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"I think the basic choice before us is-COVID-19 will stay on us for a period of time, a

year or even longer, until a vaccine is found. We cannot close schools for a long time. It

has a long-term effect on our children. This has caused huge social and human costs.

Studies have shown that it can cause students to drop out of school for many years, or

even adulthood. Therefore, we must make every effort to save the school year by

keeping the school open and safe. Next school year." Singapore’s Education Minister

Wang Yegong said in his speech. Ministers also adopted a joint statement at the historic

first ministerial e-forum, sharing the progress made in responding to the COVID-19

pandemic and commending educators and education stakeholders in member states

Efforts to ensure that Southeast Asian learners are not left behind are particularly

lagging behind in these unprecedented times. In the crisis, no Filipino learner will be left

behind. "We provide a variety of menus, and online is not the only answer. There is a fierce

debate in the Philippines on how to use or whether it is really a good teaching method, so we are

online, on TV, we There is a radio. If all other methods fail, the learning modules will be printed

so that these modules can be distributed to various reception stations or distributed to learners by

parents or village leaders."

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