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Test Bank for Anderson’s Nursing

Leadership, Management & Professional

Practice For The LPNLVN In Nursing
School & Beyond 5th Edition, Tamara


Multiple Choice
Chapter 1: Historical Perspective and Current Trends
1. The nursing student predominantly uses knowledge about the history of nursing for what purpose?
1. To understand the professional choices open to the student
2. To prevent making medication errors in practice
3. To determine what geographical area is the best place to practice
4. To reduce the cost of delivering quality healthcare
2. The nurse is working in an underdeveloped country and observes the natives lighting ritual fires and
pounding on primitive drums around the sick person to promote recovery. The nurse interprets this
behavior as indicating the natives believe illness results from what?
1. Pathogens and genetics
2. Evil spirits
3. Tides and planets
4. Plants and animals
3. The person credited with making a written record of healthcare practices and removing the mythical
aspect of healthcare is who?
1. Hammurabi
2. Florence Nightingale
3. Hippocrates
4. Apollo
4. Who served as the first public health nurses, caring for the sick and the poor?
1. The Presbyterian Church
2. Salerno
3. Jewish scholars
4. Convent deaconesses
5. What is a crucial issue the nurse working in the late industrialization era would need to address in
order to promote health?
1. Reducing spread of infection
2. Reducing sedentary lifestyle
3. Teaching proper use of medications
4. Teaching use of car seats
6. What types of skills would a nursing student learn while attending Kaiserworth Deaconess Institution
in 1836?
1. Administering immunizations
2. Assisting in surgery
3. Washing and changing bed linens
4. Developing a plan of care
7. The nurse demonstrates Florence Nightingale’s theory of nursing with what intervention?
1. Respecting the patient’s culture and incorporating cultural needs in the plan of care
2. Promoting good health and treating those who are ill in a holistic manner
3. Understanding how to motivate people to practice a healthy lifestyle and reduce risks
4. Teaching other nurses how to deliver the highest quality of nursing care.
8. What action performed by the nurse directly resulted from the contribution made by Linda Richards?
1. Using an antiseptic before administering an injection
2. Exploring the psychosocial needs of the patient
3. Documenting patient care in the medical record
4. Listening to a patient describe his or her condition
9. After graduating from nursing school, the graduate takes a licensure examination as the result of what
nurse’s contribution?
1. Florence Nightingale
2. Mary Adelaid Nutting
3. Lavinia L. Dock
4. Isabel Hampton Robb
10. In addition to caring for the sick, what other skills would the first LPN students learn when attending
the Ballard School in New York in 1893?
1. Political advocacy
2. Homemaking
3. Communication
4. Carpentry
Chapter 2: Caring as a Personal and Professional Behavior
1. The patient tells the nurse that he has no interest in quitting smoking, even though he knows it is bad
for his health. The nurse demonstrates caring with what response?
1. “If you would rather die young than quit smoking, that is your choice to make.”
2. “Let’s look at ways you could reduce the harm from smoking as much as possible.”
3. “I am going to enroll you in a smoking cessation program and maybe you’ll change your mind.”
4. “Continuing to smoke is your choice but that leaves me no way to help you stay healthy.”
2. The hospital nurse caring for a terminally ill patient who wishes she could see her dog one more time
demonstrates holistic care with what action?
1. Explaining the infection risk associated with animals
2. Arranging for the patient to be discharged to see the dog
3. Explaining the hospital rules against animals
4. Arranging a reunion with the dog in front of the hospital
3. The nurse demonstrates transpersonal caring for patients when maintaining what attitude?
1. Nonjudgmental
2. Detached
3. Loving
4. Friendly
4. The nurse is teaching the newly diagnosed diabetic patient how to provide self-care, and demonstrates
a caring paradigm with what statement?
1. “I want you to check your blood sugar level at 8 a.m., 12 noon, 4 p.m., and 9 p.m.”
2. “Check your blood sugar 4 times a day—before each meal and at bedtime.”
3. “Blood sugar levels are most accurate if taken before meals. Let’s figure out the best times for you.”
4. “Ask your doctor to tell you when to check blood sugar levels each day.”
5. The medical model of nursing is demonstrated when the nurse does what?
1. Takes time to learn more about the patient
2. Sits with a dying patient and holds her hand
3. Administers medications
4. Uses touch as an indication of concern and caring
6. The nursing model of care is demonstrated with what nursing intervention?
1. Administering medications
2. Changing a sterile dressing skillfully
3. Inserting an indwelling catheter using aseptic technique
4. Consoling a fearful mother whose child is in surgery
7. What action would be interpreted as the nurse demonstrating a coparticipative manner?
1. The nurse tells the patient exactly what to do.
2. The nurse works as part of a team with coworkers.
3. The nurse asks the patient to choose activities.
4. The nurse works together with the patient to choose activities.
8. The student nurse demonstrates transpersonal caring in the classroom with what action?
1. Correcting a comment made by another student in front of the class
2. Earning A’s in every class test and assignment
3. Leading most discussions and offering opinions on each question asked
4. Encouraging shy class members to share their thoughts and ideas
9. What is the term used by Florence Nightingale that is similar to Watson’s transpersonal caring?
1. Patient-centered care
2. Holistic nursing care
3. Spiritual care
4. Transcultural care
10. The nurse demonstrates the concept of caritas with what intervention?
1. Holding the patient’s hand while undergoing a painful procedure
2. Requesting an order for a low pressure bed to prevent decubitus ulcers
3. Using sterile technique when changing IV tubing
4. Ordering a low-sodium diet for the patient with heart failure
Chapter 3: Understanding the Changing Roles in Nursing
1. The nurse is teaching a group about paradigm thinking and defines it as what?
1. One’s mathematical knowledge and ability to solve math problems
2. The ability to see 20 feet away without wearing glasses
3. An individual’s perception or frame of reference about the world
4. A nurse’s ability to solve patient-care problems
2. Most nursing paradigms are based on what?
1. The nurse’s ability to perform procedures with skill
2. Dr. Jean Watson’s transpersonal caring theory
3. Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs
4. Learning by studying nursing theories and clinical experiences
3. The increasing use of licensed practical nurses (LPNs) in management positions, especially in long-
term care facilities, is an example of what?
