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Note: All the answers Should be done on the question paper itself.

Q 1 Tick the correct answer

Pirated software may contain
(a) quality (b) viruses (c) None of these

2 O is the symbol of
(a) e-rnail (b) emoticons (c) copyright
3. Which of the following is not a computer security breach?
(a) Copyright (b) Networks (c) Natural Disasters
4. You can talk to
people face to conferencing
face using
newsgroups canbe used
5. A blog is derived
from the term
(a) artlog 6.

(a) Metro card

7. Buying products using Internet is
(a) online shopping
B. is a person who breaks into computer system with the intention
to steal passwords. files and programs for unauthorised use.
(a) Hacker (O)Virus Programmer (c)Cracker
9. People make duplicate CDs of original software and sell them at low price. This
activity of piracy is called
(a)Counterfeiting (b)Online Auction Piracy (c)E nd- user Piracy
The rights related to or artistic work, inventions and discoveries are

(a) Intellectual propyrty Rights (b)Copyright (c)Privacy

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