unfavourable weather and
dress at an average of 1kg whilst others environmental conditions that normally
like live markets demand larger birds elicit diseases and dis-comfort in your
weighing around 2-2.5 kg live-weight. flock.
Broiler management involves the
Planning Housing Construction
day-to-day tasks that enable a young
chick to be raised from about 30-40 The very first task to address housing is to
grams live-weight to the desired weight of select a proper ground site for the chicken
around 1.4-2.52kg depending on market. house. In selecting the site for the chick-
During the period from day old to slaugh- en house, one should be guided by the
ter, the birds will likely meet many following factors:
challenges that will militate against their
growth and hence achievement of these • The site should preferably be on a level
goals. These challenges include, amongst ground.
others, management short-falls, unfavour- • The soil must be well-drained so that
able weather and disease challenges. during rain there is no water clogging
Successful raising of a broiler entails • The area must have plenty of natural air
correct managing of the bird itself, hous- movement in order to aid ventilation.
ing, feed, water, diseases, temperatures, • The house should be oriented on an
lighting and equipment. east-west axis to reduce the effect of
This manual will address each of these direct sunlight on the sidewalls during
units of management and this forms the the hottest part of the day. The objec-
core of broiler management. tive here is to reduce the temperature
fluctuation during any 24-hour period.
Good temperature control always
enhances feed conversion and growth
• The ground must be big enough to
“Housing, therefore, accommodate the number of birds one
wants to keep. This is guided by the
is key towards stocking density of adult birds which
proper poultry should be 10 -12 birds per m². Howev-
er, for layers another consideration is if
management.” the birds will be housed in cages, in
which case the floor space could be
• The broiler house should be at least 1.5
km away from other types of poultry

After identifying a proper site for the to prevent air leaks at floor level.
chicken house, one then needs to design
and construct the chicken house. It must be noted that there are many
A well-designed house will ensure that the construction companies that now special-
chickens have maximum comfort, so will ize in constructing poultry houses. As
perform to the best provided all other long as they understand the above specifi-
factors are favourable. cations, and provided one can afford
The following considerations are import- them, it is acceptable to get them to
ant for coming up with a proper housing construct chicken houses for you.
design. These sketches illustrate these main
housing basics.
Poultry Housing Specifcations
Illustrations Showing Housing Basics
• The width of the house should not
exceed 12 m in open sided houses.
• Height should be at least 2.4 – 2.6 m on
the higher side of a flat roofed house
• Brick wall on length side should be 40 -
50 cm and a 25-mm chick mesh wire to
cover the gap between the wall and the
• All brick surfaces should be plastered
for ease of cleaning after every flock.
• Roof overlap should be 50 cm to
prevent wetting of birds and litter by rain
showers coming from the sides.
• Routinely treat all gum poles and timber
with creosote.
• Roofing material should have a reflec
tive surface on the outside to help
reduce the conduction of solar heat and
should be well insulated.
• Heating systems should have ample
heating capacity in accordance with the
• Ventilation systems should be designed
to provide ample oxygen and to maintain
optimum temperature and relative
the House
humidity conditions for the birds. When the poultry house has been proper-
• Lighting should be oriented to provide ly constructed, the next thing is to proper-
an even distribution of light at the floor ly kit or furnish it out. This stage involves
level. installing the equipment and facilities that
• It is important provide winches in order will complement the structure in creating
to facilitate the curtain management. comfort for the birds.
• The material of outside curtain can be The first stage in furnishing the house is
sacs, but must be well sealed. to install the correct, comfortable litter, or
• All holes and tears in sidewall and/or bedding.
inlet curtains must be repaired.
• Curtains need to be sealed at the base

Litter/ Bedding Having installed the correct type and
depth of bedding, the next important part
Litter or bedding refers to the material of the house kit is the hardware, or equip-
that is laid out on the ground to insulate ment.
the birds from the floor conditions.
Poultry Equipment or Hardware
Important to consider here is the type and
amount /depth of litter used because this Poultry equipment or hardware are pieces
affects the microenvironment created for of equipment which the birds will use to
the chickens in the house. Correct litter access resources in their day-to-day lives.
management is fundamental to bird These are installed to avail water, feed
health, performance and final carcass and appropriate warmth for the birds.
quality which subsequently impacts the Other equipment is installed for the bene-
profit. fit of you the chicken farmer to collect
condition data from the house.
Functions of Litter
These hardware pieces include the water
Litter plays a very important role in delivery system, feed delivery system,
poultry houses. Its functions are: heat delivery systems and data collection
• To absorb moisture.
• To dilute excreta, thus minimizing bird to Drinker / Water System
manure contact.
The drinker system is the equipment that
• To provide an insulation from cold floor
is installed to hold and supply water for
the birds. Providing clean, cool water with
Litter Types adequate flow rate is fundamental to
good poultry production. Without
• Wood Shavings – the best, with excel
adequate water intake, feed consumption
lent absorptive qualities.
will decline and bird performance will be
• Rice husk – medium absorptive quali-
Drinker systems are either of open or
• Sawdust - often high in moisture, prone
closed type.
to mold growth and chicks may consume
it, which may cause aspergillosis. Open Systems: Bell or Cup Drinkers
• Chopped straw - wheat straw is
The open drinker systems are those in
preferred to barley straw for absorptive
which the water is exposed to the
qualities. Coarse chopped straw has a
environment. These include cup drinkers
tendency to cake in the first few weeks.
and bell drinkers. These are normally
• Grass – often high in moisture and the
made of plastic and are coloured red or
absorptive qualities are not very good.
blue and white.
• Cotton Husks – low absorptive quali
In many communities there are some
drinkers that are locally made, usually by
Litter Type Minimun Depth or Volume small scale metalworkers, using zinc
Wood Shavings 5-7cm (1in) metal. These are normally coloured in grey
and or white. Whilst these may be cheap-
Dry Sawdust 5-7cm (1in)
er, they have the disadvantage of being
Chopped Straw 1kg/m2 (0.2lb/ft2) susceptible to rust, are heavy, and are not
Rice Hulls 5-7cm (2in) coloured in the colours that attract chick-
Sunflower Husks 5-7cm (2in) ens.

Open systems are quite cheap and easy to
install and can be managed by almost
anyone. However, whilst there is a cost “Litter conditions are
advantage of installing an open drinker
system, problems associated with litter
an excellent means of
quality, condemnations and water hygiene assessing the
are more prevalent. Water purity with
open systems is difficult to maintain as effectiveness of
birds will introduce contaminants into the
reservoirs resulting in the need for daily
water drinker settings”
cleaning. This is not only labour intensive
but also wastes water. intervals for the birds to drink from.
Litter conditions are an excellent means of
assessing the effectiveness of water Nipple drinkers are of two types:
drinker settings. Damp litter under the
water source indicates drinkers are set too • Low flow rate nipple drinkers operate at
low, the pressure is too high or there is a flow rate of 50-60 ml/min. They typ-
inadequate ballast in the drinker. If litter ically do not have cups, and pressure
under the drinkers is excessively dry, it is adjusted to maintain water flow to
may indicate water pressure is too low. meet the broiler’s requirements. Gener
Installation recommendations ally, 10 - 12 birds per nipple with low
flow rate systems are recommended.
From Day 1 to Day 7, use chick fonts – • High flow rate nipple drinkers operate at
either 3 litre or 4 litre size. a flow operate at 80-90ml/min, usually
The rate is 3 fonts per 100 chicks. they have cups to catch any excess of
From Day 7 to the end of the cycle, start water that may leak from the nipple.
using 12 Litre fonts or Bell Generally, 12 birds per nipple are
Drinkers. The rate for these is 50 birds recommended.
per drinker.
It is important for the nipple system to
Management recommendations
have an appropriate flow rate depending
Bell and cup drinkers should be suspend- on the age of the birds. This will maximise
ed to ensure that the level of the lip of the the birds’ accessibility to the water. Table
drinker is equal to the height of the birds’ 2 shows the recommended nipple
back when standing normally. pressure levels for each age of bird.
Height should be adjusted as the birds
Nipple pressure recommendations for
grow in order to minimize contamination.
various ages of bird:
Closed Water Systems: Nipple Systems
Age (Weeks) Nipple Pressure
Nipple drinker systems are normally 1 40-60ml/min
installed in big commercial poultry 2 60-70ml/min
systems but more portable kits are now
available in the country. These normally 3 70-80ml/min

consist of a water holding system, usually 4 80-90ml/min

a tank that has got small pipes feeding 5 100ml/min
through the poultry house with nipples
6 100-120ml/min
with or without cups available at regular

The brooding area must have 23 birds/ • Water consumption increases by 5% for
nipple (partial brooding). every increase in 1 degree in temperature
The final ratio must have 12 birds/ nipple. between 32-38 °C.
The rule is that birds should not have to • Feed consumption decreases by 1.23%
travel more than 3 meters to find water. for every increase in 1 degree in tempera-
ture above 20 °C.
Water Consumption Monitoring
Relation between ambient temperature
Water is no longer a free commodity and water feed ratio:
therefore, like all scarce resources, its use
needs monitoring. If you are on the Temperature °c/°F Ratio Water and Feed
manual system of cup drinkers or bell 4 °c/39 °F 1.7:1
drinkers, you need to put in systems of 20 °c/68 °F 2:1
measuring how much water your birds use
per unit time. 27 °c/78°F 2.5:1
In nipple drinker systems, monitoring 37 °c/99 °F 5:1
water consumption through the use of
water meters is an excellent means of Water Storage Tanks
gauging feed consumption, as the two are
Adequate water storage should be provid-
highly correlated. Water meters should be
ed on the farm in the event that the main
sized the same as the incoming water
system fails. A farm supply of water equal
supply line to ensure adequate flow rate.
to the maximum 48hour demand is ideal.
Water consumption should be evaluated
The storage capacity is based on the
at the same time each day to best deter-
number of birds plus the volume required
mine general performance trends and bird
for the evaporative cooling system, about
500ml per bird placed.
Storage tanks should be purged between
Note: install a water meter bypass, to be
flocks. In hot climates tanks, should be
utilized during flushing – water used
shaded because elevated water tempera-
during regular flushing procedures should
tures will decrease consumption. The
not be included in the daily water intake
ideal water temperature to maintain
adequate water consumption is between
10 - 14 °C).
Any substantial change in water usage
should be investigated as this may Feeding Systems
indicate a water leak, health challenge or
feed issue. A drop in water consumption is Feeding systems refers to equipment
often the first indicator of a flock problem. units that are installed to present feed to
Water consumption should equal approxi- the birds.
mately 1.6-2 times that of feed by mass, Regardless of which type of feeding
but will vary depending on environmental system is used, feeding space is absolutely
temperature, feed quality and bird health. critical. If feeder space is insufficient,
growth rates will be reduced and unifor-
A few guidelines are as follows: mity severely compromised. Feed distri-
bution and the proximity of the feeder to
• Water consumption increases by 6% for the birds are key to achieving target feed
every increase in 1 degree in temperature consumption rates.
between 20-32 °C. Again, feed equipment can either be

manual or automatic. Any major deviations from the ideal range
will result in many production problems.
Manual Feeders:
Too high temperatures will bring dis-com-
• Chick Trays: Round or Square Trays are fort to the birds and they will stop
necessary from placement from day 1 to feeding, start drinking too much water
Day 7; the quantity must be 3 trays / and if this continues, they start getting
100 chicks. dehydrated, eventually dying. Too low
• Tube feeders: From Day 7 to the end of temperatures will result in the birds
the cycle, start using tube feeders. The slowing down their metabolism and this
recommended rate is 50 birds per starts many production problems as well.
Feeder. The appropriate temperatures for the
birds varies with age, the younger the
Automatic Feeders: birds, the more the warmth required.
• 50 birds per Feeder is the recommended Therefore, if the birds are still young, the
rate. farmer will be obliged to supply extra heat
over and above that provided by the
The quantity of feed inside the plate must warmth of the house. This is done during
be: full at first 2 weeks, 50% of the plate brooding.
between 2nd and 3rd weeks and 1/3 of The supply of this heat / warmth is
the plate after 3rd week. through several mechanisms and equip-
Feeders are generally recommended as ment.
they allow for unrestricted bird movement
throughout the house, and have a lower
incidence of feed spillage and improved
feed conversion. “Any major deviations
If birds are “tipping” the pans to reach the
feed, then the pans are set too high. The from the ideal range
guideline is to set these such that the
nipples are at the same level as the bird’s
will result in many
main back line. production problems.”
Guidline on Number of Feedlines