1. Assertive management
2. A shifting paradigm
3. Critical thinking
4. Smarter LPN graduates
4. Why is critical thinking necessary for the nurse to identify and understand paradigms that exist in
nursing practice?
1. Critical thinking allows the nurse to make superficial decisions.
2. Critical thinking allows the nurse to thoroughly examine situations and issues.
3. Critical thinking provides the nurse with quick answers.
4. Critical thinking allows the nurse to accept information without needing to check its validity.
5. The nurse values respect for the individual, more than anything else, as defining high-quality patient
care. What does this describe about the nurse?
1. Critical thinking
2. Caritas
3. Paradigm
4. Hierarchy of needs
6. The nurse reads a peer-reviewed nursing journal article that recommends changing the procedure for
caring for a patient with an indwelling urinary catheter. The nurse displays critical thinking with what
1. Changing how the nurse provides care for a patient with an indwelling catheter according to the
2. Taking the journal article to the nurse manager and suggesting the procedure be rewritten
3. Searching for other peer-reviewed articles that support this author’s recommendation
4. Ignoring the article and following the procedure as written at the facility where the nurse works
7. The nurse applies Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to what aspect of care?
1. Judging the patient’s behavior
2. Improving the skillfulness of care
3. Understanding the patient’s behavior
4. Improving communication skills
8. The nurse is caring for a patient who has just received a cancer diagnosis. The patient is crying. The
nurse recognizes this patient is operating on what level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
1. Self-esteem
2. Love and belonging
3. Safety
4. Self-actualization
9. The caring LPN manager avoids what approach when dealing with staff?
1. Delegating
2. Understanding
3. Judging
4. Evaluating
10. The student nurse experiences a paradigm shift as a result of increasing knowledge and finds the
result of the shift is what?
1. Life changing
2. Temporary
3. Short-lived
4. Overwhelming
Chapter 4: Healthcare Environment
1. Which statement about the U.S. healthcare system made by the nurse is untrue and inaccurate?
1. There is no central agency to govern healthcare systems.
2. Access to healthcare is available to all persons regardless of ability to pay.
3. Legal risk must be considered when providing healthcare.
4. High-tech equipment is available but payment for its use is troublesome to the system.
2. Why is it important for nurses to have some understanding of healthcare issues in the United States?
1. The nurse has the responsibility of doing the paperwork related to the patient’s insurance.
2. Reimbursement often influences the services that can be offered to the public.
3. The LPN will determine the quality of care to deliver based on the patient’s insurance.
4. The practical nurse cannot graduate until proficiency on this topic is displayed.
3. The nurse is attending a class on insurance and learns about Medicaid, which is financed by what part
of the government?
1. State
2. Federal
3. County
4. State and federal
4. What is a major source of stress on the current U.S. healthcare system?
1. Rising cost of providing healthcare to all citizens
2. Lack of adequate education for healthcare professionals
3. Inadequate number of hospital beds across the country
4. Increasing cost of malpractice insurance
5. What role is not appropriate for the LPN to participate in?
1. Administering medications
2. Dressing changes
3. Designing a research study
4. Reporting patient changes
6. The patient asks the nurse how most people can afford medical insurance. The nurse explains many
people get medical insurance from what source?
1. The primary care physician
2. The local clinic
3. Social security office
4. The employer
7. The patient tells the nurse that his insurance company requires him to pick a primary provider and
asks what that means. The nurse explains that a primary provider means choosing what?
1. A doctor
2. A staff nurse
3. One insurance provider
4. A hospital
8. The LPN requires what skills to successfully manage care?
1. The ability to organize and prioritize tasks
2. The ability to work weekends and off shifts
3. The ability to develop a comprehensive care plan
4. Close relationship with the supervising RN
9. The nurse is caring for a patient who will be discharged from acute care to home. How can the nurse
best advocate for this client?
1. Arranging for Meals on Wheels to provide in-home meals
2. Administering pain medication prior to discharge
3. Teaching a client how to take medications at home
4. Taking the client by wheelchair to the car
10. What patient would be appropriately transferred to an assisted living facility by the nurse?
1. The patient requiring ongoing skilled-nursing observation
2. The patient recovered enough to return to work and daily life
3. The child burned in a fire who lost both parents to the tragedy
4. The patient who needs minimal assistance in performing activities of daily living but cannot live
Chapter 5: Nursing and Informatics
1. The nurse delivers safer healthcare using electronic medical records because of what feature?
1. Accessibility of medical record by multiple people
2. Improved accuracy in reading documentation
3. Tighter control of data privacy
4. Lowers cost of care delivery
2. The nurse demonstrates compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) with what action?
1. Logging off the computer before walking away
2. Entering data as soon as it is collected
3. Verifying all medication dosages are within normal range
4. Remembering to charge for all equipment used
3. The nurse protects against self-injury when working with the computer by performing what action?
1. Maintaining the security of the password
2. Using the computer only for work related tasks
3. Becoming familiar with facility policy regarding computer use
4. Maintaining good body mechanics when sitting at the computer
4. How can the nurse reduce the spread of infection related to the use of the computer?
1. By cleaning the mouse and keyboard regularly
2. By turning the monitor so it cannot be seen by visitors
3. By using good body mechanics when sitting at the computer
4. By becoming familiar with facility policies regarding data entry
5. The nurse is sitting down to prepare a presentation on risk reduction in the long-term care facility.
What is the first thing the nurse should do?