House Width Number of Feedlines Heat Supply Equipment

Less than 12m 2 Heat supply equipment is very varied,
Up to 12m 3
from the smallest and simplest, to the
largest, and most complicated. These are
14-15m 4 as follows:
16-20m 5
Infra-red Lamp
21-25m 6
This is an electric lamp that emits
infra-red light hence supplying warmth to
Heating Systems the birds. One such lamp will warm 100
It is an absolute requirement that birds be birds on average.
provided with an appropriate temperature The advantage is that this is quite simple
range in the poultry house. to install – it just needs a connection to an

electricty source. house.
The dis-advantage is that it needs a
Pancake/Gas Brooders
reliable source of electricity to ensure the
birds are warmed consistently. These are either round or square pans
that have got gas elements that are gas
Electric Heaters
heated to supply the heat. One such
The normal electric heater can also be brooder warms up to 1000 chicks at a
used to warm birds during brooding. time.
One such heater can warm 100 birds. The advantage is that they heat is very
This carries the same advantages and effective and it warms a large number of
disadvantages as the infra-red lamp. birds at a time.
The downside is that there must be
consistent supplies of gas.
The gas must also be affordable, other-
wise the brooding costs will go up.

These are normally produced from sheet

metal, the commonest being a drum cut Dry Heat Conveyors
into a shape that will allow wood, charcoal
or coal to be burnt inside, allowing the These are normally systems of metal
heat to be transferred to the environment. piping that conveys heat blown into a
If it is the common drum size and shape, poultry house from heated chambers
one will warm about 500 birds. outside a poultry house. The source of
It is also quite easy to put together, the heat is normally wood or coal or any
however, it needs constant monitoring other fuel, depending on the system.
because the wood or coal emit smoke The heat is normally blown by a blower or
which, if allowed to accumulate in the can be manually blown.
poultry house, will be very dangerous for These are now being commercially made
the birds. Later in the bird’s life, this can mostly for large poultry houses.
also cause late mortalities called ascites
especially if the ventilation in the house is
not done correctly. The trick therefore is
to burn the fuel whilst the brazier is
outside, and when the smoke has subsid-
ed and all gone, move it into the poultry

Lighting Equipment
Broilers will require light in order to locate
water and feed, so light equipment must
be installed in a chicken house. If the
house is electrified, then normal light
bulbs will do. If there are no electricity
connections, you are encouraged to install
solar lights, which are quite affordable
Should these be not available, then you
can consider even candles, but these need
care because if they fall onto the bedding,
a fire can easily result.
Also, the candles must not be emitting
smoke because this might affect air quality
in the house.
Data Collection Equipment
This is the equipment that is installed in a
poultry house to collect data that the
owner can use to manage the birds prop-
Boiler Heating System erly. Such equipment includes thermome-
ters and hygrometers.
This system uses coal to heat water in a
chamber boiler, and the hot water will Thermometers
then heat air which is then blown into the
Thermometers must be installed in a
poultry house through fans. This kind of
chicken house to measure and report on
system is becoming common in environ-
temperature. This is because chickens are
mentally controlled houses.
very sensitive to temperature extremes,
The advantage is that such systems are
so the movement of temperature must be
very efficient and easily adjustable. The
closely monitored.
disadvantages are that they are costly,
The best thermometer is the Min/ Max
hence the justification of using them in
Thermometer, also called a Six’s
environmentally controlled houses.
Thermometer. This measures the
minimum and maximum temperatures for
a period and so the owner will have an
idea of how low or how high the air
temperatures went over a particular time
This instrument measures humidity. It is
important to understand how humidity is
fluctuating in a chicken house because it
affect bird comfort and temperatures.

Bio-Security Dip
Creating a Brooding
Having finished preparing the house
interior, the final task is to create the Chamber for Placing
bio-security system. Basically this
requires the installing of either a concrete For the comfort of the young chicks, it is
dip or a bowl which will be filled with important that you create what is called
disinfecting chemicals. a “brooding chamber” inside the main
Disinfecting chemicals for use in dips are chicken house.
varied, and Profeeds distributes some This “brooding chamber” is a “mini” tent
including Virukill. inside the house in which temperature
This would be for people to dip their feed fluctuations are minimised. This brooding
in before they access the poultry house. chamber is very vital for the young birds
After this, you are now ready for your next from the date of placement to day 21 – a
placing. However, the first thing is to period in the life of the bird called brood-
prepare the house and make it ready to ing.
receive the birds. This is created by the insertion of a false
This is the time to make your order of ceiling that runs from eave to eave.This
chicks and feed and associated chemicals! false ceiling will greatly reduce heat loss
and make temperature control easier. The
internal curtain will completely seal from
House Preparation: the floor to the false ceiling at the eaves.

House Used Before This curtain must open from the top and
never from the bottom. The slightest air
movement at floor level will cause chilling
All the preceding information tips assume on the chicks. The internal curtain is used
that the house is newly built. However, if for early ventilation. This brooding cham-
the house has already been used before ber will only be used for the first 21 days
for raising chickens, then there is specific for every flock placed.
preparation related to bio-security that is

• The house needs to be rested for at

least 10-14 days from the last flock.
• The house needs to be dry-cleaned
thoroughly to remove any bedding,
manure and dirt. These should be
disposed of as far away as possible from
the poultry house, at least 300 metres.
• Then it needs wet-cleaning using deter-
• Then wash and clean all the equipment
– feeders and drinkers and curtains.
• Then white-wash the walls.
• Then spray with sanitizers like Virukill
• Then allow the house to rest for at least
10-14 days before new placement.

In setting up a house for placement/
brooding, factors such as housing design, Pre-Placement
environmental conditions and resource
availability will be considered. Checklist
However, the most important objective is
to produce an environment with the right The key to successful broiler rearing starts
comfort, temperature and air draught. with having a systematic and efficient
Normally the house is prepared in stages, management program in place. This
gradually increasing until the whole house program must start well before the chicks
is covered. This is also referred to as arrive on-site. Pre-placement house
partial house brooding. preparation as part of a management
Partial house brooding is commonly program provides a basis for an efficient
practiced in an attempt to reduce heating and profitable flock of broilers. The
costs. By reducing the amount of space following checks need to be made:
dedicated to brooding, one can conserve Equipment Checks
the amount of heat required and reduce
energy costs. In addition, correct After confirming that the brooding equip-
temperatures are more easily maintained ment capabilities meet the number of
in a small area. chicks to be placed, install them and
check that all are functional. Ensure that
Pre-Warm the house 48 hrs before the all water, feed, heat and ventilation
placement. systems are properly adjusted.
Drinker Check
Up to 7 days - 1/2 of the house
8 to 10 days - 1/2 to 3/4 of the house • 50 chicks per font should be provided.
11 to 14 days - 3/4 of the whole house • All drinkers should be flushed to remove
any residual sanitizer.
Several strategies for house division are • In case of nipple drinkers, adjust
employed worldwide. Floor to ceiling pressure to produce a droplet of water
curtains are most commonly used to visible on each nipple without dripping.
divide a house. A solid 20 cm (8 in.) barrier • The nipple lines must be flat, if the floor
should be placed on the floor in front of is not flat, provide the slope regulator
the curtain ensuring that no drafts disturb (the pressure must be the same in all
the chicks. Partial house brooding can be nipple line).
managed similarly to whole house brood- • Check for water leaks and air locks.
ing with the use of a centrally located heat • Ensure that nipple drinkers are at the
source and attraction lights. chicks’ eye level.
The placement density will depend on the • Water must be clean and fresh.
brooding area being utilized. Stocking
should not exceed more than 50 - 60
birds/m² during the winter and 40 - 50
birds/m² during the summer (but you must “Correct temperatures
consider the quantity of equipment to
calculate the possible density).
are more easily main-
tained in a small area.”

Feeder Check Thermometer Check:
• Remove all water remaining from • Placed at bird height and in the centre
cleanout prior to filling. of the brooding area.
• Supplemental feeders should be provid- • Temperature ranges should be recorded
ed for the first 12 days in the form of daily and not deviate by more than 2 °C
paper, trays or lids. over a 24-hour period. The best
• Trays should be provided at a rate of thermometer is a Max. Min. Thermome-
one per 50 chicks or Small Tubular one ter.
per 100 chicks. • A data Logger is important to check the
• Supplemental feeders should be placed temperature graphics all the time.
between the main feed and drinker lines
Floor temperature Check
and adjacent to the brooders.
• It is of utmost importance that the • Houses should be preheated so that
supplementary feeding system does not both the floor and ambient tempera-
run empty as this will place great stress tures and humidity are stabilized 24
on the chick and reduce yolk sac hours before placement.
absorption. • To achieve the above targets, pre-heat-
• The supplementary feeders should ing needs to commence at least 48
never be empty - keep full at all times! hours before chick placement.
• Supplemental feeders should be • Pre-heating time is dependent on
refreshed three times daily until all the climate conditions, house insulation and
chicks are able to gain access to the heating capacity and will vary from farm
main feeding system. This generally to farm.
occurs at the end of the first week. • Chicks do not have the ability to
• Feed should be provided as a good regulate body temperature for the first
quality crumble. 5 days and thermos- regulation is not
• Do not place feed or water directly fully developed until 14 days of age.
under the heat source as this may The chick is highly dependent upon the
reduce feed and water intake. manager to provide the correct litter
• Paper is recommended, the feed area temperature. If the litter and air
should be a minimum of 50% of the temperatures are too cold, internal body
brooding area. 10 grams of feed per temperature will decrease, leading to
chick per time on the paper is recom- increased huddling, reduced feed and
mended, provided as many times as water intake, stunted growth and
necessary. The paper should be placed susceptibility to disease.
near the automatic drinking system so • At placement, floor temperatures should
the chick can have easy access to both be at least 32 °C with forced air heating.
feed and water. If radiant heaters / brooder stoves are
used, floor temperatures should be 40.5
Brooder Checks
°C under the heat source.
Verify that all heaters are installed at the
recommended height and are operating at Litter temperature should be recorded
maximum output. Heaters should be before each placement. This will help to
checked and serviced an adequate time evaluate the effectiveness of pre-heating.
BEFORE pre-heating commences.

The Chicks the chicks to the farm.
If the breeder offers transport, then the
vehicle is likely to be the appropriate one
for the purpose.
Chick Sources
However, if transport is not offered, the
The Zimbabwean poultry industry rears onus is on you to select the best transport
three main breeds of broiler. These are vehicle. Ideally, it must be a truck
designed for the transportation of the
• Cobb chicks from hatchery to farm.
• Ross The truck should be environmentally
• Hubbard controlled and be able to maintain a
temperature range of 30-32 degrees
These breeds are bred and hatched by Celsius. The relative humidity, as
different hatcheries of varying size. All measured inside each chick box, must be
these breeds have been proven to grow around 70%.
well in Zimbabwe and it is up to the Ensure there is space between stacks of
producer to make a choice of one of the chick boxes to allow for air-flow.
above breeds to work with. If you do not t have the designed truck for
These hatcheries operate a system of the job, then preferably use a truck with a
pre-booking therefore considerable closed space where one would stack the
planning is required on the side of the chick boxes and allow for that ventilation
producer to ensure the chicks come at the enough to allow air flow, but preventing
right time when the facilities are ready. draught.
The back of an open truck is not ideal.
Chick Quality Collect the chicks as early in the morning
Hatcheries can have a tremendous impact as possible and drive straight to the farm
on the success of broiler rearing and they avoiding heavy traffic and congested
have an obligation to supply good quality routes.
chicks. Chick Placement
Characteristics of a good quality chick: As soon as you arrive at the farm, open
the boxes gently and allow the chicks to
• Well-dried, long-fluffed down. carefully move out and into the prepared,
• Bright round active eyes. pre-heated brooding area.
• Look active and alert. During these first few days, constantly
• Have completely healed navels. watch the young chicks as they go about
• Legs should be bright and waxy to the their lives.
touch. Adjust brooding temperature according to
• Free of red hocks. relative humidity at 33-36 degrees Celsius
• Chicks should be free from deformities and 70% humidity.
(i.e. crooked legs, twisted necks and After the first week, reduce the tempera-
cross beaks). ture weekly by 2-3 Degrees Celsius until
you reach 21 Degrees Celsius by Day 42,
Chick Ordering and Transportation the end of the brooding phase.
Having made you order in time, and
having prepared the house, the next
important task is to plan the transport of

Post Placement Checklist • Sample 100 chicks per brood area.
• The desirable result is 95% crops with
Two very important “Chick Checks”
both feed & water.
should be made 24 hours post-placement.
• Evaluate crop fill & indicate results in
These two checks are simple & effective
the Crop Fill chart form as below:
ways to evaluate pre-placement manage-
ment. Crop Fill Record Chart
Chick Check 1: 4 to 6 Hours
Post-Placement Crop
Full - Pliable Full - Hard Full - Soft
Fill Feed & Water Only Feed Only Water
• Sample 100 chicks per brood area.
• Check: temperature of feet against Evaluation 95% ? ? ?
• If the feet are cold, revaluate pre-heat- Ensure that both the feeders and drinkers
ing temperature. are in adequate supply relative to the
• Results of Cold Litter: stocking density and are appropriately
Poor early feed intake placed. Feeders and drinkers should be
Poor growth placed in close proximity to each other
Poor uniformity and within the “thermal comfort zone.”

An excellent indicator of floor tempera- Bell Drinker Check

ture is the temperature of the chick’s feet. • Height should be maintained such that
If the chick’s feet are cold, the internal the lip is at the level of the birds’ back.
body temperature of the chick is also • Frequent assessment and adjustment is
reduced. Cold chicks will be seen huddling essential.
with reduced activity and resulting in • Must be cleaned as many times as
reduced feed and water intake and there- necessary to prevent build-up of
fore reduced growth rate. By placing the contaminants. If necessary, in hot
feet against your neck or cheek one can climates, flush the water system at least
readily learn how warm or cold the chick twice daily to maintain a good water
is. If they are comfortably warm, the temperature.
chicks should be actively moving around • All bell drinkers should be ballasted to
the brooding area. reduce spillage.
Chick Check 2: 24 Hours Post-Placement Nipple Drinker Check
The crops of chicks should be checked the • Height should be at chicks’ eye level for
morning after placement to ensure they the first 2-3 hours of age and then
have found feed and water. At this time, a maintained slightly above chicks’ head.
minimum of 95% of the crops should feel • Pressure should be such that there is a
soft and pliable indicating chicks have droplet of water suspended from the
successfully located feed and water. Hard nipple but no leakage, about 40 ml/min.
crops indicate chicks have not found • The birds’ feet should always be flat on
adequate water and water availability the litter and a bird should never have to
should be checked immediately. Swollen stand on its toes to drink.
and distended crops indicate chicks have • Flush the lines as needed.
located water but insufficient feed. In this
case the availability and consistency of

Feeder Check
• Feed should be provided in crumb form
and placed on trays, lids or paper. Management
• Feeders should be raised incrementally
throughout the growing period so that The importance of the brooding period
the lip of the trough or pan is level with cannot be overemphasized. The first 14
the birds back at all times. days of a chick’s life sets the precedent for
• The feed level within the feeders should good performance. Extra effort during the
be set so that feed is readily available brooding phase will be rewarded in the
while spillage is minimized. final flock performance.
• Start the feeder full of feed (without
waist), and decrease the quantity of Check chicks 2 hours after placement.
feed until 1/3 of feed inside the plate Ensure they are comfortable. See the
after 20 days. Proper Brooding Illustrations:

Seven Day Bodyweight and Feed

Conversion Check Just Right
Constantly cheeping
Seven-day weights and feed conversion
chicks evenly spread
are excellent overall indicators of how
successful the brooding management has
been. Failure to achieve optimal
seven-day weights and feed conversion Too Drafty
will result in poor broiler performance. Noisy chicks huddled
Therefore, at 7 days of age, randomly together away from
select 10% of the birds from the house draft
and weight them, then calculate the
average weight.
Compare this average weight against the Too Cold
breed average for the particular breed you Noisy chicks huddled
are raising. under brooder
If your weights are way off lower than the
breed average, you need to look at the
total conditions prevailing in the house,
including feed, to ensure everything is as Too Hot
it should be. Drowsy chicks spread
Make adjustments on anything found not around perimeter
to be in order.

“The importance of the Influence of Bright

Light, Draft or Noise
brooding period cannot
be overemphasized.”
Chicks Brooder

Internal Chick Temperature
• Chick internal temperature can be
Growing Phase
measured using a child ear thermometer. Management
• Hatched chick internal temperature
should be 40 - 41 ºC (104 - 106 ºF). Temperature
• Chick internal temperature increases
Activity Check: Every time you enter a
over the first five days to 41 - 42 ºC
poultry house you should always observe
(106 - 108 ºF).
the following activities:
• Chick internal temperature above 41 ºC
(106 ºF) will lead to panting.
• Birds eating
• Chick internal temperature below 40 ºC
• Birds resting
(104 ºF) indicates that the chick is too
• Birds “talking”
• Birds drinking
• Higher relative humidity will reduce
• Birds playing
moisture loss but also impair heat loss,
• Birds should never be huddling
so correct temperature is vital.
• Chicks from smaller eggs (younger
Birds should be eating/drinking most of
breeder flocks) require higher brooding
the time. If there is feed in the troughs
temperatures because they produce less
and water in the drinkers but the birds are
not consuming, check the conditions in
• If early feed consumption doesn’t take
the house. If most of the birds are
place the chick will use both fat and
huddled, you need to check the tempera-
protein in the yolk for energy resulting in
adequate protein levels for growth.
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Brooding Ventitlation Age Relative for chicks from for chicks from

In addition to the correct temperature, (Days) Humidity (%) 30 week old parent 30 week old parent

flocks or younger flocks or older

ventilation needs to be considered. Venti-
lation distributes heat throughout the 0 30-50 34 33
house and maintains good air quality in
7 40-60 31 31
the brooding area.
Young birds are also very susceptible to 14 40-60 27 27
drafts. Air speeds as slow as 0.5 m/s can
cause a significant wind-chill effect on day 21 40-60 24 24
old birds. If circulation fans are in use, 28 50-70 21 21
they should be directed towards the
ceiling to minimize downward drafts. 35 50-70 19 19

42 50-70 18 18
Age of Birds Metres per Second
If humidity is less than above, increase
0-14 Days 0.3
temperature 0.5 to 1 ºC . If humidity is
15-21 Days 0.5 greater than above, reduce house
temperature by 0.5 to 1 ºC . Always use
22-28 Days 0.875 birds’ behaviour and effective tempera-
ture as the ultimate guide to determine
28+ Days 1.75-3.0
the correct temperature for the birds

Chicks from younger breeder flocks
require higher brooding temperatures Air Quality Guidelines
because they produce less heat about 1 Oxygen > 19.6%
ºC for the first seven days.
Carbon Dioxide < 0.3%/3000ppm
Air Quality
Carbon Monoxide < 10ppm
Besides the air quality in the house need-
ing to be at the correct temperature for Ammonia < 10ppm
the age of the birds, it also needs to have
the right composition. This is because the Relative Humidity 45-65%
house design and the type of heating Insipirable Dust < 3.4mg/m3
system used will impact on the constitu-
ents of the air in the poultry house. For
example, when you use any kind of
radiant/ spot brooder or gas brooder
inside the poultry house, you need to pay
attention on the air quality, mostly carbon
“You can gauge the air
dioxide. quality by the
The main purpose of minimum ventilation
is to provide good air quality. It is import- behaviour of the chicks
ant that the birds always have adequate
oxygen, optimum relative humidity and
and their movements.”
minimum amounts of carbon dioxide
(CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ammonia
(NH3) and dust.
Inadequate minimum ventilation and the
resulting poor air quality in the poultry Light Management
house can cause increased levels of NH3,
CO2, moisture levels and an increase in in Broilers
production related syndromes such as
ascites. As the bird grows, it might be necessary to
You can gauge the air quality by the manage the lighting regime in the house
behaviour of the chicks and their move- to prevent late mortalities. Here are the
ments. facts surrounding light management in
You can also smell the air for any abnor- broiler production.
mal smells like the dampness (humidity)
and the pungent smell of ammonia. How- • The rate of growth of modern breeds of
ever, carbon dioxide and carbon monox- chicken is so high that, when fed on
ide do not smell, but their presence has high density diets, a proper light
implications on the comfort and health of management has to be put in place.
the birds. • This involves switching off lights at set
times during the course of the day,
Although it is not easy to measure the particularly at night, to give the birds a
chemical composition of air, the technical set period of darkness.
guidelines of good quality air are as • This is against the old system of broiler
follows. management which required that lights
be on at all times.