1. Develop an outline of information to be included
2. Find research articles containing the necessary information
3. State the objectives
4. Plan the ending of the presentation
6. When creating the introduction to a presentation, what is the nurse’s goal?
1. Staying within the designated time frame
2. Grabbing the audience’s attention
3. Not overwhelming the audience with content
4. Providing references
7. The nurse talks to the nurse manager to suggest making changes to the way a procedure is performed,
and the manager asks if this change is evidence-based. What does the manager mean by evidence-based?
1. Research findings or other reliable evidence show that the change is appropriate.
2. Another facility is doing it in the manner proposed by the nurse.
3. The nurse performed the procedure the suggested way while in nursing school.
4. Several nurses discussed the new way to perform the procedure and agree it would be better.
8. The nurse assesses the patient’s health literacy through what action?
1. Teaching the patient about health issues and assessing learning
2. Watching the patient read a brochure containing health information
3. Obtaining agreement from the patient to read health information they are given
4. Quizzing the patient about their health knowledge
9. What is the nurse manager likely to use in order to manage numerical data?
1. Statistical analysis
2. Word processors
3. Spreadsheets
4. Graphed tablets
10. The nurse manager is working on compiling a budget for the next fiscal year. What software will
work best for this purpose?
1. Word processor
2. Internet explorer
3. Presentation software
4. Spreadsheet software
Chapter 6: Fulfill Your Role as a Student
1. How does the student nurse best prepare for the clinical experience?
1. Practice and review procedure for performing skills
2. Review class notes for the past week
3. Walk through the clinical facility
4. Show up for clinical 1 hour early
2. The student nurse is working in the clinical facility and learns a family member has been admitted to
the same facility. What statement is true about the student’s access to the family member’s medical
1. The student may access the family member’s medical record as a nurse in the facility.
2. The student nurse should not access the family member’s record until obtaining instructor’s approval.
3. The student may access the family member’s medical record because of the family relationship.
4. The student nurse should not view the record unless they are providing care for the family member.
3. The student nurse is able to perform at his or her physical and emotional best by taking what action?
1. Get adequate exercise.
2. Eat plenty of carbohydrates the day before.
3. Drink caffeinated beverages before clinical.
4. Study late into the night to be prepared.
4. The nurse demonstrates therapeutic use of self when performing what nursing intervention?
1. Sitting with a dying patient
2. Attending class
3. Studying for a test
4. Learning the nursing code of ethics
5. The student nurse gains what type of knowledge in the pathophysiology classroom?
1. Aesthetic
2. Empirical
3. Ethical
4. Personal
6. What is the primary way the student nurse gains personal knowing?
1. Arriving at every class on time
2. Never missing a clinical experience
3. Taking religious classes
4. Self-evaluation and conscious examination
7. The student nurse has a question about the requirements of an upcoming assignment. What should the
student nurse do first?
1. Send an email to the instructor.
2. Review the syllabus.
3. Ask a peer for help.
4. Call a nurse on the clinical unit.
8. The student nurse is listening to a lecture and becomes confused. Looking around the room the
student sees everyone else is nodding in understanding. What should the student do first?
1. Ask for clarification.
2. Wait and read the material tonight after class.
3. Ask peers during the next break to explain the material.
4. Wait until after class to talk to the instructor privately.
9. The student nurse demonstrates percolated thinking by doing what?
1. Reading the assigned material as soon as it is assigned
2. Practicing skills in the skills lab an hour before testing
3. Following a healthy diet and exercising regularly
4. Studying the night before the test
10. A classmate asks the student nurse how to make a flashcard. What is the student nurse’s most
accurate response?
1. Write all the information about a topic on the front of the card.
2. Write a list of key terms on the front of the card.
3. Write a question about a key topic on the front and the answer on the back.
4. Use different colored cards for each topic discussed in class.
Chapter 7: The Importance of Critical Thinking
1. The nurse considers a problem and arrives at one possible solution. What should the nurse do next?
1. Apply the solution to the problem.
2. Continue looking for other solutions.
3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.
4. Ask others for their opinion of the solution.
2. What skill will the nurse need to be an effectively thorough thinker?
1. Quick thinking
2. Sharpened intuition
3. Proactive thinking
4. Creative thinking
3. The nurse displays the essence of critical thinking by doing what?
1. Having all the answers
2. Accepting what is read as true
3. Asking questions
4. Sharpening intuition
4. The instructor asks the student nurse a question, and the student responds by saying, “I studied, but I
don’t know the answer to that question.” The student is displaying what?
1. Thorough thinking
2. Creative thinking
3. Reactive thinking
4. Critical thinking
5. The nurse listens as a patient relates having multiple abortions. While the nurse does not personally
believe abortion should be legal, the nurse respects the patient’s beliefs and opinion. What is this nurse
1. Tolerance
2. Shyness
3. Bigotry
4. Serendipity
6. Critical thinking is of most value to the nurse who is doing what?
1. Performing a procedure by following the steps in the procedure manual
2. Making decisions about how to handle a patient-based situation
3. Documenting patient care delivered over the past hour
4. Holding the hand of a dying patient who is alone
7. What situation demonstrates that the nurse is thinking critically?
1. Questioning a physician regarding the rationale for an order
2. Performing CPR on a pulseless patient who is not breathing
3. Teaching coworkers how to use a new piece of equipment
4. Attending class on time every day
8. The nurse is dealing with a problem at work and has been focused on finding solutions. After a good
night’s sleep the nurse wakes with a solution. How did sleeping help the nurse solve the problem?
1. It was focus time.
2. It was letting-go time.
3. It was time for creative thinking.
4. It provided serendipity.
9. The nurse is one of five nurses selected to brainstorm solutions to a problem on the unit. The group
sits quietly to relax for two minutes, then sets a time. What will the group do next?
1. Have someone write down all ideas produced by the group.
2. Review all of the ideas generated by the group.
3. Eliminate ideas that are not usable.
4. Begin to prioritize workable solutions.
10. The nurse is trying to solve a problem and begins by brainstorming, being as creative as possible.
Next the nurse looks at all of the ideas to determine if there are any workable solutions in the written
list. The nurse decides to take a break from problem solving and returns after a pleasant afternoon with
friends to think about the problem more. Which of these actions demonstrates letting go?
1. Brainstorming
2. Reviewing written list for workable solution
3. Spending the afternoon with friends
4. Returning to the problem
Chapter 8: Entry into Practice
1. The student nurse is applying knowledge learned in class to the care of a patient. What type of
knowledge is the student nurse using?
1. Knowing that
2. Knowing how
3. Knowing why
4. Knowing when
2. After the student graduates and begins to practice the healing art in the real world of nursing, he or
she develops what type of knowledge?
1. Knowing that
2. Knowing how
3. Knowing why
4. Knowing when
3. The actual practice of nursing requires extensive use of what type of knowledge?
1. Knowing that
2. Knowing how
3. Knowing why
4. Knowing when
4. The physician asks the nurse to perform a procedure. The nurse is unsure whether nurses are allowed
to perform this procedure. What is the nurse’s best source of information to determine whether the
procedure can legally be performed by the nurse?
1. Ask another nurse with more experience
2. Nurse Practice Act
3. Call the nursing instructor
4. Call any school of nursing
5. The nurse was originally licensed in one state and is accepting a job in a different state. What
statement regarding the nurse’s practice in the new state is accurate?
1. Every state’s Nurse Practice Act is the same so the nurse’s practice will not change.
2. The nurse will need to take the NCLEX-PN again in the new state.
3. The nurse is responsible for understanding the Nurse Practice Act in the new state.
4. The nurse will need to take a quiz regarding differences in the Nurse Practice Act in the new state.
6. The nurse working in the long-term care facility reviews a physician order that the nurse feels is
unsafe. The physician is contacted and upholds the order. What should the nurse do?
1. Carry out the order and document the order was questioned with the physician.
2. Refuse to carry out the order and document the rationale for why it was not done.
3. Consult the RN supervisor and explain the situation and the physician’s response.
4. Explain the dilemma to the patient and ask the patient to give permission for the order to be done.
7. What level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is most threatened when the new graduate nurse begins
1. Physiological needs
2. Safety needs
3. Love and belonging needs
4. Self-actualization needs
8. The LPN is offered a job working alone in an office treating patients. The only coworkers the nurse
will have are secretarial and billing clerks. What will the nurse need to ask about this job to determine if
it is in compliance with the Nurse Practice Act?
1. Is there an RN or physician who will supervise the LPN?
2. Is there adequate financial compensation for the work expected?
3. Will the LPN be supervising the secretaries and billing clerks?
4. How long will the LPN need to work before receiving a raise?
9. A new graduate accepts a job that provides a strong support system, giving the nurse a sense of what?
1. Financial security
2. Safety
3. Love and sense of belonging
4. Health and well being
10. The new graduate would like to work on an obstetrics unit in the local hospital. After applying for
several jobs, the long-term care facility offers the graduate a position caring for older residents. What is
the nurse’s best action?
1. Thank the facility for the job offer but explain that caring for older adults is not the job desired.
2. Take the job caring for older adults temporarily until a better job in the desired field is offered.
3. Refuse the job by explaining that another job has been offered to avoid hurting feelings.
4. Accept the job and work there for one or two years to gain experience before applying for a different
Chapter 9: Employment Process
1. You have graduated and passed your National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). You are
now a licensed practical nurse (LPN) and are searching for a job. Your employer will have certain
expectations of you as a potential employee. One of those important expectations is that you:
1. are highly skilled in all aspects of patient care.
2. show loyalty to the institution and its leaders.
3. can perform highly skilled procedures, such as administration of IV and morphine.
4. graduated with straight As.
2. How might a prospective employee get an unbiased view of expectations of a future employer?
1. Take an informal tour of the facility.
2. Read the employer’s advertisement for jobs.
3. Ask someone who is currently employed there.
4. Read newspaper articles about the facility.
3. A nurse should only make one application for employment at a time to prevent multiple job offers and
unrealistic expectations of prospective employers.
1. Absolutely, the nurse should focus on the application for the most desired job.
2. Yes, working on multiple applications can be confusing.
3. No, the nurse should send out several job applications to provide more opportunity for securing a
4. Possibly, but only if the nurse has already been promised that job.
4. After you have sent out your letter of application and a resume, it is recommended that you follow up
with a(n):
1. thank-you note.
2. phone call.
3. e-mail.
4. 1 and 2
5. The letter of application should be written as a(n):
1. e-mail.
2. informal letter.
3. business letter.
4. form letter.
6. Just as important as the content of the resume is the:
1. appearance.
2. color of the paper.
3. color of the ink.
4. number of pages.
7. A letter of application should:
1. contain only one paragraph of introduction.
2. be written in bullet format.
3. be no longer than one page.
4. include a personal photograph.
8. A resume should include:
1. all jobs ever held.
2. jobs that are relevant to the job for which you are applying.
3. hobbies.
4. religious affiliation.
9. There are many things you can do to prepare for your job interview. Which of the following is critical
to success of the interview?
1. Arriving 45 minutes early
2. Wearing a nursing uniform to the interview
3. Chewing gum to freshen breath
4. Your clothing and general appearance
10. It is suggested that you practice which skills prior to your interview?
1. Nursing skills
2. Writing skills
3. Entrance skills
4. Math skills
Chapter 10: Leadership and Management as a Professional Concept
1. Which comes first?
1. Management
2. Leadership
3. Organization
4. Participation
2. There are different types of leaders. Which of the following is an (are) example(s) of a type of leader?
1. Formal
2. Natural born
3. Educated
4. Informal
5. 1 and 4
3. In healthcare, a name commonly given to a formal leader is:
1. executive.
2. chief officer.
3. administrator.
4. manager.
4. An example of an informal leader in nursing is:
1. a nurse manager.