• It is worth noting that naturally, a period Lighting Program Benefits
of darkness is a natural requirement for
• A period of darkness is a natural require-
all animals.
ment for all animals.
• Energy is conserved during resting and
• Energy is conserved during resting,
this leads to improved feed conversion.
leading to an improvement in feed
• It has been observed that when a proper
light management system is used, skele
• Mortality is reduced, and skeletal
tal defects, particularly leg problems,
defects are reduced.
and late mortalities (water belly and flip
• The light/dark period increases mela
overs) are reduced.
tonin production, which is important in
• Scientifically, the light-dark rhythm
immune system development.
stimulates the production of a chemical
• Bird uniformity is improved.
called melatonin, which is important in
• Growth rate can be equal to or better
the immune system development of an
than that of birds reared on continuous
light when compensatory gain is
• It has also been observed that bird
uniformity is improved.
• The general rule is to start a light
restriction programme at day 8 once the
7 day live weights are above 150 grams.
• It is very important that when a light
restriction programme is implemented,
the lights are switched off at the same
time every day. Minimum Ventilation
• It is important to recognize that there is This is the minimum amount of ventilation
no strict rule as to which lighting (air volume) required to maintain full
programme to use since farmer circum genetic potential by ensuring an adequate
stances vary. supply of oxygen while removing the
• However, at Profeeds, we have a light waste products of growth and combustion
restriction programme that we recom- from the environment. The requirements
mend, which is as in the table below: of a correctly operated minimum ventila-
tion system include:
Age of Hours of Hours of • Moisture removal.
Birds Light Darkeness • The provision of oxygen to meet the
birds metabolic demand.
0-7 days 24 0
• The control of relative humidity.
8-14 days 14 10 • The maintenance of good litter cond-
15-22 days 16 8 • Open the Curtain on the opposite side
18 of wind.
23-28 days 6
29-35 days 20 4 This system should be independent of any
temperature control system and works
36-42 days 24 0 best if operated by a cycle timer with a
temperature override. The maximum level
of CO2 at any time in the chicken house is

“The maximum level Techniques
of CO2 at any time in
the chicken house is in Hot Conditions
3000ppm.” Key points when installing cooling fans in
a naturally ventilated house:

• In hot climates if necessary turn on the

3000ppm. If the house environment fans during the first two weeks to
exceeds 3,000 ppm of CO2, then the remove heat from the house in sidewall
ventilation rate must be increased. curtain houses with stir fan; the fans
should be placed at an angle of 120° to
Effective the side wall or close to the roof. Do not
generate air speed directly across the
Temperature birds.
• Maximum distance from the side wall,
Effective temperature is the combined
• Fans should be suspended perpendicu-
effect of the following factors:
lar and 1 m above the floor.
• Ambient temperature
• Relative Humidity %
• Air Speed m/s
• Stocking density and feather cover
• Radiant heat

During high temperatures, heat loss

associated with non-evaporative cooling
declines as the temperature differential
between the bird and the environment is
reduced. Evaporative heat loss becomes
the prominent mode of heat loss during
heat stress. High relative humidity
decreases the amount of water evapora- Curtain Management
tion. If relative humidity cannot be
reduced below 70%, the only solution is In open sided houses, the curtain manage-
to maintain an air velocity of at least 3.0 ment is fundamental to obtaining a
m/s or more. healthy flock status throughout the whole
production period. Good ventilation
management requires minimal tempera-
ture fluctuations.

• In different sections of the house you

could have temperatures variations.
• Ventilation at all ages is needed to

remove excess heat, humidity and/or include pH, mineral levels and the degree
CO2. CO2 is important in the first week of microbial contamination. It is essential
when the house is well sealed. The level that water consumption increases over
of CO2 should never exceed 3,000 ppm. time. If water consumption decreases at
See air quality guidelines. any point, bird health, environment and/or
• Good curtain management is vital to managerial techniques should be re-as-
avoid respiratory conditions and ascites sessed.
in cold climatic conditions. It is important make one water analysis
• Minimize 24hour temperature fluctu per year at least.
ations, especially at night. Better
temperature control will improve feed
conversion and enhance growth rate.
• Take the wind direction into account in “It is essential that
the morning, opening the curtain on the
leeward side first.
water consumption
• To improve air exchange and increase increases over time.”
the air speed entering the house, the
curtain on the windward side should be
open 25% of the opening on the
leeward side. Water Sanitation and System Cleanout
• To lower the house air exchange and For commercial systems using nipple
slow the air entering the house, the drinkers, a regular water sanitation and
windward side should be open four water line cleaning program can provide
times the leeward side. protection against microbial contamina-
• To achieve maximum air speed across tion and the build-up of slimy bio-films in
the birds, the curtain should be open water lines. While bio-films may not be a
the same on both sides and as low as source of problem to birds, once estab-
possible. lished in water lines, bio-films provide a
• Until 14 days of age, the curtains should place for more detrimental bacteria and
be opened to provide air exchange in viruses to hide from disinfectants and also
the house but no air speed at chick or act as a food source for harmful bacteria.
floor level. Air speed across the chicks Products which contain hydrogen perox-
in the first fourteen days of age leads to ide have proven to be outstanding for the
chilling, decreased feed and water removal of bio-films in water lines.
consumption and increased energy Biofilms have influence on natural
consumption for heat production. contaminants, - iron, sulphur, etc., -
Water Management vitamins, electrolytes, organic acids,
vaccines and stabilizers, antibiotics and
Water is an essential nutrient that impacts probiotics.
virtually all physiological functions. Water
comprises 65-78% of the body composi- Flushing
tion of a bird depending on age. Factors All modern poultry watering systems need
including temperature, relative humidity, to be flushed, best practiced on a daily
diet composition and rate of body weight basis to remove bio film, but as a minimum
gain influence water intake. Good water three times per week. High pressure flush-
quality is vital to efficient broiler produc- ing requires having adequate volume and
tion. Measurements of water quality pressure. The open drinker system also

must be flushed. In warm/hot climates it In fact, feed makes up a minimum of
might be necessary to flush more than 65-70% of the total cost of producing
once a day to cool the water temperature. broiler meat.
There are automatic flushing systems that Therefore, it is very important that the
make the flushing job easier, saving the feed is right and the feed management is
grower time and ensuring the water flush- appropriate for the system in order to
ing happens. maximize on the growth potential of the
Drinking System Cleanout Between Flocks
Marks of a Good Feed
• Drain drinking system and header tanks.
• Determine the capacity of the drinking A good feed has got the following proper-
system. ties:
• Prepare the cleaning solution to the
manufacturer’s recommendation. • The correct raw materials are carefully
• Where possible, remove header tank selected for use in its manufacture.
and scrub it clean. • These raw materials are put through a
• Introduce the solution into the water rigorous quality control process.
system, usually in the header tank. • The nutrient requirements of the birds
• Make sure protective clothing and at every stage of growth are correctly
eyewear are worn when using chemicals. identified and quantified.
• Turn on the tap at the end of the drink- • The correct feed formula is therefore
ing line and let the water run through derived.
until the sanitizing solution appears, • The correct raw materials are put into
then close the end tap. the feed formula to make a recipe which
• Raise each drinker line. is processed using the correct product
• Allow the solution to circulate through ion process and technologies.
the drinking system. • The feed has to be made in the right
• If circulation is not possible, let the form for the kind of bird being fed.
sanitizing solution stand for at least 12 • The produced feed is put through a
hours. rigorous quality control process to
• After draining the system, flush the confirm the final quality before being
system thoroughly to remove bio-film distributed.
and sanitizing chemical. • The feed must supply the right quantity
of nutrients to the bird appropriate for
each stage of growth of the bird.
Broiler Feed & The Feed Forms of Profeeds Broiler Feeds
Nutrition In keeping with the best practice the
Management world over, we at Profeeds produce our
broiler feeds largely in the form of crum-
bles and pellets. However, we take cogni-
Successful broiler farming at any level is zance of the fact that some farmers get
all about successful day-today manage- access to cheap maize and want to utilize
ment of all aspects of the broiler's life. it, so we also produce broiler feed
Of all these management aspects required concentrates which are mixed with maize
to successfully grow broilers, feed is the on-farm in recommended ratios.
most significant from a cost perspective.

Use of Pelleted Feed The Broiler Starter Crumbles
(21.5% Crude Protein)
Nutritionally, it has been proven beyond
reasonable doubt that with pelleted feed, This feed is designed to give the day-old
there is a noted improvement in flock chick that much-needed early nutritional
efficiency and growth rates when boost necessary for the development of
compared with the use of mash feed. the young bird’s organs and general
The basic advantages of pelleted feed growth.
over mash feed are as follows: This is designed to be fed from day old to
the 14th day (two weeks).
• There is an improvement in feed intake. For feed budgeting purposes, work on
• Birds spend less time consuming feed. 500 grams (0.5kg) of feed per bird for the
• The birds waste less feed. two weeks. However, with good manage-
• The birds have an improved feed intake. ment, this allowance can be reduced
• The birds feed conversion rate improves slightly down from the 500grams of
by about 6-7%. Broiler Starter Crumbles for this period.
• The birds achieve an improved average
Use of Broiler Starter Concentrate
daily gain in the order of 6% (41% Crude protein)
• The birds utilize energy better by about
30%. Should one have cheap maize, you can
• The feed itself is produced under much mix our Broiler Starter Concentrate with
better hygiene since the pelleting maize in the ratio 2 parts Broiler Starter
process involves the use of heat. Concentrate to 3 parts milled maize.
This mixing ratio must be by weight (kg),

The Profeeds Range not by volume.

The maize must be milled fine (through a
of Broiler Feeds 3mm screen) – not crushed!
To work on feed requirements, use the
same values as for the Broiler Starter
The Profeeds range of broiler feeds is in Crumbles, but remember that since this is
two: mash, the birds might eat more.
• The crumbled and/or pelleted straight The Broiler Grower Crumbles/Pellets
feeds that are fed as is. (19.5% Crude Protein)
• The concentrate range of feeds that This feed is designed to finalize the devel-
require mixing with milled maize in opment of the bird organs and to stabilize
given ratios to achieve the same specifi growth in general whilst initiating the
cations as the crumbled/pelleted feeds, laying of muscle (meat).
though in mash form. This range of This is designed to be fed from the 15th
feeds is recommended for those day to the 28th day (two weeks).
customers with cheap quality maize For feed budgeting purposes, work on
on-farm. 1500 grams (1.5kg) of feed per bird for
The Profeeds 3-Phase Broiler Feeds the two weeks, split into 500grams Broiler
Grower Crumbles and 1 kg Broiler Grower
These are the Profeeds Premium broiler Pellets. This is designed to allow smooth
feeds that are formulated to more transition from smaller crumbles to pellets
precisely follow the growth curve of the for the young birds.
modern broiler bird.