2. a team leader.
3. a director of nursing.
4. a competent staff nurse.
5. Which of the following is not a leader’s job?
1. Interview and hire new employees
2. Establish goals for the organization
3. Execute goals
4. The ability to anticipate changes in healthcare
6. Which of the following is a function of a nurse manager?
1. Determine employees’ schedules
2. Develop individual goals
3. Give direct care to patients on a daily basis
4. Teach student nurses in the clinical area
7. An autocratic leader is likely to:
1. seek the employee’s input.
2. be committed to what is best for the group.
3. allow workers to go ahead without direction.
4. make decisions independently.
8. Another term for a participative leader is:
1. democratic.
2. multicratic.
3. autocratic.
4. laissez-faire.
9. What will happen if you get involved in a power struggle with an autocratic leader?
1. You will win and your ideas will get praise from your leader.
2. Your individual needs will be met.
3. You and the organization will lose.
4. You will be seen as an individual.
10. Which of the following often results with a laissez-faire leader?
1. Job satisfaction
2. Chaos in the system
3. A free exchange of ideas
4. Every person is seen as an individual.
Chapter 11: Communication Skills in Leadership and Management
1. Therapeutic communication is used when:
1. you ask another student to explain the action of carbamazepine (Tegretol) to you.
2. you spend time talking to patients about their feelings and listening to their concerns.
3. you listen carefully while the doctor explains to you what is to be done for your patient.
4. you and your patient talk about the results of Sunday’s football game.
2. When effective communication occurs, which of the following is true?
1. The message is understood by the sender and the receiver.
2. The message is fully understood by the receiver.
3. The message is fully understood by the sender.
4. Communication is effective by telling someone what to do.
3. You are a charge nurse in a long-term care facility and you have to talk to Betty, a certified nursing
assistant, about the care of one of her residents. You and Betty sit in your office, and as you begin to talk
with her, she becomes very angry and storms out of the office. What has taken place?
1. Successful communication
2. Social communication
3. Honest communication
4. Failed communication
4. In which of the following situations could failed communication occur?
1. Your instructor tells you to perform a procedure but does not let you ask questions.
2. A family member yells at you because you forgot to go to the dry cleaners.
3. The patient begins to cry when you are caring for them.
4. All of the above.
5. Which of the following situations best describes feedback?
1. The answers the patient gives to your questions.
2. The patient explains what another nurse taught him.
3. The doctor gives you an order and leaves the unit.
4. You recognize the patient does not speak English well, but you explain and hope for the best.
6. Which of the following best describes the most honest form of communication?
1. Your body language as you explain the dressing change you are doing
2. The instructions you give the patient on his or her discharge from the hospital
3. Listening to your instructor as he or she explains directions for the test
4. Talking with your friends at lunch about your final exam results
7. As a manager, it is important for you to develop skills in:
1. social communication with your staff.
2. understanding nonverbal messages from those you manage.
3. understanding nonverbal messages from both those you manage and your leaders.
4. therapeutic communication with patients.
8. Which of the following types of communication often is not a natural behavior for nurses?
1. Assertive communication
2. Aggressive communication
3. Caring communication
4. Subjective communication
9. In the profession of nursing, it is necessary to develop:
1. leadership skills.
2. management skills.
3. assertiveness.
4. aggressive techniques.
10. The use of “I” messages by the nurse means that the nurse has developed the ability to:
1. be assertive.
2. manage others.
3. give excellent directions.
4. be a leader.
Chapter 12: Considering Culture
1. Which of the following is not an example of culture?
1. A family places shoes outside their door the night before Christmas for St. Nikolas.
2. A Jewish family keeps a kosher home.
3. Native Americans are at greater risk for diabetes mellitus.
4. A Mexican girl celebrates her womanhood with a special event in her honor.
2. Nursing culture in the 21st century promotes which concept?
1. Caring
2. White uniforms
3. Nursing caps
4. Subservience to doctors
3. The growing number of elderly in our population is primarily due to:
1. global warming.
2. more people are graduating from college.
3. improved healthcare.
4. Social Security and Medicare.
4. Cultural competence means the nurse will
1. have a general understanding of four or more common cultures.
2. be able to speak more than one language.
3. develop care plans that incorporate a patient’s cultural traits.
4. be accepting of cultural differences of patients and coworkers.
5. The majority of North Americans belong to which cultural group?
1. Asian
2. Native American/Indian
3. European
4. African
6. Which of the following comments by the nurse demonstrates cultural sensitivity?
1. “I ordered you a kosher meal since you are Jewish.”
2. “I saw in your chart you are Jewish. Do you prefer a kosher meal?”
3. “What do Jewish people eat?”
4. “I am Jewish too, so I know you want to keep kosher.”
7. Which action by a nurse is necessary to provide culturally competent care?
1. Acceptance of the beliefs and characteristics of a patient
2. Participation in rituals and prayers of a patient
3. Knowledge of customs of a patient
4. Allowing all practices requested by a patient
8. A nurse manager will not allow a Muslim nurse to wear a head covering while on duty. This is an
example of:
1. cultural blindness.
2. ethnocentrism.
3. cultural shock.
4. cultural competence.
9. Which of the following examples best describes the concept of ethnocentrism?
1. Requesting people to remove their shoes prior to entering a Buddhist temple
2. Providing a head covering for men and women entering a Jewish synagogue.
3. Recognizing only religions that believe in Jesus as the Savior.
4. Bowing the head instead of kneeling in a Catholic church.
10. Which of the following examples best demonstrates the concept of cultural imposition?
1. Offering spicy foods to the sick
2. Baptizing comatose patients without family approval
3. Asking a patient what they think caused their cancer
4. Helping a son plan funeral arrangements for his father
Chapter 13: Understanding Benefits of Change
1. Which of the following is one reason why nurses often resist change?
1. A lack of assertiveness
2. The history of nursing
3. Many nurses are passive–aggressive.
4. Change often does not work.
2. Which of the following is a characteristic of effective people?
1. Opportunity-oriented
2. Problem-oriented
3. Management-oriented
4. People-oriented
3. Another term for accidental change is:
1. unintentional change.
2. unplanned change.
3. short-term change.
4. change by drift.
4. Planned change usually comes from which of the following people?
1. An individual supervisor
2. An administrator
3. An administrative group
4. The director of nursing
5. Kurt Lewin’s theory of change involves three phases. He called these three phases unfreezing,
moving, and __.
1. refreezing
2. completed
3. restraining
4. driving
6. Forces that tell you not to take part in certain behaviors are:
1. subjective forces.
2. restraining forces.
3. objective forces.
4. good forces.
7. Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) need to be able to identify both driving and restraining forces
because they:
1. allow the LPN to be a better nurse.
2. allow the LPN to be a better manager.
3. are key factors in making planned changes.
4. allow the LPN to be more qualified for a job.
8. Making a planned change in your job depends on your ability to:
1. be selective in your choices.
2. be the first to apply for a position.
3. effectively use your network.
4. make meaningful decisions.
9. Your long-term care facility is making a change to the team method of caregiving. Administration
holds planning meetings for all shifts and keeps all involved employees informed in writing, as well.
Which of the following explains the actions of the administrator?
1. Planned change
2. Unfreezing
3. Refreezing
4. Moving
10. What has happened in the process of refreezing?
1. The change has occurred and has been formalized.
2. The change has met resistance and has been suspended.
3. The change has been discussed but has not been implemented.
4. All driving and restraining forces have been identified.
Chapter 14: Setting Meaningful Priorities
1. A nursing student’s friends ask her to go on a weekend camping trip. The student has a major exam
on Monday. In helping set personal priorities, what should be considered?
1. The student’s diminishing finances, which must last throughout the semester.
2. The student’s parents’ pride in her academic success.
3. The student’s personal stress level as finals grades are approaching.
4. The student’s friends, who have supported her in the past.
2. Which of the following statements is true about your personal mission statement?
1. It remains unchanged throughout your life.
2. It defines your relationship with society.
3. It describes your purpose in life.
4. It requires knowledge of triage and disaster planning.
3. When setting nursing priorities, which factors must be considered?
1. Compassion and patient needs
2. Patient and family requests
3. Physician’s orders and patient status
4. Knowledge base and nursing theories
4. The nurse has given report to the oncoming nurse. She must clock out in 10 minutes to avoid
overtime, which has been looked upon as poor time management and discouraged by nursing
administration. The oncoming nurse has been called away. A client who has experienced ineffective
pain management during the shift is due for more medication and requests it. What is the nurse’s
decision-making regarding personal priorities based on?
1. Alternative plans to meet all of the objectives
2. A strong knowledge base
3. Input from others
4. A personal value system
5. You have received oncoming report. Using concepts of Maslow and Watson for priority setting,
which client would you assess first?
1. A diabetic patient with a newly diagnosed foot ulcer
2. A patient who is 3-days postoperative following abdominal surgery with no bowel sounds
3. An asthmatic pediatric patient with expiratory wheezing
4. A cardiac client who had chest pain relieved after the third nitroglycerin 1 hour ago.
6. How does priority setting in your personal setting differ from a clinical setting?
1. Priority setting in a personal setting requires teamwork.
2. Priority setting in a personal setting requires advanced planning.
3. Priority setting in a clinical setting requires teamwork.
4. Priority setting in a clinical setting requires advanced planning.
7. Your hospital has moved from paper and pen documentation to computerized documentation.
Although you have attended the required training session, you still feel it takes longer and is not as
descriptive. What is your best response?
1. Continue charting using paper and pen.
2. Ask another nurse to chart for you in exchange for you passing her medications.
3. Resign and look for another job at a hospital with a paper documentation system.
4. Ask your supervisor for additional training on computerized documentation.
8. The nurse is caring for a client admitted for complications following an abortion. The nurse values
adoption over abortion. How will the nurse best serve this patient?
1. Discussing her feeling about adoption with the client
2. Asking the charge nurse for an alternate assignment
3. Clustering care so she will not have to go into the room often
4. Ask the local chapter of Planned Parenthood to meet with the client.
9. A single mother is staying with her 8-month-old daughter, admitted for dehydration secondary to
gastroenteritis. After the third hospital day, the exhausted mother states she would like to go home to
shower and get clean clothes, but she does not want to leave her daughter. The nurse should:
1. inquire if another family member is available to stay in her absence.
2. offer to stay with her child while the mother is gone.
3. advise the mother to wait until the child falls asleep before she leaves.
4. suggest that someone bring the mother clothes and tell her she can shower at the hospital.
10. Which of the following makes decision making during an emergency more difficult?
1. The institution’s policies and procedures may not address the specific issue.
2. The situation may fit Watson’s but not Maslow’s theory.
3. The consequences to each decision are not known.
4. The decision may conflict with the nurse’s personal values.
Chapter 15: Welcome to Conflict
1. Poorly managed conflict:
1. is inevitable.
2. is a result of putting nurses in management roles.
3. results in lowered productivity.
4. is caused by autocratic managers.
2. Well-managed conflict:
1. can stimulate competition.
2. identifies legitimate differences.
3. serves as a strong motivator for employees.
4. All of the above are correct.
3. Conflict is best handled by:
1. managing it.
2. avoidance behavior.
3. aggressive management.
4. passive management.
4. Category-two conflict, or mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives,
wishes, or internal or external demands, is best demonstrated by which scenario?
1. Students compete for front-row seating in the classroom.
2. A student disagrees with an instructor’s point of view.
3. A student is unhappy with her clinical assignment due to attitudes of staff.
4. Two nurses bicker over who gets which patient assignments.
5. Category-three conflict is best demonstrated by which scenario?
1. Students compete to register early for favorite classes.
2. Two nurse’s aides argue about whose turn it is to take care of a belligerent patient.
3. A husband and wife argue about the time the wife spends on her nursing studies.
4. Faculty compete for merit raises.
6. In order for you to understand conflict, you must be able to:
1. quickly judge the behavior of those involved.