Use of Broiler Grower Concentrate remember that since this is mash, the
(40% Crude protein) birds might eat more.
Should one have cheap maize, you can Feed Allowances Summary - Straight Feeds
mix our Broiler Grower Concentrate with
maize in the ratio 2 parts Broiler Grower Amount of Planning

Concentrate to 3 parts milled maize. Broiler Stage

of Growth
Feed Type
Feed for Amount of
Seed for 100
This mixing ratio must be by weight (kg), the Phase
not by volume.
The maize must be milled fine (through a 0-14
Starter N/A 500g 50kg
3mm screen) – not crushed! Days
To work on feed requirements, use the
same values as for the Broiler Grower 15-21
pellets, but remember that since this is Days
N/A 500g 50kg
mash, the birds might eat more.
The Broiler Finisher Pellets 22-28
Grower N/A 1000g 100kg
(18.0% Crude Protein) Days

This feed is designed to finalize the laying Broiler

of muscle (meat) - to finish them off. Finisher N/A 1500g 150kg
This is designed to be fed from the 29th Pellets
day to the slaughter stage. The slaughter
stage depends on the market of the Feed Allowances Summary - Concentrates
producer, but at day 35 + 3 days one must
be able to slaughter their birds if they are
targeting around 1.8kg to 2kg live-weight. Broiler Stage Mixing
Amount of
Feed for Amount of
Feed Type
For feed budgeting purposes, work on of Growth Instructions
the Phase Seed for 100

1600 grams (1.6kg) of feed per bird for Birds

the 7 + 3 days required to finish the bird. 0-14

Broiler 2 Parts 20kg
However, it must be noted that the finish- Days
3 Parts
500g +
ing phase period is wholly dependent on Maize
30kg Maize

the target weight for the market intended, Broiler 2 Parts 60kg
and will therefore vary a lot. Grower Conc.
1500g +
Days 3 Parts
Mash 90kg Maize
Use of Broiler Finisher Concentrate
(39% Crude protein) 29+ Broiler 1 Parts 55kg
Grower 1600g +
Should one have readily available and Days
2 Parts
105kg Maize
affordable maize, you can mix our Broiler
Finisher Concentrate with maize in the
Please note that the Finisher requirements
ratio 1-part Broiler Finisher Concentrate
have been rounded off upwards to allow for
to 2 parts milled maize.
This mixing ratio must be by weight (kg), the expected increase in consumption for
not by volume. the mash feed.
The maize must be milled fine (through a
3mm screen) – not crushed! To work on
feed requirements, use the same values as
for the Broiler Finisher pellets, but

Performance Age Cobb Broiler
Ross Broiler
Hubbard Broiler

Measurements 1 Day 42 42 42
7 Days 164 182 179
It is important for a broiler farmer to be
measuring performance periodically to 14 Days 430 455 473
ensure success of the project. The ques-
21 Days 843 874 925
tion is, how?
Performance criteria must be measured 28 Days 1397 1412 1472
from the first day the day old chicks are
placed to the last day. Amongst many, the 35 Days 2017 2021 2098
key criteria that are considered are as 42 Days 2625 2652 2754
Taking Bird Live-Weights
Bird live-weights: Feed conversion rates
(FCR) and Mortalities If the flock size is small, say under 100,
one can easily weigh the birds individually.
Bird Live-Weights However, for large flocks running into
It is greatly advisable to check on perfor- thousands and scores of thousands this is
mance progress of your birds by periodi- not practically possible. In this case, it is
cally weighing them. Ideally, one should recommended that weights are taken by
take day old weights, 7-day weights, way of sampling 1% of the flock or 100
14-day weights, 21-day weights, 28-day birds whichever is larger and then averag-
weights, 35-day weights and slaughter ing the weights of this sample. Obviously,
weights. Then compare these weights to the bigger the sample size that you can
the standard recommended for the breed. practically weigh, the more accurate the
How well you are doing is determined by average weight taken. The key to the
how far off the standard your actual accuracy of this method is in the sample
weights are. size and randomness of the selection so
One cannot just feed birds for 5-6 weeks that the sample to be weighed is truly
without checking these weights only to representative of the whole flock.
discover at the last day that the weights Therefore, randomly select from as many
are well under target. In that case, it will points and corners of the house as possi-
be impossible to pin-point the problems ble without picking on any individual
with the particular flock, and where it birds.
happened so that corrective action is Feed Conversion Rates
The following table indicates the approxi- The feed conversion rate (FCR) is a
mate weight targets of the three breeds of measure of the rate at which feed is
broiler that are reared in the country. converted into muscle (meat) by the bird.
These weight targets were extracted from To calculate this, you need to account for
the current (as at April 2016) manuals of the weight of the feed used to feed the
Cobb, Ross and Hubbard respectively. bird for a particular period, then weigh the
You need to compare the weekly weight bird at the beginning and end to account
you get with these to see how well you for the gain in weight. Therefore, if a bird
are performing as indicated in table was fed from Day Old at 40grams live-

weight and slaughtered at 2.4kg at 42 source and produced using the same r-
days and seen to have consumed 3.6kg of ange of raw materials and produced in
feed, the FCR would be: the same form. Should there be an
3.6kg feed/ (2.4-0.040) kg live-weight = unavoidable change, then the two differ
3.6/2.36 = 1.525. ent feeds must be fed mixed for a period
This means that the bird needed 1.525kg to allow a smooth breaking in from the
of feed to produce 1 kg of meat. old feed to the new feed.
The lower the FCR figure, the more • If one is to use concentrates mixed with
efficient the bird on the particular feed maize, then the ratios must be based on
The importance of the FCR figure is that it weights, not on volume. The concen-
also captures the feed consumption index trate and maize must be mixed
as well. thoroughly because the uniformity of
the mix will determine the quality of the
Mortality is the number of deaths as a • The birds must not be fed any rotten or
percentage of the total placed. This index contaminated feed. If there is anything
is an indication of how well the overall amiss about the feed, DO NOT feed it!
management is in preventing diseases and The general rule is that if you cannot
other death-causing conditions. put that feed into your mouth for any
Obviously the lower this figure the better visual or perceived reason, and then it is
– one does not want to lose any birds worse for the bird!
once placed • Always check the expiry date of the
feed from the bag label. Generally,
Important Points About Broiler Feeds & poultry feeds can be kept for 6 months
if under very good storage conditions.
• It is very important to ensure the birds Any period over that, the quality of the
are actually EATING the feed! The feed needs verification by a competent
poultry feeding game is all about ensur- person. Qualification
ing that the birds are eating the feed! • Do not borrow feed from another
• The next thing is to quantify the feed poultry farmer. This is an easy way to
that is being consumed by the birds. spread infectious poultry diseases.
The birds are meant to eat a certain • Always make a distinction between
amount of feed of a given quality over a cheap feed and cost-effective feed!
given time period therefore make sure Cheap feed is not necessarily cheap
that is happening! If one is feeding a feed. Cheap feed is mostly expensive
poor quality feed, the birds could be feed!
eating too much without the return in • Do your numbers all the time. Calculate
weight gain at the expense of the your (feed) costs after every flock to see
farmer’s pocket! where your project is going!
• Feed must be available at all times – the
birds must not go without feed for any “Always make a
period of time except in the case of a
managed darkness period. distinction between
• The feed must be the same – there must cheap feed and cost-
not be a chopping and changing of the effective feed.”
feed! The feed must come from one

Harvesting contaminating the carcasses during the
evisceration process.
Procedure Always allow access to water as long as
possible prior to catching. Only raise the
If your chicken project is small, harvesting water after the catchers get to the house
procedure might not be too much of a and start setting up. On multiple house
task needing planning, but as the scale farms only withdraw water just prior to
gets bigger, some serious planning is commencing catching.
required for the harvesting process.
Optimum recommended time off feed is a
The goal of the planning and coordination window of 8 hours to 12 hours (windows
of the harvesting process is to ensure low between the feed withdraw and the
DOA [dead on arrival], minimal shrink, and processing). This is a waste of the
high animal welfare standards. If done undigested feed as there will be no
properly this is a very complex process conversion to meat. The excess feed
that will require the coordination of farm residue will cause yield and processing
starting times, multiple catching crews problems in the plant. Faecal residues
and processing plant schedules. The cause contamination of plant equipment.
benefits of good planning in terms of Feed withdrawal in excess of 12 hours
improved mortality shrink and plant yield causes the intestines to lose their tensile
are very real and make it worth the effort. strength, making them easy to tear and
rupture. The intestinal contents will very
The catching process requires good viscous due to the start of intestinal cell
communication and planning that must necrosis. This condition will cause major
include the following key areas: equipment contamination in the plant and
continue to get worse with time.
• Plant processing schedule - To insure
that birds are available to slaughter with In a properly planned program the feeders
minimal holding time. should be raised in the broiler house so
• Transportation and driving distance the first load from the house will be
from farm to plant - Coordinate the unloaded and started kill as close to the
transportation assets to maximize their 8-hour mark as possible with the last load
utilization. from the house being killed as close to
• Catching crew schedule - Ensure that being inside the 12-hour mark as possible.
crews are scheduled to catch the birds. Remember the water must remain down
• Farm set up - Time frames to shut off to the start of catch
and raise feeders and water.
Feed and Water Withdrawal
Regardless of method of catch or type of
The feed withdrawal and water withdraw- containers used there are some common
al process is critical in optimizing feed general operating procedures that should
conversion, plant yield, and preventing be followed.
holding shrink and plant contamination.
The purpose of feed withdrawal is to •Birds should be carefully placed in clean
empty the digestive tract, preventing crates or modules to a density that
ingested feed and faecal material from complies with manufacturer’s recomme-

• Minimize light intensity reduce bird Vaccination
activity. Light in the house should be
only enough to see to do the job. If d- Vaccination is the administration of a
imming is not feasible, the use of blue chemical/ agent called a vaccine that will
or green lights will calm birds and give the bird the ability to mobilize
reduce activity. antibodies against a particular disease
• When catching during the day it is should it be exposed to it. It serves to
recommended to utilize curtains and give the bird’s defence mechanism a
other methods to keep the houses as “memory” system against that disease.
dark as possible. In cases where light Vaccinations are given to broiler chickens
cannot be restricted migration fences against such common diseases as New-
and gates must be used to restrict bird castle, Infectious Bursal disease and these
crowding. Coops can be used with great depend on many factors such as
effect by building pens from the coops geographical areas, climate of the area,
to restrict bird movement. Calm birds and peculiar disease challenges. It is
facilitate better ventilation, reduce bird therefore important to check with your
stress and diminish the risk of piling. veterinary doctors before adopting a
• Reduce as much as possible pre catch system.
activity. Make sure all feeders and water It should also be mentioned that some
are rolled up. Make sure any unneces- hatcheries do some of the vaccinations
sary equipment or items that might before selling the day old chicks, therefore
interfere are out of the house. it is important for you to check with your
• Ensure ventilation is maintained. hatchery which vaccinations you need to
Manual Catching
Usually one good vaccination program has
The two most common methods of at least one New castle vaccine at about
manual catching are by the feet or by the 11 days and another one at 18 days in
back. With both machine & manual catch- high challenge regions, in low challenge
ing, crew training is essential to ensure regions you can use just one vaccine at 15
correct bird handling with minimal days.
damage. Zimbabwe is a high challenge region,
The following handling limits need to be given the frequency of outbreaks over the
enforced: last few years.
The Gumboro vaccine against Infectious
• Grip only the shank to limit drum bruis Bursal Disease (IBD) is another important
ing one, but most hatcheries in Zimbabwe are
• Handling limits - depends on bird size now vaccinating against this disease at the
and crate/module design: hatchery, directly into the egg so this
• No more than 3 birds per hand might not be required.
• Limit handling birds more than once –
do not pass birds between catchers. The most important thing here is PLEASE
• Back catching is limited to 2 birds – CHECK WITH YOUR CHICK SUPPLIER
common practice when coops are used. ON WHAT VACCINATIONS YOU NEED
This limits wing damage and follow most TO DO!
of animal welfare regulations.

detergent residues. Clean filters using
plain water.
• Turn ultra-violet light off, if used, as this
“Zimbabwe is a high may inactivate the vaccine.
risk region.”
Calculate the needed amount of water by
using 30% of the previous day’s total
consumed water. If no water meter is
The Vaccination Process: Guidelines available, use the following calculation:

• Flocks should ingest all vaccine within Number of birds in thousands multiplied
1-2 hours of administration, the Gum- by their age in days multiplied by two.
boro vaccination 1,5 hour and the Infec This equals the amount of water in litres
tious Bronchitis vaccination about 1 needed to vaccinate about 2-hour period.
hour, if the consumption of those
vaccines are less time than recommend- • Mix 2.5 g (2 teaspoons) of powdered
ed, some birds didn’t drink the vaccine skimmed milk per litre (1.05 quarts) of
and if is more time than recommended water. Alternatively, commercial stabiliz-
the vaccine will be dead. ers can be used per manufacturer’s
• Ensure that the vaccine is stored at the recommendations.
manufacturer’s recommended tempera- • Prepare skimmed milk solution 20 min.
ture. before administering the vaccine to
• Vaccinate early in the morning to reduce ensure the skimmed milk powder has
stress, especially in times of warm neutralized any chlorine present in the
weather. water.
• Water pH should be 5.5-7.5. High pH • Record vaccine product type, serial
water can taste bitter to the birds and number and expiration date on pen
so reduce water and vaccine intake. charts or some other permanent flock
• Ensure rapid uptake of vaccine by record.
depriving the birds of water a maximum • Open each vial of vaccine while
of 1 hour before administration of submerged under the water-stabilizer
vaccine begins. mixture.
• Prepare vaccine and stabilizer mixture in • Rinse each vial of vaccine completely.
clean containers free of any chemicals, • Raise drinker lines.
disinfectants, cleaners or organic materi- • Pour the prepared vaccine, stabilizer and
als. colour solution into the header tank or
• Use of a vaccine manufacturer’s storage tank.
approved dye or colour stabilizer may • Prime the lines until the stabilizer or
help in determining when water lines dyed water comes through the far ends
are primed and how many birds have of the lines.
consumed vaccine, you must achieve • Lower drinker lines and allow birds to
95% of efficiency. consume vaccine, making sure to turn
• Turn off chlorinator 72 hours before water back on into the header tank just
administering the vaccine. before the tank runs dry.
• Clean water filters 72 hours before • Walk through the birds gently to
vaccination commences to remove any encourage drinking and uniformity of

• Note the vaccine consumption time in
the records and any adjustments
needed for next application of similar
age birds and equipment to reach the
ideal time of 1-2 hours.
Open-Bell Drinker System
• Two people are needed to carry out the
vaccination procedure. One person is
needed to mix the vaccine solution and
the other person is needed to administer
the vaccine.
• Clean each drinker, emptying it of water
Record Keeping
and litter. Do not use a disinfectant to
Accurate record keeping is essential to
clean the drinkers.
enable the manager/ owner to monitor
• Carefully fill each drinker in a predeter-
the day-to-day performance of the flock.
mined fashion, making sure not to over
This in turn will assist the owner to get
fill the drinker or spill the mixed vaccine
the best results and hence achieve profit-
Monitoring water vaccination intake: In other words, the quality of
record-keeping sometimes indicates how
• Start to monitor after birds receive well a poultry unit is run, because records
vaccine. assist smart managing.
• Select 100 birds per house and check It is prudent to say “you cannot record
how many have dyed tongues, beak or what you do not measure, and you cannot
crops. manage what you do not record”
• Divide the house into four parts and Accurate records also enable forecasting,
check for staining from 25 birds per programming and cash flow projections to
house division. be made. They also serve to provide an
• Calculate number of birds on a percent early warning of potential problems.
age basis with staining. Records are broadly in two classes: daily
• Vaccination is considered successful flock records and summary flock records.
when 95% of birds show staining.
Daily Flock Records

Percentage of Birds Hour(s) After Administration Daily records should be on display for
with Blue Staining of Vaccine each house, and some of the daily records
75% 1 recommended include the following:

95% 2 • Mortality and culls by house and sex

• Daily feed consumption
If anything happens out of the ordinary • Daily water consumption
during or after vaccination, closely moni- • Water to feed ratio
tor birds and contact your local veterinari- • Water treatments
an. • Minimum and maximum daily tempera-

• Minimum and maximum daily humidity
• Number of birds taken for processing
• Management changes
• Type of culls
Flock Records
Flock summary records are normally a
summary at the end of the flock and
include the following:

• Feed deliveries (Supplier/amount/type/

date of consumption)
• Feed sample from each delivery
• Live weight (daily/weekly/daily gain)
• Medication (type/batch/amount/date of
administration/date of withdrawal)
• Vaccination (type/batch/amount/date
of administration)
• Lighting program
• Litter (type/date of delivery/amount
delivered/visual inspection)
• Chick delivery (number/date/time/
count in boxes/truck temperature and
• Stocking density
• Chick Source (hatchery/breed/donor
breeder code/chick weight)
• Weights of each load at processing plant
• Downgrades
• Date and time feed withdrawn
• Date and time catching started and
• Cleanout (total bacterial counts/visual
• Post-mortem results
• Repairs and maintenance
• Controlling sensors and thermostats
(date calibrated)
• Technical visits
Annual Records
• Water (tested at source and at the

10 Point Summary
1. The major breeds of broiler in Zimbabwe are the Cobb, Hubbard
and Ross breeds.

2. Correctly sited, designed and constructed housing is key to pro-

ducing broilers hassle-free.

3. The type of equipment, particularly the heaters, in the poultry

house is vital in determining the efficiency of brooding and
growth of your broilers.

4. Weight management is key to producing broilers efficiently,

hence should be monitored constantly.

5. Profeeds has got a three-phase broiler feeding programme which

starts off with Pro Broiler Starter Crumbles, followed by Pro Broil-
er Grower Crumbles, Pro Broiler Pellets and finishes off with Pro
Broiler Finisher Pellets. All these feeds have got concentrate ver-
sions for those farmers with good quality maize.

6. Bio-security is vital in managing broilers because disease-causing

organisms can easily spread within the flock.

7. It is important to understand the vaccinations required for your

particular flock from your veterinarian or hatchery partner.

8. Records are important for a broiler enterprise, and these need to

be compared with the breed standards for the bird you keep.
This is particularly so for weights which need to be monitored and
taken weekly.

9. It is important to organize a market for your broilers well before

they reach harvestable weight in order to prevent losses.

10. Broiler business is all about numbers, so it is important that you

understand your profit and loss account for each and every flock
and make amends wherever necessary.

Part Two
Layer Management
“Consumers have got
Poultry Layer production is raising chick- particular preferences
ens for the purpose of producing table
eggs. Table eggs go direct to the consum- for eggs in terms of
er therefore it is important to ensure that primarily colour
the right eggs are produced by your flock.
Consumers have got particular preferenc-
and size.”
es for eggs in terms of primarily colour
and size, therefore it is important that
attention is paid to the production look after the young chicks from Day One
process. to point-of-lay (about 18 weeks) when
they start to lay, which they would do for
The Primary Input: The Birds
about a year.
There are many breeds of chickens bred The farmer, in this case, controls all the
and raised as layer birds but in Zimbabwe developmental stages of the bird and has
the main breeds are as follows: got the power to influence the quality of
layer bird he ends up with.
• H & N Breed
Model 2
• Hy-Line Brown
• Lohmann Brown The Farmer purchases point-of lay birds
• Novogen Brown. from a breeder or another grower and
they start laying a few days after landing
It is very important to understand these on the farm.
breeds and hence to make a choice of In this case the farmer just gets what he
which one you want to work with. Each of gets and has less power to influence the
these breeds has got traits that a farmer quality of the bird he is stuck with for the
would be expected to understand in order laying phase. This is because most of the
to help them to make such a decision. conditioning of the bird would have been
However, it must be noted that all of done by the previous farmer.
these breeds of layer bird have been bred
successfully in Zimbabwe and elsewhere. Model One: Raising Layer
The key is for one to manage whatever
breed correctly so as to get the result.
Pullets from Day Old Chicks
Models of Table Egg Production Having made a decision to produce table
eggs starting with the Day old chicks, one
There are two main models of production needs to prepare well for this project.
adopted by table egg producers. The young chicks will go through a brood-
Model 1 ing phase, just like for broilers, but in their
case the brooding period is 6 weeks
The farmer purchases Day Old Layer instead of 3 weeks.The birds then go
Chicks from a breeder and then raises through a growing phase, up to 18 weeks
these from Day One, through Point at which point they are now called
–Of-Lay, and through egg laying phase. Point-of-lay pullets. They can then start
This means that the farmer must properly laying eggs.

Layer Chick Brooding • Check the feeders and drinkers to
ensure they are ready for use. For
The goal of brooding layer chicks is to
automatic ones, check that they are
produce pullets which, at 18 weeks, are
actually discharging as per expectations,
properly matured to start laying eggs.
then fill them with feed and water
This maturity is defined as:
• The water should have stress vitamins
• A body weight range of 1400 – 1550
and minerals diluted in for the first few
days of the chick rearing, to calm the
• A minimum flock uniformity of at least
birds down.
• 48 hours before the chicks arrive,
• Healthy and disease-free and ability to
pre-heat the brooding house to ensure
fight off diseases (immunity).
the house temperature necessary for
Preparation for Brooding the chicks is achieved before they are
The preparation is almost the same as for • Establish a house temperature of 33-36
broiler chicks in terms of site selection, degrees Celsius and 60% humidity 24
housing, design, equipment and so forth. hours before placement.
You need to place your chicks order well • Ensure bright lights of 30-50 lux in the
in advance and buy the feed, stress packs house for the first 7 days to help chicks
and associated chemicals required in time. quickly find feed and water and adapt to
Thoroughly clean the house, starting off the new environment.
with dry cleaning, washing with water and • Lay out cage paper and put on feed in
then with detergents. addition to the feed trays, to encourage
Then disinfect the house floors and walls early feed intake.
with appropriate chemicals.
Transportation of Chicks to the Farm
Thoroughly clean all the equipment (feed-
ers, drinkers) in a similar way. If the house Having made you order within time, and
is automated, then, then empty, clean and having prepared the house, the next
disinfect water lines and feeder lines and important thing is to plan the transport of
feed and water tanks. the chicks to the farm.
Place the appropriate bedding and level it If the breeder offers transport, then the
well. vehicle is likely to be the appropriate one
Place the equipment (feeders, drinkers, for the purpose.
heaters, thermometers, lights, heat However, if transport is not offered, the
supply, etc) in the house and line them up onus is on you to select the best transport
properly, then rest the house for 10-12 vehicle. Ideally, it must be a truck
days. designed for the transportation of the
Preparation for Placing chicks from hatchery to farm.
The truck should be environmentally
Days before the chicks arrive, you need to controlled and be able to maintain a
check that all the equipment is in working temperature range of 30-32 degrees
order. Celsius. The relative humidity, as
measured inside each chick box, must be
• Check the setting of the time clocks and at 70%. Ensure there is space between
dimmers of the lights. stacks of chick boxes to allow for air-flow.