2. identify the conflict and its category.
3. manage the conflict yourself.
4. realize that conflict is inevitable.
7. A strong and frequent cause of conflict for licensed practical nurses (LPNs) is:
1. scarce resources.
2. family problems.
3. unclear roles.
4. competition among staff nurses.
8. As an LPN charge nurse, one of the best actions you can take when there is a problem of scarce
resources is to:
1. be proactive and manage potential conflict.
2. wait until a decision has to be made.
3. keep everyone at a distance.
4. do nothing and wait until your supervisor gives you directions.
9. The most effective way for you, the charge nurse, to manage perceived conflict is to:
1. wait until the argument takes place, because you are only relying on your feelings.
2. have individual conversations with those you think sense these feelings.
3. bring everyone together in the same meeting to express feelings.
4. be aggressive in getting answers to your questions.
10. The greatest cause of conflict is:
1. uncaring and aggressive nurses.
2. managers who distance themselves.
3. an unresolved conflict.
4. a manager who uses win–lose strategies.
Chapter 16: Dealing with Chaos
1. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Newtonian Age?
1. Industrialization
2. Chaos
3. Organization
4. Unpredictability
2. Newtonian nurses are considered to be good at:
1. following orders and taking direction.
2. creative problem-solving.
3. focusing on patient outcome.
4. taking time to sit with families and provide emotional support.
3. With quantum mechanics, humans recognize:
1. orderliness.
2. mechanization.
3. structure.
4. the dynamics of life and its living qualities.
4. New Science nursing is:
1. procedure oriented.
2. focused on person outcomes.
3. focused on rules and regulations.
4. time-oriented.
5. The New Science Age stresses:
1. predictability.
2. empowerment for everyone.
3. order.
4. paperwork.
6. Much of the chaos that is present in healthcare comes from:
1. the mix of Newtonian and New Science nurses and doctors.
2. the demands of health maintenance organizations.
3. the lack of healthcare coverage for many Americans.
4. the opposition of some physicians to the insurance companies.
7. You are working as a staff nurse on a 20-bed medical-surgical unit in the hospital. One of the
registered nurses (RNs) called in sick, no unit secretary has arrived, doctors have been in early, and a
stack of charts needs attention. In addition, there are some very ill patients who require immediate
attention. The staff currently consists of one RN, you (the licensed practical nurse [LPN]), and two
certified nursing assistants (CNAs). A unit secretary has been promised but has not come yet. Which of
the following terms best describes the situation?
1. Newtonian
2. Empowerment
3. Chaos
4. Quantum mechanics
8. When chaos exists in your work situation, what will happen?
1. Total disruption of patient care
2. People will self-organize
3. Failure of the staff to cooperate with each other
4. The nurse manager will delegate certain functions
9. A New Science nurse manager provides which of the following environments for employees?
1. Controlled
2. Relaxed
3. Empowering
4. Pleasant
10. Licensed nurses have the authority to delegate duties. Which of the following gives nurses that
1. The state health department
2. The Nurse Practice Act
3. The American Hospital Association
4. The American Nurses Association
Chapter 17: Ethics and Law in Nursing Management
1. The theory of utilitarianism states that an ethical decision is based on the greatest good for the greatest
number of people. This theory often leaves out which of the following groups?
1. Elderly people
2. Those who are in a minority
3. Patients who, for the most part, can independently care for themselves
4. Certain ethnic groups
2. You are a nurse manager on the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. You periodically make rounds, observing and
checking on your staff and residents. You do this on a regular basis throughout your shift because:
1. your facility requires you to do so.
2. the policy manual states this as a regulation.
3. you are responsible for the behavior of those you manage.
4. state law requires this action.
3. Your orientation as a nurse manager in a long-term care facility was done quickly. You are unsure of
some of the regulations relating to your new position. As a responsible nurse manager, what should you
do to remedy this situation?
1. Review your agency regulations and know the Nurse Practice Act.
2. When a situation comes up, ask the staff what the normal procedure is.
3. Call the state board of nursing.
4. Call the state department of health.
4. You are a student practical nurse assigned to a medical-surgical unit. The night before going to the
clinical area, you are very tired and fail to look up your patient’s diagnosis as assigned. Which of the
following is appropriate?
1. Ask your friend to quickly give you the information during shift report.
2. Look up the information while your patient is eating breakfast.
3. Use break time to get the information you need.
4. Tell your instructor what happened as soon as you arrive in the clinical area.
5. You are an LPN employed in your first job. A resident complains to you about the care and
incompetence of a nurse on the previous shift. Which of the following actions is most appropriate?
1. Discuss the situation with another staff member.
2. Argue with the resident.
3. Agree with the resident.
4. Report the incident to your head nurse or supervisor.
6. Ethical dilemmas are situations that result in a _ of two or more fundamental values.
1. conflict
2. blending
3. change
4. discussion
7. Your classmate, who is also a good friend, tells you this morning that she didn’t have time to study
for the anatomy and physiology test because her daughter was sick all night. She sits next to you in class
and asks you to position your answer sheet so that she can copy your answers. You reply that you are
very sorry, but that you do not feel it would be appropriate behavior to do so. You suggest that your
friend talk to the instructor to see if she can take the test at a later time. Your actions exhibit:
1. ethical behavior.
2. unethical behavior.
3. abuse of power.
4. deontology.
8. Another term for ethical behavior is:
1. mandatory.
2. lawful.
3. appropriate.
4. ideal.
9. David, a student practical nurse, is bathing Mr. Smith. He puts on gloves to brush Mr. Smith’s
dentures and keeps the same gloves on throughout the bath. His reasoning is that he will be able to get
the bath finished more quickly and allow Mr. Smith to rest. This is an example of:
1. ethical behavior.