If you do not t have the designed truck for Early Checks
the job, then preferably use a truck with a
Check that the birds are eating feed and
closed space where one would stack the
drinking water. Do crop checks on
chick boxes and allow for that ventilation
randomly selected chicks.
enough to allow air flow, but preventing
• Hold a chick in your hand in-between
The back of an open truck is not ideal.
the thumb and first finger so that the
Collect the chicks as early in the morning
chick crop stands out.
as possible and drive straight to the farm
• One that extends out onto your second
avoiding heavy traffic and congested
finger shows it is taking in some feed or
water or both.
Chick Placement • Carefully feel the crop with your fingers.
One that feels hard
As soon as you arrive at the farm, open
means the chick is eating food and not
the boxes gently and allow the chicks to
drinking enough water. One that feels
carefully move out and into the prepared,
very liquid and pliable means the chick is
pre-heated brooding area.
drinking more water than it is eating
During these first few days, constantly
feed. One that feels a mixture of both
watch the young chicks as they go about
means the chick is eating feed and water
their lives.
in a balanced way, which is ideal.
Adjust brooding temperature according to
relative humidity at 33-36 degrees Celsius
After 6 hours of placement, 75 % of the
and 70% humidity.
chicks must be eating and drinking, and
After the first week, reduce the tempera-
after 24 hours, the percentage should be
ture weekly by 2-3 Degrees Celsius until
you reach 21 Degrees Celsius by Day 42,
Check the behaviour of the chicks and
the end of the brooding phase.
react appropriately.
The Table below indicates the tempera-
• If the chicks are listless and lie prostrate,
ture and light intensity targets for the
it means the heat is too much.
brooding phase:
• If the chicks are loud and chirping all the
time, they are hungry or cold.
Light Light • If they are grouping together, then they
Age (Days) Air Temp
Intensity Hours
are cold.
0-3 33-36 30-50 22 • If they have pasted vents, then they are
in excessive heat or cold.
4-7 30-32 30-50 22
8-14 28-30 25 19
The chicks must have access to plenty of
15-21 26-28 25 17.5 clean fresh and cool water and intake
must not be restricted in any way.
22-28 23-26 25 16 Therefore, if you are using drinking fonts,
29-35 21-23 10-15 14.5 ensure there is enough of these and they
are constantly replenished.
36-42 21 10-15 13 If you are using automatic watering
systems, then make sure the flow is not

disturbed in any way.
If for some reason the birds are not taking
in enough water, then their utilization of
feed and growth will be impaired. “The chicks must have
As a general rule, birds consume 1.5-2
times more water than feed, and this ratio
access to plenty of
increases in high temperatures. clean, fresh and cool
The table below indicates the approxi-
mate daily water consumption level of water.”
various ages of 100 chicks at a normal
environmental temperature of 21-27
Degrees Celsius.
animal or human waste.
If the water contains high levels of
Age (Weeks) Amount of Water (Litres)
dissolved minerals such as calcium,
1-3 1-3 sodium, magnesium or phosphorus, their
levels must be considered when formulat-
4-6 3-6 ing feed.
The pH of ideal water is 5-7 and this
7-9 6-8
promotes good sanitation, increases feed
10-12 8-12 consumption and gastro-intestinal health.
Less than optimum water quality will
13-15 10-14 affect gut health, which will result in
16-18 11-18 under-utilization of feed nutrients.

13-21 Sampling Water

Let water run for 2 minutes prior to
23+ 15-23
collecting a sample. Then keep the
sample at under 10 degrees Celsius for
Water Quality not more than 24 hours before submitting
Water is a reflection of the mineral and for analysis.
other constituents that are in it. Not all Feed
these minerals and other constituents are
good to your chicks, so it is important to The feed must be of high quality in order
check the quality of your water at least to get the chicks off to a good start.
once a year. Therefore, it must be homogeneous, right
However, the source of your water will size particles and formulated with quality
determine the regularity of water testing raw materials.
required. The Profeeds Chick Starter Mash is made
As a rule, surface water requires more specifically with this end purpose in mind,
frequent testing since it is more affected and should be fed to the chicks from Day
by season and rainfall patterns. One to the end of the 8th week.
Water from closed deep wells or aquifers The expected consumption should be
will be more consistent in quality but will 1.75-2 kgs of feed per bird for the whole
have generally higher dissolved minerals. period. The feed must be presented in
The presence of coliform bacteria indicat- clean troughs and some laid out on
es that the water is contaminated with cardboard paper on the bedding particu-

larly for the first few days. water. The light must be bright (about
The feeder space must be adequate in 30-50 lux) to enable this.
order to give all birds equal chances of After the first week, you can then start a
accessing feed. slow step-down of the lighting
The amount of feed used must be programme.
measured. The H & N breeders recommend 24 hours
of light during the first 2 days at 10 lux
Light Management intensity. From Day 3 to 15, reduce the
light to 16 hours per day at the same lux
and Lighting Programmes intensity. From 15 days to 18 weeks, they
then recommend a further reduction to
Light is important for many reasons: 10 hours at 5-7.5 lux intensity. From 18
weeks, they recommend a stepping up to
• The growing chicks need to locate feed 13 hours and then an increase by
and water. 0.5hours every week until you maintain at
• Light stimulates sexual development least 16 hours during the laying period.
especially in later stages.
Intermittent Lighting Programme
Therefore, it is important to establish an This is an optional lighting programme
appropriate lighting programme for your which can be adopted for the first 7 days.
layer flock from day one. This is because when the chicks arrive,
However, it is difficult to advise a univer- they would have been intensively handled
sally optimum and perfect lighting in the hatchery and then endure a long
programme applicable in most situations. transport journey.
However, it is important to note that you In practice, it is often observed that after
need to establish your own lighting arrival in the house, some chicks continue
programme that takes into account the to sleep whilst others look for water and
following: feed. Splitting the day into phases of
resting and activity, using a specially-de-
• Your geographical location signed intermittent lighting programme
• The characteristics of your rearing unit helps the situation by synchronizing the
(open house, light controlled, etc chicks’ activities and feeding.
• Season of the year The day is effectively split into regular 2
• Temperatures hour intervals of darkness followed by 4
• Date of the hatch hour intervals of light.
• Growth of the flock After a week of this programme, you can
• Past records of performance obtained in then revert to the normal regular
this rearing unit. step-down lighting programme.
This intermittent light programme estab-
Light During Brooding
lishes a more natural behaviour of rest
In order to encourage frame development and activity in the flock.
and growth, a slow step down lighting The antibody responses of the birds to
programme is advised for all types of vaccinations may be improved and the
housing. The Hy-Line breeders recom- liveability to 7 days may also be improved.
mend that the chicks must have 22 hours
of light and 2 hours of darkness for the
first 7 days to help them find feed and

ome cannibalism.
Air Quality Feed wastage will also be a problem with
un-trimmed birds.
& Ventilation Beak trimming must be done between
7-10 days of age. The beak trimming
Supply of sufficient volumes of fresh air equipment is varied but they all work to
into the house is necessary. achieve the same objective. Therefore, it
Ventilation is necessary to: is important for one to understand clearly
how the particular model they use work.
• Provide the birds with adequate supply Before beak trimming, the equipment
of oxygen for the birds. must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfect-
• Remove moisture from the house ed.
• Remove carbon dioxide produced by the The trimming machine must be adjusted
birds from the house properly and ensure they are working
• Remove dust particles well.
• Dilute aerosolized pathogenic organis- The blades must be sharp because dull
ms blades will crush and tear the beak rather
than cutting cleanly through it.
Beak rimming in hot weather may result in
Management Events excessive bleeding.
It is thus recommended that you add
for the Growing Pullets electrolyte and vitamins containing
Once the chicks are past the first week, Vitamin K to the diet or drinking water 2
the day-to-day tasks become a matter of days before and for 2 days after beak
routine. trimming to help prevent excessive bleed-
However, there are certain tasks that ing.
include the following: This process must be done properly to
reduce stress to the birds so only properly
Beak Trimming trained personnel must do it.
This process is the process of trimming If necessary, re-trim the beaks at 6 weeks
the beak of the growing chick to reduce or 12-14 weeks of age.
its size and sharpness. This is important Weight Management: Birds
especially in open type houses. If this is
not done, then the flock might experience The target is to end up with birds of
a pecking problem which can easily bec- 1400g-1550g with a uniformity of at least
85% at week 18.
Therefore, it is important to monitor the
weight development of the flock.
You need to be weighing the birds weekly
“Once the chicks are and comparing the achieved weights with
the standard weights for the breed you
past the first week, the are raising.
day-to-day tasks become Randomly select 1% or 100 birds (which-
ever is bigger) of the flock in the house
a matter of routine.” and carefully weigh them, total then
average out the weight. Basically, chick
body weight must double between arrival

and 7 days of age. • Check the basics - the feeder, drinker
Also, it is vital that you achieve target and floor space adequacy
body weights for the birds at Week 6, • Check the temperature, lighting and
Week 12, Week 18, Week 24 and Week ventilation in the house
30 in order to ensure optimum develop- • Check for any sick birds or any other
ment of the bird’s body. abnormal behaviour
Much as the birds need not be • If the problem continues, then you need
under-weight, they must not be to bring in your feed expert and veteri-
overweight as well. nary expert to check out feed and health
Over-weight or fat birds will not lay well. respectively
Flock Uniformity Weight Management: Feed
At each weighing, the flock uniformity % It is also important to weigh and account
must be calculated. Here is how: for the feed used at all times. Thus is
because feed accounts for at least
• Calculate the average body weight 60-70% of the costs of raising chickens,
• Calculate 10% of the average weight of so it must be used efficiently.
the sample The feed will be responsible for most of
• Add and subtract this figure from the the weight gain by the birds.
average weight to determine the upper Therefore, you need to check its actual
and lower values of the uniformity performance against the expected based
range. on information from the feed supplier.
• Count the number of birds that fall
within this range.
• Divide this number by the total weighed Health
and multiply by 100, which gives you
the uniformity percent. Management
Example of calculation: Just like broilers, layers health manage-
ment is crucial. This is also managed
• 95 pullets weighed a total of 86260 through bio-security and farm sanitiza-
grams. tion, and vaccination.
• 86260g divided by 95 equals 908 grams Bio-security management and farm saniti-
per bird. And 908x10%=91 zation is managed in a similar way to
• 908+91=999 (Upper value) and broilers.
908-91=817 (Lower value)
• 81 Birds weighed within the 817-999 Layer Vaccinations
range. Layer birds are going to be in one house
• 81 divided by 95 times 100 = 85%, for a much longer period of time, there-
which is the flock uniformity value fore it is important that vaccination is
Body Weight Gains done correctly. As mentioned, vaccina-
tion is the introduction of unique products
If your flock is not achieving minimum called vaccines into the system of a live
weight gains as indicated by your breed animal so that it develops the ability to
standard, you need to immediately under- fight off a particular disease when
stand the reasons. There are steps that challenged in the future. Just like broilers,
you need to immediately take as follows: each breed of bird will have its own speci-

fic vaccination programme recommended for 1-2 hours prior to water vaccination
by the breeder. Decisions on which to ensure all gets get exposure to the
diseases to vaccinate against are also vaccine.
made after consideration of factors such • Vaccinate preferably in the morning.
as previous exposure, geographic • Water lines should be drained prior to
location, vaccination and exposure of water vaccination to ensure uniform
neighbouring flocks, country regulations distribution of vaccine to all the birds.
and endemic disease causing factors. Dyes are commonly added to the vaccine
Mainly, the diseases that are vaccinated solution to trace and mark birds that
against include Marek’s Disease, Newcas- would have taken it.
tle, Infectious coryza, Infectious bursal
disease, Egg Drop syndrome, Avian pneu- Deworming
movirus, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, infec- Because layer birds are kept in a house for
tious laryngo-tracheitis, Infectious a reasonably long period of time, there are
bronchitis, Fowl pox and Avian encephalo- chances that they get infected by worms,
myelitis. especially those in deep litter.
You must maintain accurate records of all Worms get and colonize the gut, damage
vaccinations and treatments done on your the linings and start interfering with feed
flock as they might be required to solve a digestion and absorption and hence
future problem.
Vaccination Guidlines Each geographical region and season has
got a unique recommended de-worming
• Vaccinate only healthy birds. Unhealthy, programme tailor made for each particular
sick birds should not be vaccinated until flock.
they are well. You need to consult your breeder for
• Vaccines are specific products and
proper advice on which de-worming
should never be diluted or spread wider
chemicals to use and the particular
than is recommended.
programme of deworming to adopt.
• If your water is from a treated source,
you need to add powdered skim milk to Serological Monitoring
the water at the rate of 2.4kg per 1000
litres or 2.4g / 1000ml before adding Serological monitoring is the monitoring
the vaccine. of a flock’s health through submitting
This is necessary to neutralise chlorine, regular blood samples to a vet laboratory.
heavy metals, acidity, alkalinity in the Serological data obtained after the bulk of
water which would otherwise kill the vaccinations have been done at week
vaccine/ reduce its potency. 17-18 is a good method of evaluating the
For treated water immune status of a flock of pullets prior to
• Follow the manufacturer’s recommen production.
dations regarding administration of the Such data also helps to as an immune
vaccine. Some vaccines are sprayed, status baseline for determining whether a
some are given in water, etc. field infection has occurred when produc-
• Do not administer any medications for tion drops are observed.
three days preceding and at least one It is recommended that a flock owner
week after vaccination so as not to inter- submits 25 good serum samples to a
fere with the immune response. laboratory 1-2 weeks prior to the pullets
• You need to deprive the birds of water being placed in the lay house to establish

freedom from certain diseases such as oughout the laying period. The feeder
Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplas- space in the feed trough must be at least
ma synoviae prior to onset of production. 10 centimetres per bird.
Remove feed from the birds for a few

Transfer to Laying hours but continue to provide water.