2. unethical behavior.
3. abuse of power.
4. deontology.
10. You make an error while caring for a patient. Which of the following is the appropriate person to
whom to report the mistake?
1. Your classmate
2. Wait until you go off duty and then report the error to your instructor.
3. Report the error to your instructor immediately.
4. Leave your clinical area immediately and go see the director of the nursing program.
Chapter 18: Understanding Use of Power
1. Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) should use what kind of power at the bedside?
1. Professional power
2. Personal power
3. Reward power
4. Expert power
2. There is a chain of command in every facility where nurses are employed. Which of the following
terms refers to that chain?
1. Administrative levels
2. Managerial chain
3. Chain of power
4. Administrative chain
3. The strongest power base for nursing is:
1. reward power.
2. information power.
3. personal power.
4. expert power.
4. Susie has just become an LPN and is at her first job on a geriatric transitional unit as a staff nurse.
Mary, an expert geriatric nurse, has been asked to mentor Susie. What functions will Mary perform to
best help Susie as she begins this job?
1. Direct and evaluate Susie’s care.
2. Support and teach Susie.
3. Observe Susie for mistakes.
4. Wait to help until Susie asks for it.
5. With some nurse managers, reward power can be:
1. supportive.
2. legitimate.
3. manipulative.
4. a failure.
6. Manipulative use of reward power turns into:
1. coercion.
2. anger.
3. frustration.
4. powerlessness.
7. As an LPN, how should you view information coming from your manager on changes in your nursing
unit, as compared with information from your best friend, who is also a staff nurse?
1. Trust your friend; she really knows the truth about the changes.
2. Compare your friend’s information to the information from other staff.
3. Trust your nurse manager and believe and value his or her information.
4. Trust your nurse manager only to a point, and question other nurses about information.
8. Legitimate power refers to:
1. power that comes with caring for patients.
2. power that comes with knowledge.
3. power that comes with increased education.
4. power that comes with job responsibilities.
9. When you apply theory learned in your medical-surgical nursing class in a caring manner to your
patient, what kind of power do you use?
1. Expert power
2. Positive power
3. Referent power
4. Information power
10. If you have self-confidence and are empowered, you are able to:
1. give better patient care.
2. pass all of your courses with high grades.
3. control situations in your life.
4. keep things predictable.
Chapter 19: Motivating Employees
1. Which of the following types of needs are most people more tolerant of?
1. Psychological
2. Physiological
3. Safety and security
4. Self-actualization
2. Why is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs so important to licensed practical nurses (LPNs)?
1. It enables them to label the behavior of a patient.
2. It enables them to judge the patient’s behavior.
3. It enables them to understand that each behavior is motivated by a need.
4. It enables them to make assumptions about their patient.
3. As a nurse manager, you cannot motivate others without:
1. power.
2. technical skills.
3. charisma.
4. understanding.
4. “Nurses who eat their young” is an example of what type of behavior?
1. Codependency
2. Horizontal hostility
3. Theory X
4. Theory Y
5. When you accept a bad situation as okay, you are demonstrating:
1. belief in a lesser value.
2. belief in superiority of decisions.
3. belief in codependency.
4. belief in horizontal hostility.
6. An especially dangerous belief for LPNs is to:
1. believe they can make do when staffing is inadequate.
2. believe they constantly need the support and presence of another staff member to function.
3. believe that all decisions made at the top are superior to decisions made by subordinates.
4. believe it is okay to label others on the staff.
7. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y focus on:
1. a nurse manager’s ability to manage.
2. a nurse manager’s attitudes about people.
3. a nurse manager’s ability to supervise.
4. a nurse manager’s ability to accept responsibility.
8. Theory Y managers believe that:
1. people lack motivation.
2. people cannot accept responsibility.
3. people accept responsibility.
4. people like to be directed.
9. Which type of communication is a characteristic of Theory Y people?
1. Assertive
2. Aggressive
3. Social
4. Passive–aggressive
10. Herzberg’s motivational theory has two factors. They are:
1. Theory X and Theory Y.
2. care and support.
3. self-discipline and creativity.
4. job hygiene and job motivation.
Chapter 20: Team Building
1. What is one of the functions of a healthcare team?
1. Reward nurses for a job well done.
2. Protect nurses in employment disputes.
3. Allow both team and individual growth for the improvement of overall healthcare.
4. Outline employment requirements for nurses in specialty areas.
2. When the licensed practical nurse (LPN) manager is involved in building and maintaining a team, the
LPN usually works with:
1. the registered nurse (RN).
2. the physician.
3. the administrator.
4. other LPNs.
3. One characteristic of a high performance team is both an elevating and a __ goal.
1. specific
2. clear
3. unified
4. single
4. A team member is considered competent and successful when:
1. the team member is either a RN or a LPN.
2. the team member is an expert in all areas of patient care.
3. the team member is pleasant and easy to work with.
4. the team member is expert in a skill desired by the team.
5. Unified commitment is a characteristic of a high-functioning team. This type of commitment requires
all of the following characteristics except:
1. modesty.
2. caring.
3. mentoring.
4. individual professional goals.
6. When team members or a nursing unit work together and make decisions as a group, this team
demonstrates what type of environment?
1. Autocratic
2. Collaborative
3. Professional
4. Relaxed
7. If a nursing team is successful, it is receiving support from:
1. physicians.
2. other units in the facility.
3. the owners.
4. administration.
8. There are four stages of team development. Stage one, which is called forming, allows:
1. the formation of goals.
2. team members time to get to know each other.
3. the establishment of work schedules.
4. the definition of roles for each team member.
9. Which of the following stages will some members of the team attempt to avoid?
1. Storming
2. Norming
3. Performing
4. Forming
10. In which stage is the team most productive?
1. Storming
2. Norming
3. Performing
4. Forming




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