Use clean, disinfected trucks, crates.
Then move the birds as quietly but as
Houses/Cages quickly as possible.
Preferably do this very early in the morn-
In some cases, rearing/growing houses are ing.
separate from laying houses, which means
that at some point the birds will need to The stage of transferring grower pullets
be transferred from the existing rearing into laying cages or laying house is also
house to laying houses in preparation for the same that must be followed by a
laying. farmer who adopts Model 2 of purchasing
This is also necessary where birds are point of lay pullets from somewhere.
reared in deep litter houses but need to Check that the birds are now sexually
be moved to laying cages. mature by examining their combs/wattles
This is usually done at Week 15 -16. and weight, which should be a minimum
The objective is to ensure that by the time of 1400 grams.
the birds are mature, at 1400-1550grams Do not move any underweight or
live-weight, they are in their right laying under-developed growers to laying
environment. houses. Separate these out until they are
This process needs to be well-prepared fully developed and ready to lay.
for, because birds can easily be stressed.
Transition form Grow to Peak Production
Most important of all, ensure the body
weights for that period have been This is the period in which a layer pullet
achieved before moving them to laying develops from a grower to starting to lay.
houses / cages. During this transition period, the nutrient
Also, check the maturity of the birds by requirements increase dramatically.
examining their combs/wattles. These This is due to the following:
need to have developed well and now
almost bright red. • The rapidly increasing egg production
• The increasing egg size
Preparation for Movement to Lay
• The increasing body weight of the birds.
Prepare the new house and ensure it is
cleaned, disinfected and all the equip- It is therefore important to ensure the
ment, including bedding, is fully installed feed intake is optimal. Take note that feed
and in working order. intake might actually be compromised if
If deep litter, ensure that adequate proper the birds are underweight (less than the
laying nests are installed as well. targeted 1.4-1.55kg). This problem will
Install nests such that 1 nest hole caters also happen if the birds’ uniformity is
for 6 hens and ensure the space allows for poor, or if the environmental tempera-
a stocking density of roughly 6 birds per tures are too high.
square metre. If cages, ensure each layer Therefore, it is critical to closely monitor
is allowed at least 400 square centimetres feed intakes during the transition phase
of cage space at 18 weeks of age and thr- so that adjustments can be done when

appropriate. whatever reason during lay, particularly if
The Profeeds Layer feeds are designed it is properly formulated and mixed.
with this in mind, to ensure that your birds
nutrient requirements are met at this
crucial time. Profeeds Layer
Feeds Management
“During this transiton Pro Chick Starter (18.5% Protein)

period, the nutrient This feed is to be fed to the chicks from

Day Old until they reach 8 weeks of age.
requirement increase This feed is designed to enable the chick
to develop early enough and have the
dramatically.” anatomical and physiological make-up
necessary in later life.
To enable budgeting, you plan on 1.7kg to
2kg per bird for the whole period.
For those with cost-effective good quality
Management of maize, Profeeds have a concentrate
version called Chick Starter Concentrate
Birds During Lay which is mixed with maize in the ratio 2
parts concentrate to 3 parts maize.
Temperature Control Pro Layer Developer Mash (15.5% Protein)
Temperature changes between 21 and 27 This feed is to be fed to the chicks from
degrees Celsius have a minimal effect on the start of the 9th week until they reach
egg production, egg size and shell quality. 18 weeks of age or point of laying. This
Feed conversion improves with higher feed is designed to enable bird to mature
house temperatures and maximum to prepare it for a long laying life.
efficiency is attained in the 21-27 degrees To enable budgeting, you plan on 4.3kg to
Ceslsius range. 4.5kg per bird for the whole period.
As temperature rises, feed consumption For those with cost-effective good quality
decreases and it is necessary to provide a maize, Profeeds have a concentrate
properly formulated diet to achieve version called Layer Developer Concen-
adequate daily nutrient intakes. trate which is mixed with maize in the
If feed intake decreases and the diet is not ratio 2 parts concentrate to 3 parts maize.
adjusted, first egg weight and body weight Remember that when changing over from
will decrease, thereafter the egg number. Chick Starter to Layer Developer, you
need to do it gradually, mixing decreasing
Feed During Lay proportions of the Starter with increasing
The quality of feed during this period proportions of Layer Developer for up to a
must be good, otherwise the birds are week.
sensitive to any poor quality feed by In all cases, you need to be watching the
dropping wither body weight, egg weight weight development of these birds to
or egg number. ensure the weights are on target.
Feed restriction is not recommended for

Layer in Production Mash (16% Protein) ients or intake.
This is the egg production feed and is
designed to support proper egg laying
whilst at the same time maintaining the
Record Keeping
body of the hen in the required condition. Good record keeping is also very import-
This feed is introduced at the expected ant for layer production.
point of lay stage or as soon as the first Again, the records are broadly in two
eggs are dropped. classes: daily flock records and summary
The feed is gradually introduced into the flock records.
flock by mixing it with the Layer Develop-
er over up to 2 weeks. Daily Flock Records
For budgeting purposes, expect a daily
Daily records should be on display for
intake of 110-125 grams per bird per day
each house, and some of the daily records
depending on many factors like weather,
recommended include the following:
stage of laying, body weight, and size.
For those with cost-effective good quality
• Mortality and culls by house
maize, there is a concentrate version of
• Daily feed consumption
this feed called Layer in Production
• Daily water consumption
Concentrate which is mixed with maize in
• Daily egg production
the ratio 2 parts concentrate to 3 parts
• Water to feed ratio
• Water treatments
• Minimum and maximum daily tempera-
Body Weight tures
• Minimum and maximum daily humidity
Monitoring During Lay • Management changes
• Type of culls
From 18 weeks of age to about 27 weeks
Flock Records
of age, the body weights will not give
meaningful data because of the variable Flock summary records are normally a
degree of maturity amongst the birds. summary at the end of the flock and
However, after 27 weeks of age, body include the following:
weights must be taken every two weeks
and compared to breed targets. The • Feed deliveries (Supplier/amount/
objective is to target a continued increase type/date of consumption)
in egg weight and body weight. • Feed sample from each delivery
If body weight does not increase slightly, • Egg production performance
production and egg weight might suffer. • Egg weight
After a flock reaches 36 weeks of age, the • Feed conversion ratios
body weight average should be relatively • Live weight (daily/weekly/daily gain)
stable with only a very gradual increase. • Medication (type/batch/amount/date of
A slight gain in body weight indicates that administration/date of withdrawal)
sufficient nutrients are being consumed • Vaccination (type/batch/amount/date
for maximum performance. If the birds are of administration)
gaining excessively, it indicates that they • Lighting program
are being over-fed o some nutrients. This • Litter (type/date of delivery/amount
then calls for an adjustment of feed nutri- delivered/visual inspection)

• Chick delivery (number/date/time/ bird body weight, egg production (hen
count in boxes/truck temperature and day egg production), egg weight and
humidity) mortality changes as the bird grows.
• Stocking density
• Chick Source (hatchery/breed/donor
breeder code/chick weight)
• Downgrades
• Cleanout (total bacterial counts/visual
• De-worming records – dates and chemi-
• Post-mortem results
• Repairs and maintenance
• Controlling sensors and thermostats
(date calibrated)
• Technical visits
Annual Records
• Water (tested at source and at the
Use of Records
The records obtained from your daily
recording are of no use if they are not
used to better the management.
The first step to this is to compare these
figures with the breed averages as advised
by the breeders of the particular bird.
Each of the breeds of bird has got breed
parameters which every producer must
strive to match and surpass.
For example, there are recommended
weights at various stages of growth of the
bird, expected production levels in terms
of hen day production and hen-housed
performance and egg weight.
It is always better to present these results
in the form of graphs for ease of study by
your management team.
Please check the following graphs and
tables displaying:
• The rearing graph for the average layer
chick from day old up to point of lay for
the breeds H & N, Hy-Line, Novogen
Brown and Lohmann Brown.
• The standard performance graph for
layer birds, indicating roughly how the

10 Point Summary
1. One can get into egg production either by starting off with day
old layer chicks, and raising them through, or by buying-in point
of lay pullets which start laying immediately after.

2. There are four main breeds of layer birds in Zimbabwe: The

Hy-Line, the Novogen Brown, the Lohmann Brown and the H &

3. Each of these birds has been raised for egg production in Zimba-
bwe and they just need to be managed well.

4. Weight management is key to producing good egg-laying birds.

Weight should be monitored during brooding, grow-out and

5. Light management is also key in producing mature, good egg-lay-

ing birds and one must understand this management concept.

6. Profeeds has got a three-phase layer feeding programme which

starts off with Pro Chick Starter Mash, Pro Layer Developer Mash
and Pro Layer in Production Mash. All these feeds have got con
centrate versions for those farmers with good quality maize.

7. Bio-security is vital in managing layers because they are main

tained for a longer period in one place.

8. It is important to understand the vaccination required for your

particular flock from your veterinarian or hatchery partner.

9. It is important to understand the standard weight pattern and the

standard production graphs of layer birds because this is import
ant as a management tool.

10. Records are important for an egg laying enterprise, and these
need to be compared with the breed standards for the bird you

Using this guide will you improve your poultry
project. Feeds on the market are not all the same
and vary in what results they give, and whether
you are getting value for money is a point of con-
At Profeeds we, along with our technicians and
field staff are producing poultry feeds that are
unsurpassed in quality and up with international
trends. Working with our advisors and planning
your projects, will get you the excellent returns
you want from your poultry project.
Should there be further queries dont hesitate to
contact and make use of our proffesional techni-

Head Office, 82 Woolwich Road, Willowvale, Harare @pro_feeds ProfeedsZim

+263 (4) 667173 • 661295 • 666960 • 661048

+263 772 125 422 • +263 772 125 419
Customer Care: +263 772 125 422 (Whatsapp Enabled)

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